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Encouter with any superstars?


Dark Match Jobber
Does anyone have any good stories about anyone in the wrestling business they met? or saw or have any stories? One man i have met and talked to on many occasions is Fromer ref tim white. He and my uncle have been best friends since they were young and are still very close. he would get me tickets all the time i have countless autographs from a ton of wrestlersand hes also called me (after he did the whole suicide bit we will never forget lmao) please share some stories
I was thinking about starting this thread a week or so ago! Let me share a rather cool story.

Back in August '98, my buddy's uncle attended Mizzou in Columbia, MO, about a 3 hour trip from where we live. So, we decided to drive to Mizzou for this particular weekend b/c they were having a house show at The Hearne's Center where the Tigers play. Keep in mind, this was when the Attitude Era was just picking up steam. We were treated to some great house show matches including Nation's Rock vs. D-X Triple H, Tiger Ali Singh(LOL) vs. Religious Dustin Rhodes, and Main Event Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Champ Stone Cold Steve Austin. Anyway, after the show, my buddie's uncle said that his friend said that some of the wrestler's go to the Country Kitchen cafe after the shows. We go there and after about 15 minutes, Foley walks in. This was Matt's(uncle) favorite wrestler. He goes to talk to Foley and ends up buying him his dinner. Then Matt comes over and says, "Hey, Foley wants to meet you guys!" We talk for a bit, and Foley asks what we were doing afterwards. "We are just going back to the apartment, have some beers and watch some wrestling tapes." Foley tells us that he has a couple of hours before he has to leave and asks us if we mind if he follows and hangs out for awhile. "Fuck yes," is what I believe we replied.

He follows us back to the hotel, watching old ECW tapes,(with him on them) and tells some great stories. This was about 3 months after the infamous "Hell in a Cell" with 'Taker. It was really interesting to watch those tapes with him b/c each time a wrestler on the tape (especially him) would do a move, Foley would move and sway with the match. He told us how it actually knocked him out for a bit when 'Taker slammed him through the top of the cage and he landed in the middle of the ring. We asked him if he wants a beer and he replied with "No Steveweisers for me, fellas. I have to drive." While Foley was sitting there, Matt's roommate came out of his room and asked us whose ass did Austin whip tonight. We all pointed to Foley and said, "His." This shocked the roommate b/c he wasnt expecting a 300 pound wrestler from WWE to be sitting in his living room. I am still in shock, 11 years after it happened! Anyway, I have provided a photo of me and Mr. Foley. You can tell it was '98, due to my bucket hat and spring break bead necklace!! Well, nevermind, I cant get the damn thing to post. I will try to post it, but, this is how it went down anyway!!!
BTW, at the beginning of the second paragraph, I meant apartment, not hotel. Nothing big, just a side note.
I have met a few like Gangrel who is one of the nicest guys I have ever me d'lo brown he invited me and my brother to go to the bar with him when he was local indy that us to run near my house. There are some others like S.A.Ts coolest dudes in the world I got a pizza from them. But Im going to talk about not a super star but one of there mom i met at cedar point that mrs. waltman she was at cedar point in 1999 when x pac was at is most popular my brother and I were both wearing ecw shrits and she came up to us and said that sabu was the best ever now let me tell you what she look like she was in her 70s she had a kane and did not look like a ecw would look like coolest lady I have ever met.
Bret Hart in an airport... wearing sunglasses and holding one of his kids, I was too young and appalled to say anything lol
Ive told this one so many times on here but anyway...

Wednesday after wm24, me, my family and my buddy are sat in the airport lounge waiting to get on our flight from Orlando to Houston. I'm sat playing NBA08 on my PSP, look up, notice a few kids jumping aroung in HBK hats and tshirts, meh, its 3 days removed from mania, no biggy. Carry on with NBA. Paused. Noticed a guy in a cowboy hat and sunglasses with a tall blonde strolling though the lounge. Meh. Carried on playing...WTF wait I know him, it's SHAWN MICHAELS. MTFO! MTFO! MTFO! he then walks straight past onto his plane. I was pissed... Walked on to my plane, pretty annoyed, went to my business class seat, started reading a magazine, got up to go to the toilet and HBK is stood right infront of me, putting his hand luggage in the compartment! MTFO! He then noticed my DX tshirt, which I had just bought that weekend and smiled at me saying "Nice shirt kid" (kid...I was 23 at the time but anyway...) MTFO again, sat in my chair and thought about how to approach for a pic. Waited the WHOLE flight, hurried off the plane to see if I could see him, lost him. Then saw him coming out of the bathroom, asked for a photo and got one. He seemed pretty aloof but was happy when I told him how far I had travelled for mania, shook his hand then went my own way.

Annoyed I didnt have my mania programme in my hand luggage but nevermind...

Nice story above about foley btw! I met him at the TNA show in London, and he was a complete ass to me, wasn't interested in conversing with anyone at all.

I might dig out the HBK photo again, just because Becca loves it when i do...
I met Bret Hart around late 01/early 02 when he was part of that shitty promotion Jeff Jarrett ran before he created TNA, anyway I met him after a show and got his autograph, he looked as bitter and depressed as he's said to be, but I didn't care, I met Bret Fucking Hart!

That was it until a couple of weeks ago when I was at a local signing here and met Maryse (God damn she's hot) & R-Truth (seemed like a nice guy).
Ive met ALOT. Taker, HBK, Austin, Brett Hart, Andre, Ted Debiase sr, to name a few. But the most memerable was the Big Boss Man. My grandma and I were finding a parking space at the Anaheim convention center back in like 1987 or about when BAM! We get rear ended. We get out of the car, all is well she exchanged info with the driver and out of the back seat comes Big Boss Man apologizing saying he was running late. He ended up getting us backstage for a 'meet and greet' after the event. I was like 7 and it was awesome.
This one isn't really a big deal, but I'll share it anyways.

I invited some friends for my wedding in November of 2007, and one morning over the weekend we stopped to eat at our local diner here in Redding. I recall moving to check in at the hostess, and I remember moving around a large black man. I placed an order for a table for four, and when I came back my friend DeShawn looked like he just saw a ghost. He looked at me and said "Dude, you just cut off Mark Henry in line!".

I turned and looked and sure enough, it was Mark Henry. It only then dawned on me that a SD! house show was in town the night before, and when we got the call for our table, we walked right past him and MVP having lunch.

So yeah, I still haven't lived down being "the guy that cut off Mark Henry in line" among some of my friends.

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