Eminem plotting horror movies


Championship Contender
From StreetHop.com

According to internet sources today, Eminem is plotting a horror series of movies to pay homage to the likes of Christine, Aliens and The Lost Boys. The title of the series will be called Shady Talez.

Fans read on shocktillyoudrop.com that the Detroit native had plans to develop an anthology of flicks to some of those listed above. According to the website, Em would have multiple roles in the project. XXL Mag spoke to Shady’s publicist Dennis Dennehy and this is what he had to say:

“Nothing is set in stone thus far. There’s been talks,” he said, “but I can’t confirm anything yet.”

Do you think Eminem could pull off a horror movie type deal? It'd be interesting to see what his crazy ass could actually do..
Yeah same here....and he has had a fascination with serial killers and horror genre characters, so it could be good.
Yeah. He said for Relapse his inspiration was serial killers.. He studied a whole bunch of shit about serial killers, horror films. etcetc. I'd love to see him put out a movie or a mini-film of that genre.
As long as he doesn't take them too seriously, they should be alright. Hopefully each movie he does basically shoots for the "Slasher from the 80s" type of feel, instead of trying to create something, like I said, serious.
This sounds terrible. Good rapper, but nothing really gives me hope that he'd be a good filmmaker. What's he going to do, make a film version of his songs about Kim?
He's fucking crazy. He could come up with something awesome.

...Or, he's fucking crazy, so he'll come up with shit.

It's a wash, and a wash goes against Eminem in this case. I won't be expecting anything from him that I'll like, though I'll probably still go for the novelty of the thing.
This sounds terrible. Good rapper, but nothing really gives me hope that he'd be a good filmmaker. What's he going to do, make a film version of his songs about Kim?

I don't know, man. Eminem made a cartoon like 10 years ago called The Slim Shady World or something like that, and that shit was insane/awesome. So, I do believe he has a creative mind outside of music.
Should be interesting. I mean I'm not holding out for a classic or anything but the man is creative and has a twisted mind so I think he might come up with something at least worth watching. Maybe something in the Friday the 13th mould, not really that good a movie, but there is something about it you love anyway.

Just My Opinion.

P.S. Not knocking Friday the 13th, loved the movies, just their...kinda lame.

Good lame...
I think he can definitely come up with something good..

with lyrics like these, of course he can:


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