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Emarkiel Jenry


That's all folks.
I've been loving Mark Henry as of late. He's been dominant, powerful, entertaining and he's finally showing a bit motivation towards the Heavyweight Championship.

After watching Smackdown tonight, I was more entertained then I thought I would be for the Ezekiel Jackson/Mark Henry match. It featured two powerhouses who remind me a lot of each other. Then I thought "why couldn't Jackson play Henry's role?" It's interesting to see someone like Henry get a sudden push after a couple of years of jobbing and Zeke who was recently being pushed as being dominant and unstoppable, collide together. I'm not saying Mark Henry doesn't deserve his recent push or anything but I think big Ezekiel Jackson could have filled that role perfectly. He's younger, looks more intense, scarier and isn't on the verge of retirement. Maybe its one last run before Henry calls it quits but I think Zeke could have very well played Henry's role. Maybe before Henry leaves he can take Zeke under his wing or something passing the role off to him. But I think this would have been the perfect way to get a young fresh face over with the crowd.

Do you think Ezekiel Jackson could have filled this role better then Mark Henry?

Would you have been as interested if Zeke took the role of the dominant, destructive moster?
No I don't, but I do believe with some small buildup Brodus Clay could of been that monster. I don't like Zeke, it's not his accent it's just his mic skills. He has the moveset of a big power man, that's cool and all. But Brodus can cut a promo and he can wrestle up to par if not better than Zeke.

If Zeke could cut a better promo I believe he could of filled this spot. But if Mark was out of the picture. With a small month buildup before taking out Kane and Show, Brodus could have been set for the long run.
No not big Zeke. Not with his crappy torture rack.

I haven't heard much from Brodus Clay so I can't say that he got the mic skills but he has the body of Mark Henry. I can pick Khali but he doesn't have the mic either so maybe only Mark Henry is really fit for that role.
First of all, I'd just like to say that I LOL'd at "Emarkiel Jenry".

Now moving on to Big Zeke and Mark Henry to be honest I'm not big on Zeke's mic work. He can't just rise to the top by having an intimidating look. He needs to know how to work the mic well and get himself more over with the crowd. He should improve on those two factors if the WWE give him some mic time every now and then.

Mark Henry is not only intimidating.. But he's also a very good mic worker. Much better than everyone makes him out to be. He has a very badass character that says "fuck with me and I'm gonna fuck up your face". For some reason I feel that Zeke lacks that badass factor despite having a very intimidating look. Maybe because he smiles too much? I'm not sure but that's a likely reason. Zeke needs to show a "take no shit" side and him losing cleanly to Cody Rhodes on a few occasions just ruined his monster character's intimidating credibility a little. I also would like to see Zeke improve in the ring and add some more powerhouse moves to his arsenal. And maybe then he would be worthy of a monster heel push. But right now Mark Henry deserves it. He's been given shit over the years and he hasn't complained one bit for all I know. Henry can put over Zeke when he feels his time is done. Or maybe even take him under his wing as you said. But only if Zeke improves on the factors that I mentioned above.
Do you think Ezekiel Jackson could have filled this role better then Mark Henry?
In a few years maybe I would think Zeke would fill the role better as Henry probably won’t be in the WWE anymore. In this time hopefully Zeke works on his mic skills and he develops another finisher. His torture rack is weak looking and makes me go what the fuck. He should have some vicious slam or something. Ala Henry, who has the World’s Strongest Slam and the Splash. Both are powerful moves and would kill someone if he was to really to land on them.

Would you have been as interested if Zeke took the role of the dominant, destructive monster? Yes, I would be interested to see this once Henry has retired from the ring. As long as Zeke doesn’t lose anymore steam then he has over the last few months. Right now it is Henry’s time to step up and he has. The guy has finally been giving the chance to really show himself. He is good on the mic and for a guy his size he is good in the ring. I like his slow pace of his in ring style to calculate every move he wants, is going to make. Henry should be giving a good 6 months as champ to make the title seem more than it has been. He is the guy to do this because he never been champ before. If he goes on destroying everyone then he can just say he will never lose the title since he finally got the chance to go after it and win it. It would be cool to see in my eyes but I doubt it will happen. I think once Henry is gone and in that time Zeke improves his mic along with his ring skills then we will see some pure domination.

Off subject these two both have kick ass theme songs too.
Down the road, Zeke should be able to fill Henry's shoes and be that next big monster heel. He needs a manager though. Those mic skill just haven't developed well at all and honestly may never get any better and that's what will ultimatley hold him back... As much as I'd love to see him wreak all kinds of hell, it's just not gonna happen anytime soon.
Mark Henry should take Ezekiel under his wing, and they form an alliance together, and then it culminates into a New Nation of Domination by having them join forces with Truth, and Kofi, and Christian can join their stable and become the new Owen Hart of the stable
I thought WWE's immediate plans called for Zeke to be an unstoppable force and I was honestly surprised to see the two powerhouses meet so soon.....and even more surprised to see Zeke pinned outright. Instead, they're apparently just using Zeke as more fodder for Henry's push.

It's all good; Zeke never seemed like main event material, but I figured he might get there in the future.

Of course, it's still possible he will.....it just seems less likely after last night.
Not a fan of big Zeke. He has the look but everything else is missing. Henry has actually done a nice job.

If you really want to see someone with garbage mic skills. Watch one of Jackson's promo. His torture rack looks weak. He doesn't have any power moves to really show off his strength. All the guy does is body slam people which any superstar can do.

If you are looking for a new young monster heel. IMO Skip Sheffield is the guy.
No Zeke couldn't have done the same role as good. Zeke isn't a vet like Mark. Mark always looks like a character, Zeke looks like a guy playing a character. Mark has far superior character work and ring psychology that makes him more believable. Zeke is decent as the big happy babyface. All he has to do is smile, sell, and come back and flex. He does a DECENT job at that. However, doing a decent job at being a happy big babyface doesn't translate to playing a more difficult charcter really well. Mark conveys disdain for every living organism 100% of the time. Constantly scowling and when he wrestles, he stalks his opponents and if he's ever down in a match, explodes on them with fury and anger. I can't see Zeke, a guy who during his comebacks sometimes looks like he's thinking "what do I do next?" As a heel you are in control for more of the match.

Would I be more interested in Zeke? No, Henry is really damn good at his job.
I think a lot of people in this thread are being way too harsh on Ezekiel. While I largley agree he isnt ready yet in any way shape or form, I think he has the potential to get there after some more time. Look how long its taken for Henry to get where he is now. Everyone is praising Henry like crazy, yet before his heel turn and (latest) push, no one believed he could be as good as he is right now, I know I didn't. How many times have we seen Henry's pushes amount to nothing for one reason or another?

My point is, Henry's latest push was a shocker in how well he has pulled it out. Yes, Zeke is not at Henry's level, but he could be, given more time to develop and the solid kind of build that Henry has been given thus far.
Henry's push would have been perfect for Zeke because they wanted to push him as a dominant monster. He is currently doing nothing in the Smackdown midcard. A role Henry is quite used to and good for. Henry is tough to take seriously as a threat to the world title due to how he was booked for most of his career. Zeke on the other hand would have benefitted so much from this push and it could have jump started his run as a main eventer. Orton's title would seem like it is in significant danger if it had been Zeke, whereas Henry seems like he has been built up to be squashed by Orton. The push would have been more interesting with Zeke than with Henry in my opinion and it would have paid off more with getting Smackdown a potential new main eventer. Zeke could take a loss to Orton and come back stronger seeking a rematch. I don't see Henry getting much fan support if they do the same with him. It might be back to the World's Strongest Jobber for Henry after the Night of Champions match.
I think the one thing that Big Zeke doesn't have yet is timing. That's something you don't just have, you learn. Knowing when to act a certain way, knowing when to do what moves. Sensing the crowd and knowing how to work them. Couple that with his lackluster mic skills and you have the reason that Big Zeke isn't playing the role that Mark Henry is. I think over time, Big Zeke can be a top talent on the roster, but as of right now Henry is doing a great job in the role and Zeke should be taking notes.
First off, Emarkiel Jenry made my day:lmao:

Do you think Ezekiel Jackson could have filled this role better then Mark Henry?

No, simply because unlike Big Zeke, Henry has a legitamate reason to be pissed off. He's been with WWE 15 years, and all he was remembered for for the longest was fathering a hand. This is the type of guy Henry should've been all along imo.

Would you have been as interested if Zeke took the role of the dominant, destructive moster?

When he first came off of being the last ECW Champion/ when he first returned, yes. However, Big Zeke still has his issues. He needs to expand a little bit and develop some mic skills(go back and watch his post-match promo after winning the IC title). So, right now, not really.
Zeke sucks on the mic. He doesn't sound like a badass for the way he looks. Henry has an advantage on the mic.

I disagree with you. Zeke has a powerfull, low voice, and the accent does add to the badass factor in my opinion, especially as it marks him out as so Un-American, which can factor into sucesfull heel mic skills. Nationalism still plays a factor in 2011, and an American crowd is likley to react worse to an accent they know isnt American. That being said, Zeke's accent is understand, at least to me as a Brit.

That being said, Henry does have an advantage on the mic, as we have seen from his recent promos he has a brought an intensity that Zeke has always been mising. That being said, Mark Henry was missing that until very recently too.

In conclusion however, I would say that what sounds "badass" is subjective. However, as earlier stated, I don't think its Henry's voice itself that has done the work for how badass he has been sounding latley, its been his actions, facial expressions, body language, choice of words AND voice in combonation. ( Of skill and concentration. Couden't help but add that in. :p)
I think it would be interesting to bring back the Nation of Domination with Mark Henry as leader being that he is the only current nation veteran. Here is my list

Mark Henry: Leader
Ezekiel Jackson
Titus O'neil
Percy Watson

Once NXT ends there might not be any momentum behind O'neil, and what has Percy Watson been doing other than dark matches? JTG could use a new scenario that gives him some limelight and big Zeke just fits in as a big gun perfectly. The nation was quite a dominant faction in the mid 90's and a Smackdown version could be worth it. Just my opinion tho
I think it would be interesting to bring back the Nation of Domination with Mark Henry as leader being that he is the only current nation veteran. Here is my list

Mark Henry: Leader
Ezekiel Jackson
Titus O'neil
Percy Watson

Once NXT ends there might not be any momentum behind O'neil, and what has Percy Watson been doing other than dark matches? JTG could use a new scenario that gives him some limelight and big Zeke just fits in as a big gun perfectly. The nation was quite a dominant faction in the mid 90's and a Smackdown version could be worth it. Just my opinion tho

I hate that. Maybe it's my fault for comparing two huge wrestlers with the same skin color but why the fuck does it have to involve a Nation of Domination revival? Nation of Domination is an outdated concept and was even mediocre at best in the '90s. Why can't someone on these forums mention a way to get a young black wrestler over without the thread turning into "let's bring Nation of Domination back"? Totally irrelevant and unnecessary.

You can throw two black wrestlers togther without them forming a racist group together. Look, I wanted your thoughts about Ezekiel Jackson getting over using Mark Henry's current gimmick when he retires and hangs it up for good. But no where in my post, do I mention bringing back the overrated Nation of Domination faction. Please, for the love of god, don't be that guy.
I think Mark Henry has much more going for him than Zeke.

When you look at Zeke, all you see is a really big roid freak. (Not saying he is on them)

In the ring, he sucks for a big man. It doesn't have anything to do with him not doing a bunch of flips and tea bagging people. He doesn't come across as intense or like he wants to hurt/humiliate people. He moves like a drunken gorilla. And when you literally do the same thing over and over and over and over in one match, you might be seriously limited.

He doesn't have any charisma because being one big, bad motherfucker has been one of the easiest ways for a wrestler to get over. On the mic, you just want someone to shoot the poor guy before he hurts himself any more. He might be the most embarrassing to watch cut a promo. He shudders & stutters, looks like he wants to go somewhere and cry, and is distracted by the slightest thing.

In short, all Zeke is a defined look and freakish strength. John Cena food? Totally. Long term guy? Probably not.
I hate that. Maybe it's my fault for comparing two huge wrestlers with the same skin color but why the fuck does it have to involve a Nation of Domination revival? Nation of Domination is an outdated concept and was even mediocre at best in the '90s. Why can't someone on these forums mention a way to get a young black wrestler over without the thread turning into "let's bring Nation of Domination back"? Totally irrelevant and unnecessary.

You can throw two black wrestlers togther without them forming a racist group together. Look, I wanted your thoughts about Ezekiel Jackson getting over using Mark Henry's current gimmick when he retires and hangs it up for good. But no where in my post, do I mention bringing back the overrated Nation of Domination faction. Please, for the love of god, don't be that guy.

I'm sorry that I added a twist to your concept and what I could potentially see as a good idea. I was looking at it not from just a "black wrestler" standpoint, but that I believe Ezekiel Jackson and Mark Henry seem to be similar to me in terms of strength and the who idea that they overdominate their opponents. It lead to my idea, via your topic, about how potentially Jackson over Henry could lead to a reform of the faction. Tho I know it will most likely not happen its just a concept.

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