Elite Wrestling Entertainment


Righteously Sinful

Side note, I will be using the EWR game for this, so there will be match ratings and such, and I will be going against TNA and WWE.​

Backstory: It was a story that was unfolding before everyones eyes, something that couldn't be denied, yet with all the evidence of an industry on the rocks and a promotion on the downfall a blind eye was cast upon the inevitable truth... the WWE was beginning to fall. Vince McMahon would hear nothing of it, he put as much of a positive spin on the declining ratings and falling popularity as he could, perhaps not so much as to reassure his employees that everything would be okay so much as to reassure himself that he had nothing to worry about. It can not be denied that Vince and the WWE did all they could to try and recapture the magic that wrestling had once grasped, but ultimately the product had become stale and viewers wanted something different.

They say a successful man makes the most of his opportunities, and when one arises he jumps on it and takes advantage of the chance that falls upon his lap. An old nemesis would prove this statement true, as Ted Turner would emerge from his absense in the wrestling world to rekindle his feud with Vince McMahon. Turner had been following the slow demise of the WWE, with much happiness and satisfaction mind you, and all it took was one phone call to get the ball rolling on a plan to finally once and for all destroy the very company and man that put Turner out of business. Eric Bischoff would be the man to lead this revolt and murder of the WWE, as he and Turner hatched a scheme to begin a new wrestling promotion and steal talent away from the two power houses of the wrestling world in TNA and WWE.

It wouldn't be easy, it would be a long road to success, and there was a good chance that everything could fall apart once again as WWE's ratings had undeniably slipped they were still the premiere wrestling promotion in the industry. Turner and Bischoff's confidence would be shaken at first, as a few inquiries into superstars thoughts about joining them were quickly shot down, but with resiliance and effort they would soon see their wrestling promotion become a reality and no longer just a dream. It started with TNA, as though they could offer less time for veteran superstars on the road they couldn't match the money that Turner could offer. Kurt Angle, Sting, and Samoa Joe were the first casualties in Turner's strike against his foes, as all three men decided to jump ship and hitch their wagons to this new promotion. Jarrett tried to shove the loyalty card in the faces of his talent, telling them to stay in a secure promotion where they wouldn't have to worry of failure and remember all that he gave them, but despite his efforts he was losing and losing badly.

Next would come a shocking theft of the WWE, no one could have imagined that the superstars of the WWE would defect to an unknown force that had such a chance of failing. But, it happened, for whatever reason it happened. Perhaps they had grown tired of the same old thing with Vince, perhaps they were done with the political talks that went on backstage, whatever the reason was the WWE lost some of it's premiere talent to Turner. Edge, Christian, Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Jericho all defected to Turner's new promotion. A blow that shot echoes through the wrestling world, a wound that left Vince McMahon in chaos and anger. The pieces were falling into place, the dream was becoming reality, Ted Turner's promotion Elite Wrestling Entertainment was now a player in the wrestling world.

Timeline of Events:

February 2009
- WWE's ratings continue to fall, PPV sales take a dive.
- Ted Turner makes inquiries into starting a promotion, finds out how much he would have to invest, how much interest he could garner.
- Ted Turner contacts Eric Bischoff, the two men agree to move ahead with the new promotion.
- Rumblings circle throughout the wrestling industry of Turner and Bischoff, it is shrugged off by most as something that isn't going to happen.

March 2009
- Ted Turner announces the name of his wrestling promotion, Elite Wrestling Entertainment.
- Nervousness fills the wrestling industry, as both Vince and Jarrett begin to realize Turner and Bischoff could be a threat.
- News reaches Jarrett of his superstars in TNA getting contacted by Turner, he has a meeting with his roster.
- After being turned down numerous times from TNA talent, Turner and Bischoff meet and rethink their approach.

April 2009
- Ted Turner announces deal with TNT to air three shows a week, as the ball gets rolling on his new promotion.
- Numerous TNA talent sign on with EWE including Kurt Angle, Sting, and Samoa Joe.
- Vince McMahon holds staff meeting, the WWE staff discuss the recent raid by Turner of the TNA.

May 2009
- The EWE's raiding of talent reaches the footsteps of the WWE, as they contact multiple wrestlers under Vince's employ.
- Vince tries to issue a law suit against Turner for speaking to contracted employees, but lack of proof hinders the suit.
- Edge, Christian, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin and Evan Bourne all defect from WWE and sign on with Turner and EWE.
- Bischoff and Turner begin to search the indy circuit for talent to fill out the roster, and announce the first event to be held in June.

“Ted Turner is an excellent predator. That’s what he does when he competes—he tries to kill the other guy. That’s OK. That’s one way of competing, but I’ve never subscribed to it. I’ve always believed that if you’re going to be better than the other person, then that’s what you should do. You should concentrate on all the positive values to make your product better, not try to kill the other guy.”

-Vince McMahon, 2002

Company Information:

Company Name: Elite Wrestling Entertainment
Owner: Ted Turner
Commishioner: Eric Bischoff
Company Size: Global

Weekly Shows:

Monday Night Mayhem - Monday's @ 9PM
Blackout! - Thursday's @ 8PM
Insomnia Saturday Night - Saturday's @ 10PM

Pay Per Views:

X-Rated June
Midsummer Madness July
Americana August
Breaking Point September
Supremecy October
No Remorse November
Guilty Pleasure December
End Of Days January
Genocide February
Battle Lines March
Heaven On Fire April
Sanitarium May

Announce Team:

Dave Meltzer Commentator
Tony Schiavone Colour Commentator

EWE Championships:

EWE Worldwide - Vacant
EWE Television - Vacant
EWE Tag Team - Vacant
EWE Hi-Fi - Vacant
EWE Women's - Vacant

Main Roster:
Main Event
(Face / Heel)
Chris Jericho
Rob Van Dam

Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar

Upper Card
(Face / Heel)
AJ Styles
Bill Goldberg
Samoa Joe
Brother Ray
Brother Devon

Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner

(Face / Heel)
Evan Bourne
Juventud Geurrera
Jay Lethal
Matt Morgan

Shelton Benjamin
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
Kip James
Christopher Daniels
Buff Bagwell
Scott Hall

Lower Card
(Face / Heel)
Brian Lawler
Mark Jindrak
Paul London
Petey Williams
Orlando Jordan
Scotty 2 Hotty
Shannon Moore
The Amazing Red

Billy Kidman
Chuck Palumbo
D'Lo Brown
Elijah Burke
Kid Kash
Lance Cade
Sean Waltman
Sylvan Grenier

Women's Roster
(Face / Heel)
Ashley Massaro
Taylor Wilde

Dawn Marie
So Cal Val
Velvet Sky

Tag Teams:
The Outsiders - Kevin Nash & Scott Hall
Team 3-D - Brother Ray & Brother D'Von
Moter City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin
Too Cool - Scotty 2 Hotty & Brian Lawler

EWE Presents Monday Night Mayhem
Monday June 1st, 2009
Live on TNT @ 9PM

It is the beginning of a new era in the wrestling industry, where an old feud is rekindled, where the rivalry of three wrestling brands will be tested. EWE makes it's much anticipated debut live from Las Vegas, Nevada where anything can happen and everything will happen! Eric Bischoff has assembled his roster of superstars to compete for the top spot and all the bragging rights, and it all begins on this night.

The EWE Worldwide Championship will be awarded to the winner of an 8 man tournament beginning on Mayhem, where the last two men standing will face off at EWE's first Pay Per View event, X-Rated, for the ultimate prize. Two matches will take place at Mayhem, four men fighting to keep their dreams of being crowned the first ever Worldwide Champion alive. Brock Lesnar will be taking on Bill Goldberg in a battle of two powerhouses, and Kurt Angle will be facing off against Rob Van Dam. All four men will undoubtebly be putting everything they have into each match as none of them wants to begin their career with such a devastating loss, but only two will accomplish their goal and move on in the tournament.

Bischoff promises huge surprise at some point during the show. He has claimed that he has made a move that will shake the wrestling industry to it's very core, but has not commented any further on what that "move" will be. Some have speculated that he will be bringing in a big name to the company, with Hulk Hogan's name being tossed around, although nothing is confirmed at this point. One thing is for sure though, when Bischoff says something is a surprise, it's going to be big.

EWE's Cruiserweights scramble for glory as four men will get the opportunity to compete for the EWE Hi-Fi Championship on Mayhem. The rules of the match are simple, a time limit of 15 minutes will be set, pinfalls and submissions will be counted all throughout the match with the victor being crowned the EWE Hi-Fi Champion. The last man holding the Championship as time expires will keep the gold and start his career as a Champion. Evan Bourne, Christopher Daniels, Paul London, and Billy Kidman will all be competing for the prize.

Confirmed Matches

Scramble Match
EWE Hi-Fi Championship
Evan Bourne [vs] Christopher Daniels [vs] Paul London [vs] Billy Kidman

Singles Match
Shelton Benjamin [vs] AJ styles

Tag Team Match
The Outsiders [vs] Team 3-D

Round 1
EWE Worldwide Championship Tournament
Brock Lesnar [vs] Bill Goldberg

Tag Team Match
Edge & Christian [vs] Sting & Chris Jericho

Round 1
EWE Worldwide Championship Tournament
Kurt Angle [vs] Rob Van Dam


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