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Elimination Chamber PPV Review.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, 3 1/2 Hours removed from the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View, thought it was really good actually. Mostly good matches, no matter how predictable they may have been. High quality, high skill, high risk of injury. Anyway, let's get into the matches.

Match 1: Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston
Pre Match, Del Rio talks about the Oakland Raiders being "Losers". Eventually, Kingston comes out, beginning the match. Lots of back and forth action. Kofi's usual high spots come throughout the match, giving him the upper hand. There is a moment where Roberto Rodriguez distracts the referee, making sure that a 3 count doesn't count. Eventually, Del Rio manages to lock on the Cross Armbar, getting him the win. Usual celebration ends the match.
Match Rating: 3/5

Match 2 - Smackdown Elimination Chamber - World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Big Show
Kane, Barrett, McIntyre and Show take their places in their pods. Edge and Mysterio make their way to the Ring and the match is underway. McIntyre is acting like a spoiled child in his Pod, constantly banging against the Shell of it. Barrett is the third man in. He takes advantage of Mysterio, but Edge manages to get the better of him. After some pretty good back and forth, Kane is man Number Four to enter the Ring. There's a great spot where Mysterio goes to the Top, but is punched off by Kane, which does look good. McIntyre comes in 5th, and teams up with Barrett to take out Mysterio and Kane, or so it seems, however, as Barrett goes to get into the Ring, McIntyre kicks the Ropes up into Barretts crotch. Big Show is the final man in, who then eliminates Barrett with a Chokeslam. Show gets floored and Mysterio hits him with a senton, which is followed by a chokeslam from Kane to Show, where Show is eliminated. Kane has Mysterio in Tombstone position, Edge spears both, pins Kane, eliminating him.
It is down to Edge and Mysterio, the men who began the match. Rey Mysterio hits a 619 and goes to the top rope eventually. As he jumps, Edge spears him in mid-air, followed by the Pin and the Win.
Edge Retains.
Post Match, Del Rio comes out to attack Edge. Eventually, Christian comes out as Refs try to get Del Rio off of Edge. Christian attacks Del Rio, which the Referees attempt to break up. Christian hits Del Rio with the Killswitch and that ends that.
Match Rating - 4/5 ('Cos of Christian)

There's an In-Ring Segment with Booker T, who talks about the new Season of Tough Enough. He introduces a new Trainer for the show, Trish Stratus. Trish comes out, does a Rock and Booker T impression, then says she hopes Lawler wins the Title. Nothing great here.
No Rating.

Match 3 - Santino/Kozlov vs Slater/Gabriel - Tag Team Title Match
Slater and Gabriel make their way to the ring accompanied by Ezkiel Jackson followed by Santino and Kozlov making their way to the ring accompanied by Tamina. The match is formally announced, the bell rings and the match begins. Santino quickly takes the offense in the match as usual. Gabriel tags in Slater without Kozlov noticing the tag or being able to slam Gabriel. Gabriel hits the 450 splash for the win. New Tag Champs, which could be interesting.
Match Rating - 2.5/5

Promo: Vickie Guerrero comes to the Ring, asking everyone for them to Tweet and Facebook Teddy Long, asking for him to re-hire Dolph Ziggler. Eventually, after pleading for long enough, Long comes out. He says that he has re-hired someone, but it's not Dolph Ziggler. Kelly Kelly makes an entrance out to confront Vickie. Eventually, Laycool come out to attack Kelly Kelly. She is saved by Trish Stratus, who delivers a Vintage Botch! End of promo.

Match 4 - The Miz vs Jerry Lawler - WWE Title Match
Early in the match, Lawler takes the upperhand, then it's followed up by a superplex to Miz, but with a nearfall to no avail. Riley trips Lawler as he comes off the Ropes, which the Referee notices, so he sends Riley to the back. Miz gets thrown into Cole at one point. We see Miz attempt his finisher, Lawler gets away from it and DDT's Miz. Lawler hits his finisher on Miz, but gets 3, which is disallowed due to Miz's foot being on the Bottom Rope. Eventually, Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, getting the 3-Count and the win. Cole gets into the Ring and raises Miz's hand to declare him the Winner. Lawler eventually makes his way to the back, while the crowd cheer him.
Match Rating - 3.5/5

Final Match - Raw Elimination Chamber - Number One Contender Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. C.M. Punk vs. R-Truth vs. Sheamus
Cena, Orton, Punk and Truth make their way to their pods. Eventually, Morrison and Sheamus come out to begin the match. Morrison has the early upper hand, which is then taken over by Sheamus. There are some good spots and the countdown for next entrant begins. Punk is next in, however his Pod does not open correctly. Orton takes full advantage of this, delivering blows to Punks Head. When Punk makes it out eventually, he is hit with an RKO and is pinned. Punk is eliminated, but the Raw General Manager chimes in. He says that Punk's entry was unfair, so he will be allowed to re-enter the match, getting back into his Pod. He gets back into the Pod and the match continues as normal. Next man to enter is John Cena and Sheamus gets at him right away. He hits Cena and Morrison with a Double Clothesline. Sheamus is hit by Orton. Truth is out next. He looks good for a minute or two, until being hit with a Brogue Kick, to be eliminated first. Morrison is rammed through the Glass of a Pod, with Punk now coming into the match, properly. Orton is waiting on him, however Cena picks him up for an AA. Punk then hits a GTS on Orton, eliminating him second. As Orton is eliminated, everyone goes crazy for Punk. Morrison then hits a HUGE Crossbody onto Sheamus from the top of the Chamber, eliminating Sheamus. Punk goes for a Springboard off the Top Ropes onto Cena. He hits it eventually, but lands himself badly on the Grating, making his leg look as though slashed by Wolverine. Punk goes for Slingshot into the Pod on Morrison, but Morrison catches himself onto the Pod, jumps on the Metal, then kicks Punk. Crowd goes crazy yet again. Morrison attempts his Starship Pain, which is dodged by Punk, who hits a GTS on Morrison to eliminate him. It's now down to Punk and Cena. Cena attempts an AA, but Punk grabs the Ropes. Eventually, Cena flips Punk over the Top, landing Punk on the Gratings. Cena pins Punk for the win. He is the new Number One Contender for the WWE Championship and will face The Miz at Wrestlemania.
Match Rating - 4.5/5

I really enjoyed this Pay Per View. The matches may have been slightly unpredictable, but they were delivered VERY well. We've got 21-2-11 today, so that's gonna be interesting. Also, we've got Wrestlemania in 6 weeks, so all something to look forward to.

Overall PPV Rating - 3.5/5
Nice review. That botch by Trish was ugly.

She doesn't make my doodle tingle the way she use too, I don't know what it is.

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