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Elimination Chamber Match Thoughts.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
1) Santino/Kozlov vs Slater/Gabriel.
More than likely to be the first match of the Night. Obvious filler. It's a match we've seen a couple of times now. I really like the pairing of Slater and Gabriel. They work well together, but take one away and it just doesn't seem right. After a Corre Split-Up, they should be a permanent Tag Team. None of them will get far otherwise. Back onto the match, should be reasonably entertaining, as usual. Hopefully, it doesn't take up too much time, so we've got room for the more important and high quality matches on the Card. I'll give it 5 -10 minutes max.

2) Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston.
Yet again, obvious filler. However, I am a very big fan of Alberto Del Rio, so this won't be my Piss Break. There'll probably be a Diva's Match, so I'll use that to my advantage. With these two, there should be some high quality parts in this. I see obvious Kofi domination in the first half, followed by some back and forth action, until Del Rio hits and locks on his Cross Armbar. Del Rio to win, in about 15 minutes.

3) The Miz vs Jerry Lawler - WWE Title Match
I don't wanna see this match, possibly like a lot of other people. You do have to give Lawler credit however. He may be old, but he's still got it. Also, R.I.P Mrs. Lawler. There'll probably be some sort of laid back-ness today, where The Miz isn't as full on in his brash, bold attitude and he'll show some respect to Lawler. Not trying to break Kayfabe, but you don't want him to deliver a full post-match beatdown. I'd find it disrespectful. Not sure as to why, but Lawler shouldn't be buried as much (Pardon the pun). Anyways, I see this match being pretty good, with some classic Lawler beating on A-Ri and him being taken out. Eventually, Miz gets the upper hand, hitting his Skull Crushing Finale for the win, defending the WWE Title. Give it 20/25 minutes max, otherwise it's a bit too much.

4) Smackdown Elimination Chamber - World Heavyweight Title Match
This should be a good match. Come on, it's a title match with 6 pretty decent guys in it and none of them are R-Truth. Dolph Ziggler will still be in this, somehow, even with his "Firing". I see Edge and Ziggler being the first two men, followed by Barret, then McIntyre, Mysterio, then Kane. I say all 6 men to be in the Ring together, just to add for impact. We'll probably see it in the Raw Chamber as well. I can imagine people like Kane, Barrett and McIntyre being the first 3 out, with Ziggler gone 4th. Edge and Mysterio are the last two, with Mysterio eventually getting the win. This can set up the Mysterio vs Del Rio Title Match at Wrestlemania, which will be won by Del Rio.

5) Raw Elimination Chamber - Number One Contendership
More than likely, going to be the Match of The Night. It's got 5 great competitors and R-Truth. I am very much so looking forward to this one. Cena, Orton, Sheamus, JoMo and CM Punk. What more can you ask for, seriously. We're gonna see technical, powerhouse, everything. Expect to see some crazy shit from Morrison, that's a definite. Punk may have his Nexus Cronies getting in on some beatdowns pre-match. I say it'll be interesting. Then again, we saw HBK come from under the Chamber last year, so what's to stop Nexus? R-Truth HAS to be first eliminated, followed by an order I cannot predict. I would say we see Punk and Orton go at it a while in the match, along with Cena and Sheamus. I would guess at an ending of Cena and Orton/Sheamus. One or the other. Anyway it happens, Cena will come out on top. To be honest, not an ending I'm gonna mind, it's more than obvious Cena will be in a Title Match at Wrestlemania. Also, the longest match as well.

Overall, has potential to be a pretty good Pay Per View with the two Chamber Matches. Being the Pay Per View before WM means it should get some viewers. With an expected Divas match as well, should be allright.

What do you think?

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