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El Generico in WWE? Would it fail or work?


Occasional Pre-Show
For many of you that don't know or has never heard of the guy. El Generico is a wrestler on the Indy Circuit and also in ROH. here's a quick link display some of his talent for those that have never seen him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlTIN6TkQrg

Now after you've seen that video or already know about him, how would he exactly fit the WWE personal in this PG-era.

I see him mostly making waves in ECW and moving up to Smackdown the further possibly. I think that majority of his moves would get him over with the fans instantly but I do not think the WWE would allow the top rope Brainnnbustahhh as his finishing move. If they did then you could see him drawing a lot a huge fan base as he keeps to the lucador style. I'm trying to say he would exactly become a main eventer on a place like RAW or Smackdown, but he could be pushed to the upper mid card and given probably a major title shot as a part of a storyline. Let's no forget the fact that he is canadian. Not only that, he is good for comic relief and he makes the crowd pop with his unique move set.

I think if the WWE were to ever sign him he would definitely fit in ECW or Smackdown's non main event cards. Like Rey Mysterio is to his fans, El Generico wears one also and I think if WWE lets him use the top rope brainbuster, he would be instantly over, its just a move you dont get tired of seeing like petey williams canadian destroyer.

But you never know, he might never work well in the E but i can see them using him for the same gimmick as a lucador thats a canadian. Eventually someone will call him out to his roots for a good storyline maybe or maybe :lmao:
Forget el generico, CHris hero would work better in the wwe, or tna for that matter. El Generico just really bores me, and i dont think he would work with the wwe at all
the only problem with generico in the E is that he could'nt use his entrance music that the fans sign along too. he could try to sing an instrumental and hope the smark fans are smart enough to sing along. or they can try and do what they did with kurt angle with the "you suck" chants.

another thing is that i don't think the WWE wants 2 masked wrestlers. thats what makes rey mysterio a special memeber of the roster he's the only one with a mask nowadays in the WWE

but if they can look past this then i agree with you. generio minus the Brainbustaaaahh of death would be moderately exciting, generico with the the move would be awesome
No, he would fail miserably. Like most of ROH's talent, his move set is basically everything WWE is against (drops on the head, dangerous spots). He would simply be a comedy jobber if he ever got the chance
I would seriously doubt the top turnbuckle brainbuster will ever be used in WWE. I don't think the move looks good enough to warrent the risk to the wrestler taking the bump.
As for this guy going to the WWE? I'd have to say I don't think so. He's very skinny and pale. While he seems to have some decent moves I just don't think, from what I've seen, that he'd be compatable to the WWE style. Then again, I have no idea all what Generico is capable of.
Besides for a company without a light weight title they have enough light weight guys hanging around.
I can tell you right now I'd freak out if I ever saw El Generico on WWE television. The guy has long been an indie favorite of mine, and is honestly one of the most entertaining in-ring performers I've seen in quite some time. Add to that he's colorful and humorous character, and I really think the guy is one of the most underrated indie workers around today.

Do I think it could work in the WWE? Sure, why not. He can be a more comedic version of Evan Bourne, I think if given a shot he could do well on a show like ECW and become a solid midcarder for the company. He'd have to completely retool his moveset though, no way is his top-rope brainbuster going to be allowed in the WWE. CM Punk has been able to transition successfully to the WWE style of wrestling though, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched.

Do I think it would work in the WWE? Doubtful, highly, highly doubtful. El Generico is pretty much the opposite of anything Vince McMahon usually looks for in young talent. If the WWE were ever to hire him, which I kind of doubt they ever would, they would likely do almost nothing with him, if that. Which would probably piss me off.

I love El Generico though, and I'd love to see WWE or even TNA take a shot with the guy. In fact, I think he'd be a much better fit in TNA, they probably wouldn't mind giving him a nice push in the X-Division. The guy is great at what he does, and I wish nothing but success for him.
El generico would work but i think they will use him as a comedy type character like Eugene,Santino etc he would get paid more but he is better off in tna.

The Generic Luchador coming to a WWE show near you???

No. Just no.

First, this guy is a personal love of mine on the indy circuit. And as mentioned he'd need a new finisher because the TRBB would not be allowed, and that is one devastating looking finisher. The guy is extremely good in the ring, and I saw a classic with him and Danielson in PWG a while back. I seriously doubt they'd let him keep his name, or any inkling of his music and might even have the guy wrestle without his mask... in sense killing him.

Plus he'd end up going nowhere and doing nothing in the E. So not just a fail but an EPIC FAIL
No way would it work. I guarantee you that they will book him as Colin Delaney #2 and job him to Mark Henry or the Big Show. He is seriously better off in the Indies.
There is no way el Generico would get over in the E purely based on his moveset. Its far to dangerous looking for the wwe to allow it. Besides they all ready have there luchodore in Rey Mysterio who is massivly over.

Wait hey may get over in a Tag Team with Rey but other wise No Chance In Hell

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