Championship Contender
I have been watching a lot of el generico matches lately and i was thinking. would el generico do well in tna. He's not a big guy so would not do well in wwe but in the tna i think he would thrive in the x division. i also think we could see some great matches between him and guys like joe,styles and daniels. this is only my opinion but i would like what you think. would he be tna's answer to ray mysterio or would he fail and end up back in roh.
In the words of Vincent .K. McMahon...."NO CHANCE IN HELL!"

Generico is ROH through and through and i fail to see any positive reason that would make him want to join TNA to be a part of a division as poor as the X Division. Heck on the last episode of IMPACT they basically showed their true feelings towards the X Division when the GM could'nt even be bothered about dealing with it and thats not to mention the soul and hope crushing line delivered by aries that the X Division is "Pretty and Flashy"....With that line alone it showed you how little TNA think of the X Division. So that takes me back to my original point...Why would Generico leave a company where he his held in such high regard backstage, Has a huge part in the future progression of the company and is adored by the fans? for more money? Im sure he makes plenty of money already so i doubt that is a reason, For more exposure? why? Pretty much all the real pro wrestling fans already know and respect his work so again i gotta say i see no reason for him to go there. Not to mention the fact that he probably would be booked as a joke and i highly doubt they would book a programme between him and the likes of the guys you mentioned, even if it would be great to see.

I could see him possibly going to WWE if offered because that is the main goal for all wrestlers when they start out but i think Generico is in a very good place right now and i dont see why he would want to ruin that.
What a typical WWE tool's response to any wrestler going to a promotion other than WWE. If he makes enough money and wouldn't join TNA then why would he jump and make even way more money in WWE than TNA or ROH. I hate to tell you but alot of ROH's talent over the last five years have rebuffed of going to WWE and stick with their current financial situation. At least with TNA they let talent perform it other promotions that aren't competiting with TNA. The segement between Sting and Aries is part of a storyline and if they didn't care about the X Division they wouldn't have a PPV dedicated to that division and their former champion wouldn't be the WHC. Bisch acknowledges he needs fresh talent to make the product better over the long haul. Generico's talent would fit well in TNA seeing they don't have a certain body type as a reason who they push and don't push. In closing alot of talent of many promotions don't want to jump to WWE cause of the over bearing backstage politics in that company. Alot of talent that have left WWE on good terms have stated over the last three years the politics in that company is easily compared to what it was like in WCW!
Yes, Yes, and Yes. Was actually thinking about it not long ago. I think generico could definetly thrive in the x division, and maybe later on move on to midcard - mid upper card talent that can always deliver exciting matches.

Ive actually not seen much indy lately, but generico is a talent ive seen in enough great matches(not "spotfests" btw), and feels very natural for me in a TNA enviornment.
If TNA follows through with rebuilding the X Division then I would say yes because I think he could be a positive for TNA in that division. If they are going to keep pushing it to the back burner like they have been minus what they did with Aries then I think he should stay where he is. He is being showcased well in ROH, and moving to TNA with the way things are in the X division now would not be a good move for him. Just when I think they are moving forward with the division we get an Impact like this past Thursday where there was barely any time for it at all. If division gets better then he should go, if it stays the same then I think ROH is best for him right now.

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