Educate Me: Clay Guida

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Have fun with this one. I suppose an all-around question you could answer for me regarding Guida would be this; what the fuck?

I hear this guy's mental. I hear this guy isn't that impressive. I hear this guy refuses to cut his hair. Separate the truth from the myth for me.

From what I've seen of him, I've been impressed. Not because he's a dominant, enthralling fighter but because he's been in good matches.

I can tell you why he wasn't in the videogame if you're interested.
Clay Guida. I can tell you this. I cheer for him. Reason being TM's mode of picking UFC winners. Hairy fucker.

But the man is entertaining to watch. If they ever want to make a Tarzan movie, I'd cast him, because his matches look like they should be in the jungle. Entertaining to watch, and sometimes UFC cards need that.
Guida isn't the most technical or disciplined fighter, but he makes up for this with heart and a great gas tank. He uses his wrestling and cardio to push a pace in a fight where his opponent can't keep up. He just keeps the pressure on his opponent non stop till they tire out, which he then precedes to takedown and control his opponent for the decision. The reason why people enjoy seeing him fight so much is because of how fast paced his fights are. Sure he may basically lay and pray, but he's so active in the cage that crowd seems fine with it.

I don't see him ever being a title contender, but I'm sure he'll be around for a long time in the UFC due to him putting on fights the crowd likes to see. As long as you can sell, the UFC does give you quite a bit of chances to redeem yourself if you go on a losing streak.
Clay Guida is a very, very, exciting and good fighter. The one complaint against him, however, is that he doesn't finish people off. Nearly all his fights go to decision. But you know what? No one should give a damn about that because nearly all his fights win Fight of the Night every time that motherfucker is on the card. So who gives a damn about a finish? For 3 straight rounds, he pushes the action and keeps the fight as entertaining as possible. The sport could definitely use more fighters like him.

As far as the hair is concerned... I think now it's just a mental thing at this point. He's been doing so well with it long and hanging down for so long that it'd probably fuck up his mind-set entering a fight if he cut it. If you fight and train for so long having that hair in your eyes, it'll mess you up mentally for that to go away all of a sudden.

And it should be noted that Clay Guida is a very, very nice and classy human being. It's one of the reasons people love him so much. Not only is he a tremendous, exciting fighter, but he's also very well spoken, a man's man, and just an all around class-act who treats his fans well and always shows his opponent respect after the fight.
Have you ever heard the saying "Balls to the wall" well that describes him. He is a relentless, hairy, cardio freak who has a high quality wrestling base. When he gets people to the ground usually he is all over them.... smothering, hammer punching maniac. It's no wonder why he has such a following he is a fighter people can relate to.
Clay Guida is awesome. A lot has been said about his smothering style and his relentless cardio, but I also have to add that the dude is tough as nails. The last fight saw him in against Diego Sanchez, Guida took a brutal head kick. I thought that would have knocked him out for sure, but he just got up and came rushing forward. It was unbelievable.

It's one thing to be knocked out by a guy with great power. It's another to tap out to a dude with great technical submission skills. But when you unload your best shot on someone and he just gets back up and comes at you winging punches, that scares the shit out of me. There is that moment in your head where you think, "OH SHIT. I don't have anything strong enough to stop this dude."

That's how Clay Guida wins fights. Not only does he break his opponents physically, but he mindfucks them by not showing them a limit as to how far he can go.

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