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Edges return feud. Who should it be???

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
Okay, so Edge is rumored to be on track for a Wrestlemania return. Regardless of that, who should he return to face???

In my mind, theres two options, one with him as a face, one with him as a heel (I've heard he will be back as a face, and I would love it if he was, he's been heel way too long, though thats a testiment to how well he portrays it.)

Firstly, theres Jericho. In my mind, the odds-on favorite, as they've hinted at it on Smackdown when Edge initially got injured and had to forefit his tag belt. Even then, Edge swore he would get Jericho, or something along those lines.

Secondly, I think Christian would be an interesting one. Have him drop the ECW title between the rumble and mania. Have him in the MITB ladder match, and have Edge cost him it maybe??? Or have him keep the belt till Mania, then Edge costs him it. Then the two have a feud.

What do you think? Do you agree with either of these, or do you see it as being another superstar? Or, what would your ideal return feud be for him?

I think the most likely choice would be Jericho, he is the most sensible and logical option. Storylinewise, Edge can obviously come back and seek his revenge on Jericho for all the badmouthing and slander he pulled on him. Also, Jericho leaving Raw and remaining a member of Smackdown is no coincidence as he has to be there for this Edge feud.

Christian is another great choice but for whatever reason WWE seem content for him to remain on ECW, although with all this talk about ECW changing or maybe being done away with, it's possible Christian could end up on Smackdown in the future. Although, for some reason I see them teaming Edge and Christian together rather than having them feud and I think it's about time Edge was a face again and so having him team with Christian as opposed to facing him would help achieve that.
I think your idea of a feud with Christian sounds great, especially with their tag history.

But i think the ideal return feud would be with jericho, now that he is on smackdown they two could and would probaly main event every smackdown event for a month or two, then be in a main event at a PPV.

I dont think there is any other superstar that he could return to have a decent feud with.
I agree with both of them, as those two are really the only logical choices of his return, unless they do something stupid like have him feud with Vickie, while she sicks a whole roster of heels on him. Anything else would be rather anticlimactic and would limit the impact of his return.
Unfortunately, a Vickie one was in my mind also. And it could be fun, if the WWE did it right. If. Pretty big if, if you ask me. Too big. The only way I could see that work would be if she became GM again (which I can so easily see happening) then Edge comes back to make her life hell (similar to Stone Cold making Bischoff's life hell when he was GM, or Stone Cold making Vince's life hell generally. That kinda thing). Though again, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being good...
Really? This is actually a thread? Do you watch WWE at all? Who should it be? Who the hell do you think it would be? Seeing as Jericho regularly talks about how Edge was weak and brittle and couldn't hold a candle to himself when they were tag champions regardless of how short a time it was, and makes sure we don't forget about Edge, and makes sure he mentions Edge every once in awhile... I'm going out on a limb and saying Papa Shango. I mean... who else? It just HAS to be Papa Shango right? Or did I miss something? Did I miss a few episodes of Smackdown or Raw?

Of-fucking-course it's Jericho. Why would Edge return as a heel as he's already run through every single face in the company once or twice... and done so pretty convincingly? Edge to return as a heel just to feud with Christian? Seriously? How can one be so delusional? Edge will return as a face because it opens a ton of new feuds for him. Jericho, Punk, a newly heel Batista, Sheamus, Miz, Orton... hell even Big Show could be thrown in the mix. Edge returning as a heel to have one feud with Christian would be the absolute worst idea in the history of the world. If you can't see that, then shame on you. Christian is one of the few superstars that's been booked correctly, convincingly, and consistently over the past 6 months or so. Why would you ruin that on one feud with Edge where Edge would need to come back strong and pick up a couple good big wins? All of Christian's work and build of the ECW Title and his own character over the past 6-8 months would be a total waste to book him against a returning Edge.
Well as of right now the logical choice would be Jericho since I think they were to feud with each other eventually had he not been injured during their title run. But I wonder what will happen to Big show since there was a rumor that they were supposed to feud after their tag runs and I don't see him competing for the money in the bank cause that'll be kinda weird. And he's also affiliating himself with the Hart Dynasty right now so who knows?

Second would be Christian. He's got the talent, the charisma and they had some history and that segment during backlash 09 kinda hinted that the chapter between him and edge hasn't ended yet. But WWE seems like heading for a punk-christian feud so we'll see what happens.

But I for one would like to see a triple threat between the three of them maybe add a world title gold in the mix and it'll be an instant classic ;)

But another possible scenario I could think of would be a feud with Dolph Ziggler. I saw a video on wwe.com about a month ago that kinda teased a ziggler-vickie on screen couple but I'm not sure what happened to that. The guy has charisma and is not bad in the ring and imagine his career soar heights with a feud with edge. But either way any of those three listed above will work for me.
Really? This is actually a thread? Do you watch WWE at all? Who should it be? Who the hell do you think it would be? Seeing as Jericho regularly talks about how Edge was weak and brittle and couldn't hold a candle to himself when they were tag champions regardless of how short a time it was, and makes sure we don't forget about Edge, and makes sure he mentions Edge every once in awhile... I'm going out on a limb and saying Papa Shango. I mean... who else? It just HAS to be Papa Shango right? Or did I miss something? Did I miss a few episodes of Smackdown or Raw?

Of-fucking-course it's Jericho. Why would Edge return as a heel as he's already run through every single face in the company once or twice... and done so pretty convincingly? Edge to return as a heel just to feud with Christian? Seriously? How can one be so delusional? Edge will return as a face because it opens a ton of new feuds for him. Jericho, Punk, a newly heel Batista, Sheamus, Miz, Orton... hell even Big Show could be thrown in the mix. Edge returning as a heel to have one feud with Christian would be the absolute worst idea in the history of the world. If you can't see that, then shame on you. Christian is one of the few superstars that's been booked correctly, convincingly, and consistently over the past 6 months or so. Why would you ruin that on one feud with Edge where Edge would need to come back strong and pick up a couple good big wins? All of Christian's work and build of the ECW Title and his own character over the past 6-8 months would be a total waste to book him against a returning Edge.

I'm sorry... but for starting this thread... kill yourself.

Wow, I sense anger. Do you take pills to control this normally or are you always as overly OTT?

First, I'll point out that theres no need to go so over-fucking-board. So breathe.

Second. Like I actually said, Jericho is odds on favorite. I am fully aware it will, most likely be Jericho. Learn, please, to read.

Third. Why would it be such a bad idea? Edge is a main eventer, and Christian is at the moment a mid card, all be it a high mid card. I personally think it would be a great way to legitemise Christian in the WWE as a main eventer (I already see him as one after his TNA run, but others probably don't). And oh yeah, so Christian didn't have a character before coming to ECW? Wow. Did I imagine his TNA run and his past WWE tenure? Fuck, that was some dream.

Also, your last bit, 'kill yourself' . . . . . . nice way to be offensive. Is there need for that? All I'm doing is putting an opinion forward that I, and maybe a few others, believe in. No need to act like such an ass over it.
I think it is for sure going to be Jericho but in the interest of the IWC and how we all love to make our own feuds and fantasize if this happened so i am not going to say Jericho i am going to say Orton!

You heard it Orton!

It could work! all that has to happen is have Edge talk about how he is the best heel in the business and how he is so much better than Orton at what he does! then we could see on of the best feuds in wrestling come to a close at like summerslam in the main event in a 25 min. match that leads to edge winning and Christian cashing in MITB
Well as of right now the logical choice would be Jericho since I think they were to feud with each other eventually had he not been injured during their title run. But I wonder what will happen to Big show since there was a rumor that they were supposed to feud after their tag runs and I don't see him competing for the money in the bank cause that'll be kinda weird. And he's also affiliating himself with the Hart Dynasty right now so who knows?

Second would be Christian. He's got the talent, the charisma and they had some history and that segment during backlash 09 kinda hinted that the chapter between him and edge hasn't ended yet. But WWE seems like heading for a punk-christian feud so we'll see what happens.

But I for one would like to see a triple threat between the three of them maybe add a world title gold in the mix and it'll be an instant classic ;)

But another possible scenario I could think of would be a feud with Dolph Ziggler. I saw a video on wwe.com about a month ago that kinda teased a ziggler-vickie on screen couple but I'm not sure what happened to that. The guy has charisma and is not bad in the ring and imagine his career soar heights with a feud with edge. But either way any of those three listed above will work for me.

Wow, I never thought of Ziggler but thats a good one. I'm a big fan of Ziggler, and he really would benefit from feuding with Edge.
Nice one :icon_mrgreen:
here is what I think will happen...have Edge and Jericho run a short feud right after mania and have christian be involved in the draft to smackdown, then after the Edge/Jericho feud, have E & C feud for a while
Edge should come back and face Y2J it shouldn't be a long feud 2 ppvs at most.But now that i think about it would be a good feud if the wwe gives Jeri-show the tittles again and have the edge & christian face them in a long tag team feud something we havent seen since since the edge & christian days and end it somewhere around summerslam Or what if hell freezes over and u make edge and Matt hardy a tag team and have them win the belts and then have edge turn heal on Matt.Edge is a way better heal then he is face and he sells more as a heal then face and pretty shore wwe is gonna face him when he comes back but long term wwe knows that edge is better heal then face. another feud that would be good edge vs drew McIntyre. not so much cuz i think it would be good but wwe is trying 2 make McIntyre a star so have him in a brutal feud with edge have edge loose 2 him once and let edge win the overall feud just some ideas....
Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho.

Looks like this was one Hell of a thread full of debate and possibilities.

What's the verdict? Chris Jericho

Glad to see everyone agrees on the obvious.

With that being said, this is going to Wrestling Spam.

Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho.

Looks like this was one Hell of a thread full of debate.

What's the verdict? Chris Jericho

With that being said, this is going to Wrestling Spam.

Im sorry. Is there need for that?

ONCE AGAIN, I said "odds on, its jericho", but I also asked who people would LIKE Edge to face, as well as give opinions on the Christian idea.
Theres been Orton, Ziggler, and Big Show mentioned. So before you get smart with me, read into it rather than just jump on it. Dick.
Im sorry. Is there need for that?

ONCE AGAIN, I said "odds on, its jericho", but I also asked who people would LIKE Edge to face, as well as give opinions on the Christian idea.
Theres been Orton, Ziggler, and Big Show mentioned. So before you get smart with me, read into it rather than just jump on it. Dick.

Yup thats the whole point of this thread just to pitch ideas everyone knows its Jericho but still we saying we as fans would like to see.
i guess ill throw my opinion in just because everyone is thinking jericho. i would say throw edge in a feud with batista. reason being i think the faces get their hands on the heel too quickly now days. i remember back in early 90's they would tease the face getting to the heel but it wouldnt happen till a ppv which i think would cause more buyrate. so to bring back edge and put him directly in a fued with jericho is too quick. just my opinion

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