Edge's Rematch Clause?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So...I just got to wondering, how come Edge never challenged Triple H to a WWE Championship rematch? He lost that championship at No Way Out you know.. seems like a perfectly missed opportunity to me.
He may plan to get once Orton wins at Backlash with the WHC and become undisputed champ. I think the Orton vs. HHH is going to far to make this different. Cena vs. Edge is in motion so I doubt it changing.
So...I just got to wondering, how come Edge never challenged Triple H to a WWE Championship rematch? He lost that championship at No Way Out you know.. seems like a perfectly missed opportunity to me.

Well, Edge did come out with the World Heavyweight Championship and probably figured he was lucky enough to do so, why stir the pot up even more? Edge is probably just thankful that he has the World's Title.
It would have been crazy if he had his rematch that same night and became double world champion. Even if he wasnt unifying them, would be a massive shock for Edge to have both titles over his shoulders, imagine the promos!
He uses it at WM 25:

He beats Big Show Or Cena, whoever he veruses then, we see Triple H beat Cena, Trips holding the title, but then Vikie kums out n is like "EXCUSE ME"
says all this crap about her husband being the greatest, reminds us what happened at NWO, Edge cums out we have a good solid match Edge wins, this enables a nice Orton Edge fued after WM, this would give life back to Hawkins/Ryder as they fued with Legacy
Outstanding catch. I never even thought about that....I don't believe that he will use it to unify the titles I do believe that he will use it somewhere down the line to add to his ultimate opportunist gimmick. Eventually he's going to lose the world title and he'll have 2 rematch clauses so it will be so it will be interesting to see how they would work it. It is also very possible that the WWE didn't think about this when carrying out Edge's title win at No Way Out so nothing may ever come of it. Still very nice catch though.
Surely you can't have rematches that far down the road?

You can't lose the title and then 3 months later say 'can i have my rematch now please? I know the title has changed hands another 3 times to someone completely different, but i never got my rematch, so....... how 'bout now?'

After WM you'll most likely have the titles switch brands, maybe even before WM, but you will NOT have one superstar hold both at once, nor will we see belated rematches.

It's not going to happen guys. Do yourselves a favour, and forget about it.
He uses it at WM 25:

He beats Big Show Or Cena, whoever he veruses then, we see Triple H beat Cena, Trips holding the title, but then Vikie kums out n is like "EXCUSE ME"
says all this crap about her husband being the greatest, reminds us what happened at NWO, Edge cums out we have a good solid match Edge wins, this enables a nice Orton Edge fued after WM, this would give life back to Hawkins/Ryder as they fued with Legacy

You forget one important thing. He tells everyone the next night that they were WRONG!

Best way this could work is, Edge loses the title at WM, loses the rematch clause, gets drafted. Says he has a rematch for the WWE Title and then wins it. But would everyone be tired of him getting the title.

The other point I'm thinking is, does a re-match clause get nullified if you win another title? Could be the excuse Stephanie could use!

Just thought, Batista never got his re-match clause after losing to Jericho before SS
Surely you can't have rematches that far down the road?

You can't lose the title and then 3 months later say 'can i have my rematch now please? I know the title has changed hands another 3 times to someone completely different, but i never got my rematch, so....... how 'bout now?'

After WM you'll most likely have the titles switch brands, maybe even before WM, but you will NOT have one superstar hold both at once, nor will we see belated rematches.

It's not going to happen guys. Do yourselves a favour, and forget about it.

You would think that but your forgetting one big thing....this is the WWE we're talking about. A world where guys can be ready to kill each other one month and then be the best of friends the next, and when you think about it how much sense did it make for Edge to even be allowed in the 2nd chamber? I know they explained it by Vickie being in control that night due to steph being out of the arena, still logically wouldn't the WWE board have stepped in and said Vickie was out of line for letting Edge attack Kofi, then get rewarded by being given his spot. I stated in my first post that nothing may come of it, but you never know and you have to admit it would be a great addition to the way the ultimate opportunist Edge has won a lot of his titles.
Yeah... something tells me this detail slipped even the writers heads. Odds are nothing will ever happen. But Edge being the kind of guy he is, you'd think he'd be all over that. And they could tie it in with a WM theme. Orton in the corner of Edge trying to help Edge beat him so Triple H won't have the pleasure of fighting and getting his hands on Orton. Maybe.
You guys realize that not every wrestler has a rematch clause in their contract right. We usually find out after the title changes hands if there is a rematch or not. I don't remember the ezact date but one of the times Shelton lost the IC belt is when I discovered this. You don't always get a rematch. Which is why wrestlers come out after they've lost a title and go by the way. I have a rematch clause in my contract. They wouldn't mention it if it was a givein.
That's an interesting point I was unaware of.

Anyways, Jeff Hardy pinned Edge and then Edge won the title the same night. This same thing earned HBK a title shot vs Jericho, so that sounds to me like Hardy should've fought Edge for the belt.
That's an interesting point I was unaware of.

Anyways, Jeff Hardy pinned Edge and then Edge won the title the same night. This same thing earned HBK a title shot vs Jericho, so that sounds to me like Hardy should've fought Edge for the belt.

If you are referring to when Jericho was beaten at Unforgiven by Michaels and then won the World Championship then you are wrong. Michaels fought Jericho at No Mercy because they had unfinished buisiness not because Michaels earned a title shot by pinning Jericho when Jericho hadn't even won the title yet. Jeff didn't deserve the shot against Edge more than Cena becasue Edge won Raw's championship and if two Smackdown stars were fighting over it it would ruin the credibility of the brand extension more so than it already is. Cena lost HIS championship therefore he should have been first in line to face Edge for the World Heavyweight title.
yes he never got the rematch for the WWE title but Edge DID go along in that very same night and WIN the WHC... so im guessing that being he won the WHC there wont be any rematch clause for the WWE title.. but also keep in mind that the draft is still shortly around the corner from WM25 so there's still some chance. but as far as Edge and the WWE title go... i don't see him getting that one back anytime soon since i see a Trips, Orton, Bastia feud coming once Bastia comes back...
First of all I assume that everyone here knows that they don't actually "sign contracts" for matches. A "rematch clause" it just for storyline purposes. Obviously they didn't need that here and there's tons of ways to either ignore it or bring it back. They can ignore it being that he is champ anyway or they could simply say it doesn't last for an unlimited amount of time (though that would never be addressed on TV). If they want him to fight they can simply have him say "Hey I never got a rematch after I lost my title if you're a man you'll face me!" type of promo.

The short answers here are:
1- It doesn't fit storyline purposes and there's no need.
2- He already has a title anyway.
Why in the hell would Edge even care about the WWE Championship now? He's got The Big Show and John Cena to worry about, plus he's the World Heavyweight Champion. He simply doesn't need a rematch, since he's already got a World Title in his possession. You people complain about certain wrestlers being constantly being in Title matches, but when your World Heavyweight Champion previously lost his WWE Championship, you want him to get a rematch. Are you serious? It's beyond ridiculous.

Also, not everyone gets a rematch. Especially if they won another belt on the same night as they lost one. Remember, not everything that occurs in wrestling is logical. If that was the case, Edge wouldn't be World Heavyweight Champion right now. Plus, why would the WWE give away Edge vs Triple H on Smackdown, since Triple H already has a match with Orton at Wrestlemania, it would have to take place on free TV.

Edge won't and shouldn't get a rematch. Why would Edge need or want to hold both World Title belts at once? I thought the IWC hated "guys" who were constantly around the World Titles. Well, I should replace guys with babyfaces, as once again Edge gets away with this. Jeff Hardy got his "rematch" in an Elimination Chamber. That's hardly a fair rematch, but it's wrestling where anything goes and nothing has to be logical in terms of storyline purposes.
I dont think that that detail skipped Creative mind one bit. My storyline for this is

1. Cena will win tha title
2. You see a promo at wrestlemania involving a destressed Edge, then at the end of it comes a smile on his face
3. Doesnt matter who wins the main event for WWE Championship
4. After the match is over, Edge comes out and uses the rematch clause and gets the WWE Championship and tries to go to Vickie and say that he walked out of Wrestlemania the Champ

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