Edge's greatest rival


Pre-Show Stalwart
I just finished reading the threat about John Cena's greatest rival and many people said that it was Edge. This made me think and I have to say that for me John Cena wasn't Edges greatest rival although their feud was incredible to watch. In his career Edge feuded with the likes of Cena, Mysterio, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Christian, ADR, Randy Orton, HHH, Matt Hardy, Kane and others. In all of this feuds there were many memorable moments but the one I enjoyed the most was probably his feud with Jeff Hardy. The feud was incredible. At that time Hardy was probably the most over guy in the WWE and people were cheering for him like crazy. Edge on the other hand was the heel but he wasn't the typical heel, he was the cool heel and was also getting cheers. Both guys did incredible in ring work and had very good match like the ladder match for the WHC. Plus everyone was aware of their history so there wasn't much need for a big build up cause it already had it. That is why I say that Jeff Hardy was Edges greatest rival with John Cena coming to a second.

Your thoughts ?



This picture pretty much explains it all. Edge, as far as I know, is the only person who has ever done this to the Undertaker. I think Undertaker was Edge's greatest rival. They had pretty great matches, and the story build was great as well.
Jeff Hardy makes a lot of sense, not only because they feuded as singles wrestlers, but it was really their tag team feud that turned both of them into top flight superstars. I guess a logical case could be made for the Undertaker or Randy Orton, but I think there's something to be said for the fact that Edge feuded with Jeff off and on for pretty much the entire duration of his career.
Matt Hardy. Oh yeah mean not in real life? Heh...I'd still have to say John Cena. I think they faced each other the most times and put together some memorable programs. Too bad Cena never plays the heel.
Wow this is a tough one!

Edge has had many memorable battles in his career but I agree with the previous post in saying John Cena was his greatest rival since there was a variety of battles ranging from basic singles, a cage match, a last man standing match and of course the very memorable tlc match amongst others. John Cena was part of what made Edge the main eventer since Edge stepped over Cena to get to the top back in 2006.

Over the close calls for me were both the Hardys, Undertaker and also Christian.
undertaker and jeff hardy. undertaker for the reasons above, but jeff because of the amount of work together (E and C and hardys aswell as single), IMO edge is one of the best ever, but still feel a christian feud would of created a stellar feud.
John Cena, it's a no brainer. That feud really established both Cena and Edge as the top face and the top heel of the WWE's new generation of main eventers. They were complete opposites in every way and their feud felt extremely personal. Just watch these two promos:



These two promos pretty sum up how good the rivalry was. What was so good about the rivalry was that it wasn't set up for the long term like alot of failed rivalries, they just faced each other and they had great chemistry and things just took off from there. It was more personal and intense then almost any other rivalry in that period of time.

I'd have to say that Edge's top rivalries in my opinion were as follows:

1. Cena - Intense rivalry that launched their status' as the two top up and comers. This generations Rock Vs. Austin. When the rivalry was rekindled in 2009 they were both the two biggest stars on either brand, and seeing them back together really felt like it was a big time rivalry. Their battles always felt like they had a big stage fight feeling to them.

2. Undertaker - This rivalry had a one year build up to a Wrestlemania main event, and the feud afterwards was awesome.

3. Matt Hardy - Extremely personal rivalry, felt really believable and turned Edge into the Rated-R Superstar.

4. Kurt Angle - This helped build Edge as a big name on Smackdown. Their matches were some of the best wrasslin' matches of both Edge's and Angle's careers. They still stand up with some of the all-time classic battles. (Go watch hair vs hair match on youtube, one of my favourites of all-time, as well as one of the best matches of that era - period).

5. Mick Foley - This rivalry was short but every confrontation was brutal and intensely on the edge (No pun intended). Edge needed this feud with a legend to set him up for permanent main event status.
The Undertaker drove Edge insane towards the end of their feud. I remember an episode of Smackdown where edge just sat outside the ring with this glazed look in his eye rocking back and forth and the show just ended that way. It was great stuff. Edge took Undertaker to his absolute limit, and as a previous poster mentioned when he put him through two tables for the win in that TLC match. All of their matches were very good, and add in the classic at Mania 24, and I think that is all reason enough for Taker to be his biggest rival. I would actually say their feud was one of my favorites all time. Just my opinion.
i think Edge is a fantastic heel and definitely was a sorely needed during his career. but i always liked Edge as a face. i really enjoyed, as a fan, rooting for him to overcome the odds and win those big matches.

that said, my favorite feuds with Edge are against Angle and Regal. i thought those were some fantastic feuds and both had some amazing wrestling in them.

interestingly enough, i just watched Edge's dvd Decade of Decadence and saw highlights of some of his best feuds up to that time. definite honorable mentions belong to Foley, though short-lived, Cena for how personal and lengthy it was, and Taker for
their amazing Mania match and the follow ups with TLC and Hell in a Cell.

i'm also gonna go against my first paragraph and say that i loved his feud with HBK, even though Edge was the heel in that one. they had some awesome matches too.

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