Edge: Was he the 'next' HBK?


Riley Justin
Okay so we always here people say that *Insert name of wrestler* could be the next *Insert name of legend*. You hear a lot of "Oh this guy could be the next HBK", or HHH, or Ric Flair, or Rock, Austin, Hogan, etc, etc, etc. I think because we're always looking for someone to fill the void of the wrestlers that were once on the big stage we sometimes miss the gems that are right in front of us, or in this case - were, in front of us.

I've always thought that a ton of comparisons could be made between pre-2002 HBK and 2005-8 Edge when he was truly the Rated-R Superstar: Both were flamboyant, both had 'boy-toy' personas, both were top-notch innovative performers. If you compare the fluent style that Edge had before his injuries really started to catch up to him, and the perfectionist style that HBK is always credited for having, I think you could definitely make a comparison.

A lot of people say that Ziggler could be the 'next' HBK, but I think that people just keep looking for something better and forget about the good things that are right there on their set every week. That being said, I'm not saying that either one of HBK or Edge is better than the other, but I think that there are substantial comparisons that can be made to argue this case.

I don't often think that there can be 'next' of any legend; hence the reason why they're legendary. Maybe the fact that we're always looking for a replacement for these guys is conveying just how iconic these guys are. I think that Edge himself now is a legend, he's not the 'next' of anybody, simply a once in a lifetime character. I think that whilst we had him we didn't appreciate him enough in his last run. He had an awesome character and was always proficient in the ring. I'd even call his mic skills amongst some of the best WWE has ever seen, just go and watch the 2009 Backlash promo package for his title match with Cena, he talks for three minutes and sells you THREE YEARS worth of their rivalry without anyone else in the video talking. I guess because we associate Edge with PG-WWE sometimes a lot of people don't associate him with the best ever, but I think that whilst you could say he was a great follow up to HBK, Edge is his own guy.

Your thoughts?
No no no..... Edge was ok but please he would never be in the top 10 wrestlers or superstars of all time! Can not compare to hbk!
i have to agree with zee4u2nv a bit - Edge wasn't Shawn but Edge is a fantastic wrestler. there are certain guys who can't be matched - there will never be another HBK, Bret Hart, Austin, Rock. Edge though fits into that category - there will never be another Edge. you can give someone else the same gimmick as Edge and it won't work because so much of Edge was the person behind it. so no, i don't think Edge was the next HBK but that isn't bad. much like HBK, he created his own place in wrestling history.
yes i have to agree also there will never be another hbk. Yes Edge was a great wrestler and great on the mic but he will never be another hbk not in any conversation. If it wasn't for hbk there would never been a wwe cause hbk carried it on his back when hall nash and the rest of them left. He was the greatest in ring performer we will ever see in our life and we got the privilege of seeing him come back in 02 to show us he still had it and never skipped a beat. On the other hand look at edge could he of carried a company on his back when wwe back was against the wall we will never know because there is no other company that could put wwe out tna is like a retirement home for wrestlers they get the ones thats just to old that nobody else wants them the best superstar they ever got was kurt angle. Edge did have some good feuds and story lines and had some good matches but look at the story lines hbk had. you had sid,vader,undertaker,austin,brett hart,mankind,triple h, he even had a feud with vince mcmahon and made it into something incredible at wrestle mania. But the ending to this book is there will never be another hbk no matter how u wanna look at it.
When a guy is often called the best in-ring performer in the history of the business, that will be the "Next HBK". Gimmicks, looks or any of that stuff won't classify anyone as the next anybody as far as I'm concerned.
You can't dispute the success Edge has had relative to the time frame he was elevated to main card status. If you compare that to other great main eventers past & present, you might notice that many pale in comparison.

Problem is, Edge's run was shortened due to injuries. Shawn Michaels had 20+ years to make his mark. Edge did it in approximately half the time. That speaks volumes. However, only time could have told where Edge would have wound up with a run as long as Michaels, Flair, etc. That could have been good or bad. I think it's safe to say he was more or less at the pinnacle of his career before he left.

Edge is no Shawn Michaels. I say that as both a Shawn Michaels and an Edge fan. Edge is his own man, and quite honestly, I enjoyed watching both of them entertain in their own way. Both had the ability to help tell a story and could carry some pretty bad wrestlers if need be (ie Michaels vs Hogan and Edge vs Cena).

Edge's accolades makes him one of the best in this current generation of wrestlers by default. To call him a poor man's Shawn Michaels is beyond me..

To those that insist on it.. I've got two words for ya..

Go kick rocks

..Okay that was three..

Just my two cents worth anyway.
Next HBK? No, he was just Edge. :)

I've never been a big HBK fan, the only time I actually liked the guy was during the original DX run back in 1997. After that i could care less. I've always been an Edge fan, I'll take Edge any day of the week over HBK. I seriously think HBK is overrated (and I hate using that word) but that's just me. :)
Edge was very good at what he did but a HBK? Are you serious?!!!

Think of the greatest matches of all time...a few spring to mind. HBK vs Taker X2, HBK vs Angle, HBK vs Bret is up there with all of them. Does anyone ever mention an Edge match?

Wrestling has tiers of superstars. At the very top you have your Hogans, Cenas, Austins, Rocks, Takers and HBK's. In the next bracket you have your Savages, Triple H's, Foleys, Jerichos, Angles.

I would put Edge in the 3rd tier alongside people like Orton, Perfect, Kane and Eddie G.
I think the above poster nailed it, Edge was a star in his own right but he wasn't a HBK and i am sure if his career continued he still wouldn't reach that level. Even his rated r persona wasn't very much like HBK in his heel days either. Also Edge wasn't flamboyant like Shawn he had more of a smart/******** persona IMO.
I've got to agree with what others said Edge has a great enough career behind him to just be considered the next Edge. He has been instrumental in the evolution of things like TLC matches and so on and was on top for long enough and good enough at what he did that comparing him to some one else feels like you are taking far too much away from him to compare him to Shawn. In fact if anything you should be asking who the next Edge will be.
I can see where the comparisons are coming from. Both came back from career threatening injuries and got to the top quickly and their heel personalities as main eventers were similar in a way. But the fact is Edge was Edge, himself like a lot of you are saying and I agree. But remember back in his Rated RKO alliance with Orton. At the time that seemed to me like they were creating the next HBK and Triple H with Edge being the next HBK and Orton the next HHH. All four are completely different guys at the end of the day and all are damn good competitors.

And as for Edge's future - Next General Manager? :lol:
What i want EDGE & HBK to have in common is thinking they have a carear ending injury but really it's something that time can heal. I would love EDGE to comeback well rested in 3-5 years.He would obviously have to change his style,but if hogan got by main eventing in 95-99 then i think with EDGE's charecter & mic skills he can get by in a tag team or a vetran putting over the young guys like Rollins,Ambrose,Cesero,& Chris Herro.
God i wish i could of seen a KOW vs E&C tag match.
Edge was retiring next year anyway, so no, he would not have had the 20 odd year career or been in a position to be compared to HBK.

Edge had a magnificent career, but please it isnt fair to compare him to arguably the greatest of all time
Edge was very good at what he did but a HBK? Are you serious?!!!

Think of the greatest matches of all time...a few spring to mind. HBK vs Taker X2, HBK vs Angle, HBK vs Bret is up there with all of them. Does anyone ever mention an Edge match?.

I can name several Edge matches. But I'll do one better...I'll name one that wasnt on a PPV..

Try Edge vs Eddie Guerrero. No DQ match on Smackdown in 2002.

Oh, you want me to name some PPV matches too? Nah...I'll just make you look like more of an idiot.

This is coming from an HBK fan....someone who I consider the greatest of all time, even over Flair. But dont ever discredit Edge's acomplishments.
Edge was very very good, but not HBK. HBK was the guy looked upon to always put on the best match of the night win or lose. I just couldn't see Edge in that position. I am a huge Edge fan, but HBK he is not.

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