Edge Injured?

Mexican Geek

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What's happening with Edge? With this last show, its been 2 in a row with Edge out of the action... is he injured? or just a little rest before WM?? or just maybe the storyline? because it suck(this "Redskins" stuff, and the "Martin LK" of last week...)
i only hope he can get well for the MITB(if he's really injured), because is the main star in the match(although Orton could win...)
Here's the deal: If everyone of you guys give me 100 bucks each time you read this thread, i'm gonna stop hating Batista!! So! What do you say!!??

NAAHH! Just kiddin' I cant Stop hating The Animal<---(What kindda animal is? a Donkey? a Gen-modified-Chimp?
I never read anything on this site about Edge being injured so i guess it is a part of a storyline where he is keeping himself in good shape for the MITB match. He will probably win and say he was a genius to keep coming up with excuses to stay fresh for WM23.
His match for Mania has been decided. So there probably just using the time to promote other match's. Also his match at Mania has'nt got a particular feud going.
This was a thought that I had earlier because it is a little worrying when he does this sort of thing because it has happened before. It obviously isn't too serious, so hopefully they are just being cautious before the Money in the Bank match. It would be a shame if Edge was injured again because it might be his time again at the top after Wrestlemania and I hope it is, and an injury would not be the best thing that could happen. He also hasn't been wrestling at house shows so I would say that he most likely has an injury, but I hope it's not too serious. He usually does these wimp promos and stuff when he has these injuries so everything should be okay.
I hope Edge is not injured as for he makes RAW being the new number one heel. The only good thing out of this right now is that hopefully he be able to go at Wrestlemania na ddo well as i agreee with Mr. Downward Spiral that it looks to Edge's time to shine after Wrestlemania. The one thing helps him is that he's being the bad guy in the program with Randy right now and he drawing a cheap heat for this "ethincy" angles VKM has him pulling.
Source: The Pro Wrestling Insider

Edge suffered a fractured jaw several weeks ago in a match with ECW's Rob Van Dam.

That is the reason he has not had a match since and will not wrestle until the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania.
That is a shame because he really could have had some great warm-up matches against CM Punk, Booker and Kennedy but I guess this is just going to keep him safe until the Money in the Bank. Thankfully it's not serious but it is going to get tedious if they just have him cutting the same promos each week and acting like a wimp. But luckily that means that he and Orton won't have their match before Wrestlemania, so a feud afterwards is always a possibility.
I think they are just resting him for the big ladder match at Mania but he will be in action next week.
What part of HE IS INJURED di you all not catch? And yes, he was in the Battle Royal on Raw, but how much did he actually do? He is injured, and VKM doesn't want one of his biggest draws to be taken out of Mania in a show stealing match!

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