Mexican Geek
It's good to be back!
What's happening with Edge? With this last show, its been 2 in a row with Edge out of the action... is he injured? or just a little rest before WM?? or just maybe the storyline? because it suck(this "Redskins" stuff, and the "Martin LK" of last week...)
i only hope he can get well for the MITB(if he's really injured), because is the main star in the match(although Orton could win...)
Here's the deal: If everyone of you guys give me 100 bucks each time you read this thread, i'm gonna stop hating Batista!! So! What do you say!!??
NAAHH! Just kiddin' I cant Stop hating The Animal<---(What kindda animal is? a Donkey? a Gen-modified-Chimp?
i only hope he can get well for the MITB(if he's really injured), because is the main star in the match(although Orton could win...)
Here's the deal: If everyone of you guys give me 100 bucks each time you read this thread, i'm gonna stop hating Batista!! So! What do you say!!??
NAAHH! Just kiddin' I cant Stop hating The Animal<---(What kindda animal is? a Donkey? a Gen-modified-Chimp?