Edge...better heel or better face?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was reading some of the threads about HBK's heel turn and Orton's face turn. I was wanting to get everyone's opinions on Edge. I know, most people probably hate him, because of his constant cheating and scheming. Let's face it though, Edge is one of the best wrestlers, IMO, to ever wrestle in the WWE. He has great mat skills as well as great mic skills. I liked Edge back when he first came to the WWE. I think either way, he will always be great. It would be kind of nice to see him turn face. However, he may lose some of his thunder or his credibility as a wrestler if they turn him face. What are y'all's thoughts on this?
I like edge, for his cheating, his cockiness, his win at all costs attitude, and his intelligence in the ring. I like him more as a heel. As I do majority of the heels. As a rule, in most cases, I can't stand guys who fake kissing the fan's a$$es every night, it is disgustingly sickening to me. Especially when they are insincere... Case in point, Cena-Lashley-Batista, those 3 no-talent losers think they can get by with their stupid smiles and playing this goodie tooshoes crap to the crowd to get over. They certainly aren't over with any fans that have a brain. Fans with brains (such as me) know that they are disgraces to this sport and to their so called titles... But I would not go as far as saying edge's technical skills are that great. His friend Orton, along with a good amount of other superstars are far better mat wrestlers than edge is...
Personnaly I prefer Edge as a Heel, he exudes the cockyness that just makes you want to hate him. But his in ring skill in TLC and Ladder matches is beyond compare in the WWE. The Charisma in ring during matches are good. For gods Sake he made Cena look decent in a feud that made you wonder what was going to happen next. As to what you said about Batista sean, I have heard stories and I think there is a photo somewhere on this site of Batista looking the other way while getting a Photo with a fan, there are stories about him that ive heard about his interactions with the fans. But back onto Edge, his skill on the mic is probably the best in the WWE right now, in terms of active Wrestlers. Edge is one of those guys that they should never turn, He can work the crowd as well as some of the others such as Taker and Trips (especially when Triple H is a Heel)
Edge plays a much better heel. When he was a face he wasn't able to get the reaction from the crowd as he does now. I just wish the WWE would use him better he is a great wrestler probably one of the best on Raw. They need to stop making him look so bad against Cena and make him the top heel of Raw. If would be nice to see him have a long title reign and not be the transition champ that he was last year.

I hope he wins Money in the Bank and takes the title from Shawn around Backlash or the PPV after.
Edge is by far a better heel, he was a great goofy heel with Christian, and his feud with cena actualy was ok until they stretched it out too much. Edge should have come out of that feud as champion, if he had WWE wouldnt be in half the shit they are in now. But yea Edge is defo better as a heel he can cut an awsome promo from time to time, and has a heel move-set too.
I agree, Edge as a heel is far better than Edge as a face. The only thing I don't like about Edge as a heel is that most heels are kept on the ground to slow the match down and make the big spot from the face that much more exciting. I loved Edge with Christian when they faced off with the Hardyz and were all over the place, that was a great rivalry. I can't remember a Main Event Heel flying around the way Edge used too, but alas, I love Edge as a heel and would much rather see him on top.
I definitely prefer Edge as a heel. If he had remained face all this time would he have won the MITB? I don't think so which means he would have never won the WWE title. Becoming heel was the best thing that could have happened to him, even when he was a heel back in 1999-2000 he had won 8(i think) tag team championships along with Christian. He was a pretty good face too, he won the I.C. title and WWE tag titles with the likes of Hogan and Mysterio and Benoit(he was becoming heel at that time) but he never reached main event status until he became an all time heel that was more serious than the times he had with Christian being heels(they were often goofing around).

The only way i see him as a successful face is if he takes alot of time off to recuperate and when he returns the fans will probably show their appreciation towards him thus turning him face(similar to HHH when he returned from rehabilitating his quad tear in 2002 the fans went crazy even though the last time they saw him was when he was a heel).
I agree with most of all that, but Triple H commanding an audience? C'mon man, as a heel everyone hated his guts because he was the wrestler version of Vince mcmahonnican cutting one long boring promo after another aboutr himself. Nodody was booing him out of disrespect of his wrestling abilties or because he was a heel (except the stupid fans that don't know any better), they were booing him because he was long winded and BORING! I got to say usually I prefer guys as heel but triple h on the mic as a heel=Verbal Diarrhea. And don't try and act like you don't agree because when he was cutting those boring promos week after week all of you were changing the channel or fast forwarding with the remote... Then all of you started liking him again when he turned back into mr. go lucky dx trips again... Honestly I don't like triple h's character as heel or face. His wrestling abiltiy is good, but again just like HBGay is overratede in my opinion. Go back to old matches of his where the rock or stone cold or even the ultimate warrior wiped the mat with him and you'll get what I'm saying...
Oh and I left out one important point about triple h. He would never have even gotten close to the fame, fortunate, and notoriety he has right now if he did not marry the boss's daughter. Do you beg to differ? I doubt it...
Edge is ten times the heel he was as a face. The guy can work a mic like few others and his in ring work doesn't leave a lot to be desired. I thought he was getting old as a face, but with his heel turn he really captured that spark that I felt was missing from him for a while.
I think that we can all agree that Edge is a better heel wrestler. I also like him as a heel wrestler than a face, I say anyone who is a heel I like and enjoy watching more then some of the faces. I have always liked heels they seem to be more hard working most of the time and mostly not suck ups like people like Cena. Edge plays the heel role way better then he would play a face role IMO and his mic skills are good and he gets over with the fans and everything by being a heel and to me makes Raw more entertaining. I would like to see him get a bigger push in the future then having a spot in the MITB match but yeah I enjoy and think that Edge is a better heel than he is being a face.
Yeah, this is a no-brainer. Edge is waayyyy better as a heel than a face. His days with Christian winning the tag team titles every other week were good ones but after a while it gets boring. Its all been said in here. His mic skills are terrific, you can sell him as someone you can hate week to week but theres something seriously lacking. He was so much more athletic when he was a face. Back during his IC title runs it was as if he was unstoppable. They really need to bring back Jericho and have an Edge-Jericho program with Edge as the heel and Jericho as the old wise cracking face he used to be.
There isn't even a question that Edge is by far a better heel than face. His mind just isn't made to work as a face. He is consistently clever on the mic when cutting a promo as a heel and is more creative with himself in the ring.
I think what made Edge a good face, especially when he first began in the wwe, was his darker, more mysterious side, that made the fans want to know more about him, and in essence cheer for him. Then there was his long run with the CLB, and after that he was face for a while, though I don't think he really connected as much as he wanted. Then, as almost a blessing in disguise, Edge got seriously hurt. Upon his return, he was able to be a face because he could use the sympathy of returning from a serious injury. But... I think before his injury, it was already well established that Edge was a better heal then face, and it was only a matter of time before Edge became heel. The injury allowed Edge to take a year off, refresh, and come back to his small face push before becoming a heel and being able to take off into a main event heel status, which at the time, and even now, is quite lacking in the wwe, hence the face/face main events at WM. Anyway I don't really see Edge becoming a face again, wwe could go into its old traditions where it used to keep heels as heels and faces as faces for the majority of a wrestlers career, which I think helps build credibility. The only way Edge becomes face again is if they pull a HHH and Edge gets reinjured and disappears for a year again, the nostalgia of him returning would be enough for him to turn face, at least for a few months. But Edge is far superior as a heel, he can get an excellent heat reaction from the crowd, I would say he is on par with a HHH in that regard, and that is why Edge should not turn face.
I agree with most of all that, but Triple H commanding an audience? C'mon man, as a heel everyone hated his guts because he was the wrestler version of Vince mcmahonnican cutting one long boring promo after another aboutr himself. Nodody was booing him out of disrespect of his wrestling abilties or because he was a heel (except the stupid fans that don't know any better), they were booing him because he was long winded and BORING! I got to say usually I prefer guys as heel but triple h on the mic as a heel=Verbal Diarrhea. And don't try and act like you don't agree because when he was cutting those boring promos week after week all of you were changing the channel or fast forwarding with the remote... Then all of you started liking him again when he turned back into mr. go lucky dx trips again... Honestly I don't like triple h's character as heel or face. His wrestling abiltiy is good, but again just like HBGay is overratede in my opinion. Go back to old matches of his where the rock or stone cold or even the ultimate warrior wiped the mat with him and you'll get what I'm saying...

This topic is about Edge not HHH. What i said was true, when HHH returned in 2002 the fans liked him(look for his return on Youtube im positive you will find it). As for HHH's promos being boring i guess that means Lashley is as good as Austin, Rock, and Jericho put together(promos). HHH can cut great promos IMO. Edge is going to be the top heel in WWE just like HHH was, i was just saying that if Edge took a lot of time off the fans will learn to appreciate the great job that he does which could result in a face turn for a short period of time.

You say HHH became what he is today b/c he married the bosses daughter. Did you read about the MSG incident where Vince told HHH he can go to WCW b/c he was going to be jobbing for a long time? HHH stayed loyal to Vince and the WWE and that is what got him to where he is today. Maybe winning the World/WWE title 10 times had something to do with fucking the bosses daughter but he would have been a future Hall of Famer regardless. This has to do with Edge b/c Lita IMO had a lot to do with helping him become a great heel. If Lita did not cheat on Matt with Edge(This really did happen not a storyline), do you think Edge would have been as big of star as he is today? I doubt it, he still would be one of the top superstars but it would have taken longer for him to achieve that goal without the Lita-Hardy incident. What im saying is Edge was going to be a great superstar anyway, the Lita-Hardy incident just made it easier and faster for him to reach where he is today. HHH marrying Steph is the same thing, he was going to be a great superstar anyway, it just helped him achieve it more easily.
I think Edge is a better heel also. His ability to work the crowd is one of the best I've seen in a long time. Letting him job to Cena pissed me off royaly and I almost quit watching WWE. Edge should still be WWE champion and should be facng Shawn Michaels at WM23 and not be in the MITB match. Edge is far more better than that. I don't think he has ever main evented a WM and he should be. Cena sucks and has main evented the last 3 wrestlemania's. Anyway, back on topic. Edge was great as a face as well. When he was face, the fans loved him. Of course, he was not main event status either. Since his heel turn, Edge has gained more credibility and built a strong name for himself.
I agree with most of all that, but Triple H commanding an audience? C'mon man, as a heel everyone hated his guts because he was the wrestler version of Vince mcmahonnican cutting one long boring promo after another aboutr himself. Nodody was booing him out of disrespect of his wrestling abilties or because he was a heel (except the stupid fans that don't know any better), they were booing him because he was long winded and BORING! I got to say usually I prefer guys as heel but triple h on the mic as a heel=Verbal Diarrhea. And don't try and act like you don't agree because when he was cutting those boring promos week after week all of you were changing the channel or fast forwarding with the remote... Then all of you started liking him again when he turned back into mr. go lucky dx trips again... Honestly I don't like triple h's character as heel or face. His wrestling abiltiy is good, but again just like HBGay is overratede in my opinion. Go back to old matches of his where the rock or stone cold or even the ultimate warrior wiped the mat with him and you'll get what I'm saying...

Two words for ya.


HBK And HHH are both the most influential mic workers in the industry heel and face i sat there and enjoy what they say. As do most people If your anti HHH or anti HBK then fine. But understand Austin was NEVER that great hell his promos suck ass. What? What? **Yawns** The Rock was good. Still is.

Back on topic.

I loved Edge as a face, I love him as a heel. I see ability though not all this crap that people see as important. Most of us watch for wrestling not for promos.
^it was in response to something that was said in regards to something that I said in an earlier post, in regards to Edges ability to control a crowd being similar to that of Triple H, both during a match and in promos. Promos are a part of wrestling that you can't completely seperate from the performance.

Edge has the total package when it comes to being a Heel. This is in regards to being in the Main Event and being able to control a crowd to get them to boo him, this is a show of someone that can draw heat when there is a growing trend in Wrestling of both guys getting cheered and booed.

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