Edge and Christian vs. E&C


Shawn Michaels ❤
The tag division effectively died with the 'death' of 3 teams. The Hardy Boys, The Dudley Boys, and Edge and Christian. I'm choosing E&C because they've become the most successful in the singles career. Although that's arguable, feel free to debate that. But anyway, is what we got/are getting from Edge and Christian separately good enough to overrule what they did to the tag team division? Them leaving it made it horrible, never has it got back to the days of TLC matches and great feuds. But we've also had some amazing matches from Edge alone, he's arguably one of the greatest heels of all time.
Edge and Christian seperate have accomplished more than when they were together. If they would have stayed together then they would have run out of programs and fueds and be just like the dudleys are now: now known as Team 3D in TNA, all they do is brag about accomplishments and put people over. Instead of becoming an ALL-TIME TAG TEAM together, E&C broke up and Christian became a 2-time TNA champ and with probably 5-10 years left of a career he has more room to grow. Edge has carried SD! on his back for a very long time. He has had singles fueds with Taker, Matt Hardy, HHH, and of course - the biggest and longest fued he has had and the longest one WWE has, the fued with Cena. Edge has main-evented a wrestlemania and held 26 titles, had tag gold with hogan, and cashed in 2 MITBs AND!!! Put MITB on the map and had a COMPANY CHANGING moment when he cashed in the first briefcase. With that one act he became the ultimate opportunist, and it started the Cena-Edge life-long fued, and it validated the MITB match, and catapulted Edge into the Main event status and he never looked back. Give credit to a man who can pull off a love angle with both Lita .... and with Vicke Guerrero!!
Don't forget the brothers of destruction. They made the tag titles into major gold, especially when they held the wwf and wcw tag titles. I'll never forget that triple threat tornado tag team tables match they had against E&C and the Dudleys back in 2001.
I just wanna ask this questions: What the hell has Christian done since he split up from Edge in the WWE? Seriously. Only won a few mid-card championships and only in one championship feud and that too alongside another person challenging from the championship? Seriously is that what you call a main eventer? Or even successful? If Christian was to quit right now, no-one at all would remember him because thats what he is: An unforgettable and unsignificant guy.
You mean forgettable.. But yeah, Christian is great.. The only reason he ever got that main event feud for Vengeance in 05 was because Michael Hayes rode Vince HARD to push him, Vince didn't like it, although.. I think it was great.. But Vince disagreed and gave Christian to Hayes on SmackDown, where.. I honestly think he would have had his big payoff had he not left.. I personally believe he would have been in Booker T, soon turned King Booker's place and finally got a legit push.
You mean forgettable.. But yeah, Christian is great.. The only reason he ever got that main event feud for Vengeance in 05 was because Michael Hayes rode Vince HARD to push him, Vince didn't like it, although.. I think it was great.. But Vince disagreed and gave Christian to Hayes on SmackDown, where.. I honestly think he would have had his big payoff had he not left.. I personally believe he would have been in Booker T, soon turned King Booker's place and finally got a legit push.

I agree with you, but it wasn't Hayes who pushed for Christian, it was Brian Gerwitz, as Hayes was the one who never saw Christian as a star as he had him job to Batista soon fter he was drafted to smackdown. Hell he didn't like the fact that christian was considered a big pick in the draft. He change his stance now with the Hardy storyline, but he has never really wanted to push Christian.

I think what really hurt Christian's stance in the WWE was the fact that he was the one who got the crowd to turn on Cena when he was making fun of him and calling him a poser as that was the time that Cena started to get booed by older fans and has now become the "Controversial" Champion. I think Vince didn't like the fact that Christian killed Cena in front of the crowds with his jokes, the same way Miz & Morrison killed Cryme Tyme during that commentary battle on Raw.

Christian was over and could have been champion if he never stared with Cena. I think that Christian will get a push to the ECW title, but unless Edge begs for him to get push, then he won't get push to a "Real" world title. Christian will be like Benjamin & Matt Hardy, a internet favorite, but will never be a legit favorite. I mean he has done like two promos since being back in the WWE and guy is gold on the mic when he is heel.
I've never under stood the apparant hating on Christian from the uppers in the WWE, if they are true. Christian is one of the best workers on the mic, and the guy is about as solid as they get in the ring. I've watched him since his return, and the guy hasn't had a bad match since coming back. Christian is a better in ring worker then either of the Hardy's, and better on the mic then both of them combined. The guy consistently gets big pops when he comes out, it's simply only a matter of time before the idiots up top clean their ears out and begin to listen to the crowd.

What the wrestling world has received fromt he split of Edge and Christian is immensely better then what we had while they were together. Yes, the TLC's and 5 second poses were memorable, but Edge has brought us a truly great ultimate opportunist gimmick where you honestly feel he can win a title at anytime, and Christian has given us Captain Charisma. I believe they are the only major tag team (aside from the Funks) where both men went onto win major recognized world titles.
Christian needs to get his push he's earned it. This guy has been in wwe for so long, he's great on the mic and he's good in the ring. i hate the fact that he hasn't won at least 1 world title in wwe. Edge has won 8 now yet they won't give Christian 1.
And another question: What's so special about Christian? Surely if he was that wrestling greatness the 'uppers' would have noticed him and given him a push? IF he is so great and awesome then how comes he has only been in one championship programme? And to say that he has better in-ring skills than either of the hardys just goes to show how over-rated he really is in the IWC.
And another question: What's so special about Christian? Surely if he was that wrestling greatness the 'uppers' would have noticed him and given him a push? IF he is so great and awesome then how comes he has only been in one championship programme? And to say that he has better in-ring skills than either of the hardys just goes to show how over-rated he really is in the IWC.

There are a number of things that could be holding Christian back. His leaving. Lack of faith. Fans aren't starving for his title run yet like they were with Jeff. They feuded Jeff with Triple H for a couple of months and fans could taste Jeff's win coming. Had fans ignored it, Jeff would have been buried. That could be what WWE is doing. Make you really want that title run.

Neither company complained about Christian's in-ring work or behavior. Jeff has been suspended and fired by the Vince and didn't leave TNA on the best of terms. Vince isn't completely sold on Christian but there have been many times he didn't seem sold on some one and then they finally reached their pinnacle (RVD and Jeff Hardy).

Edge is an 8 time champ and consistent headliner. Christian has headlined PPV's (granted for a rival company but Jeff didn't do that) and has held numerous titles.

Matt has had some pretty forgettable title runs and one serious feud. Jeff has headlined a couple of PPVs. Jeff is a spot fest. We appreciate his efforts and has good connection with the crowd but he isn't going to carry guys with lesser talent through a match. So Edge and Christian have been able to acheiver more on their own.

I perfer the Hardyz as a team but Edge and Christian as individuals. But just my perspective.
I like both edge and christian personally but to honest between edge and christian, edge has always been more over. Think about it after their split edge has the most momentum being ic champ and winning king of the ring. Vince build christian really to be a sidekick or even second to edge even though christian was just as talented. Christian biggest problem is that he is always has been link to edge and edge while christian was gone established himself independantly from his tag team days. As soon as christian came back to wwe many people talked about him teaming with edge again or link his success to edges and that's what's hurting him. I believe establishing christian as a seperate talent onto himself benefits him more or he will live in the shadow of edge the rest of his career.
I like both edge and christian personally but to honest between edge and christian, edge has always been more over. Think about it after their split edge has the most momentum being ic champ and winning king of the ring. Vince build christian really to be a sidekick or even second to edge even though christian was just as talented. Christian biggest problem is that he is always has been link to edge and edge while christian was gone established himself independantly from his tag team days. As soon as christian came back to wwe many people talked about him teaming with edge again or link his success to edges and that's what's hurting him. I believe establishing christian as a seperate talent onto himself benefits him more or he will live in the shadow of edge the rest of his career.
I'd rather see Christian and Tomko back together than him and edge. Yeah edge has his championships, but always seems to get them when people get hurt as a filler, sorry e&C ok, C&T, thats the real priceless.

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