****ed Out and Forgotten


Excellence of Execution
As wrestling constantly "evolves", there are wrestling moves which have become overused, made worthless, and then summarily forgotten. Take, for example, the piledriver. 20 years ago, a piledriver was an instant match finisher. Then, since it was seen as so devastating, it became more and more common, until it became so common that it was no longer seen as a powerful move, but rather just another regular move. Then the WWE banned it for years, and now it seems to have gotten back a little of its prestige as a devastating move.

So, use this thread to discuss which moves have been so overused that they no longer matter.

EDIT: Due to circumstances which suddenly came up, I'll post my list later.
I've got a ton to think of, particularly any of the moves the high flyers once used that are now on the banned list (thank you Triple H for not being able to sell for a cruiserweight).

The big one in my mind, the DDT.

Simply put, when Jake Roberts hit this move, the match was over. No one kicked out of the DDT. The DDT was one of, if not the most sick finishing move in wrestling for years. As powerful in the fans mind as the piledriver once was.

Raven came along, and used the Evenflow DDT as his finisher. Fair enough. The in ring psychology he had was at the level of Jakes, and ECW never truly ****ed out the DDT while Raven was there.

Then Sting came along, and put a little twist on it, the Reverse DDT. Holy shit, bad ass is all that you could say when Sting would drop from the rafters, pull someone backwards and stare at him with that dreaded souless white face paint.

After that, the DDT became ****ed out. Tommy Dreamer began to utilize it as a stolen finisher from Raven, the Rock would hit his float over DDT, and the list goes on and on. This is a move I would love to see go away for a few years, and someone new come along and bring it back to it's once glorious state.
The chokeslam. Back in the day when the only two guys to use that were Sid and Taker, it was devastating. What's scarier than a 7'0 tall guy grabbing you by the throat and picking you straight up into the air? Since then, Giant Gonzalez used his horrible version of it, Kane, Big Show, Nash and Hall have all used it. Taker's is still amazing, but his is one of the few. It was rarely a finisher for him, but he did it best. Now so many people use it its almost an afterthought. Also, if you want to talk abotu how moves have been altered, the Rock Bottom is about 6 inches away from being a chokeslam.
I think the Big boot i mean when the huhlkster used it lights out and then all people over 6 foot was using it and it just became a kick another reason finishers should look finisher like not just a kick.

Then the elbow drop comes to mind imean when macho man used only one man kicked out of it and made the move look weak.
I'm probably in the minority here, and as much as I love the move. The spear has gotten totally ****ed out over the years. I remember that Goldberg used that move to it's fullest extent. Then Rhino used it and made it look even more lethal. Then Edge uses it as his finisher. Then before you knew it every big guy was using it. For what purpose? The move is definitely high impact, but it is getting used by to many superstars these days. That's just my opinion though.
You're dead on and if its the minority I'm right there with you. Two guys should use that move: Goldberg and Rhino. Lashley used it, Batista uses it, Edge uses it, and none of them do it any justice. Batista just does it too slow. The spear should be one quick movement. Edge is just not big enough to make it look legit. He does the move well, but I think he's better suited for the Impaler. When 3 guys in the company that are main eventers use the same move at the same time, its overdone.
I'm pretty sure its not ther minority, a lot of people would agree with you. Rhino and Goldberg, as KB said, should be the only ones who use that move. Edge, Batista and all the others who use it are nothing compared to their spears. They put so much forc e behind them, its like you can almost feel it when you're watching.
Which was my point. When Goldberg and Rhino do it. You can sometimes feel it on the other side of the screen. When Batista does it, he barely runs into them, although at his size if he were to go full head of steam into his opponent he might kill them. I never understood why Bobby Lashley did it. His was worse than Batista's In my opinion. Edge on the other hand may not be big, but he convinces me with his delivery of it. But this move is way too overused.
How about the basic body slam? Here is a move where you are literally picking your opponent up and throwing him down to the ground. That would hurt in real life. But, it got to be that everyone did it, and you saw it all the time, and so it just became a routine part of wrestling.

The worst part about it is that now there are very few people who use the body slam. Or, the "scoop slam" as Gorilla Monsoon called. The body slam is a very good move to use in a match, for a plethora of reasons, but it's not flashy enough anymore to be used.
The headlock/reverse chin lock.

watch the Ultimate Warrior Vs Hulk Hogan from WM 6. That shit was serious buisness when you had it locked on you back then. Ventura and Gorilla always did a fine job of enhancing the phsycology involved with the maneuver. Back then, it wasnt a "rest hold" but an actual offensive maneuver, which was sold to be a very serious situation for the person having it placed on them. And if you think about it, an extremely logical move, as you cut off someones air supply, and blood flow.
One springs to mind right away-The NeckBreaker.I haven't a clue how many varations are done.But back in the day this was a dangerous and exciting finish-Honkey Tonk used the swinging one and Rick Rude had his version with a awesome taunt.Now these days it a basic move and the only one to use it as a finisher is the Miz.Way to honour that move WWE.

Another the springs to mind is the Figure 4.When Flair used it back in the day that got a massive pop.And it Still does.But Only when Flair uses it.HHH uses it sometimes and dosn't get anything.Finlay also uses a varation that sucks.That move can be used in a normal match and won't damn a damn thing without a "Woooooo"
i would say that the frakensteiner/ rana has been ****ed out. when Scott Stiener would hit this move back in the day, lights out. And it looked brutal. now if you are a small guy you might pull this move off like 25 times durring a match.
I'd say the piledriver and the DDT aren't the only school moves that have lost their glory.
The powerbomb is starting to get there. Back in the day, if you got hit with the powerbomb, you were done for. Now, everybody uses it. When was the last time someone came up with an original variation to the powerbomb? Honestly. Other than the Last Ride, but that was still years ago.
The crossface.... In my opinion along with the sharpshooter, this is the greatest submission hold of all time. It remains many peoples favourite finisher and when Benoit used to lock it in you just knew that was it - lights out. He used it to beat Triple H at mania and he used it to devestating affect in some of the greatest feuds of the greatest feuds in recent times. Benoits death was a tragedy on so many levels, on one of the slightly lesser levels it means that now this once golden move has been taken by the likes or Triple H and Shawn Michaels and buried. They have used it alot in recent BIG matches and it has minimal effect other than a collective sigh as two notorious self promoters tarnish the credibility of a once great move. Triple H and Shawn have finsihers, exceptional ones at that, and in the past The Game has called upon the Indian Deathlock, an equaly devestating submission, they shuld leave the crossface well alone, if it's going to be used give it to someone who will respect it enough to have it actually finish some matches.

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