ECW sig-request

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan
Hey guys, I was looking to add my first sig to my posts, but I didn't know who would be the right person to ask or who had the time/would be interested, so I figured I'd just throw a request out here.

I was looking for a sig that has paired together pictures of RVD and Jerry Lynn, Masato Tanaka and Mike Awesome, and Tajiri and Super Crazy- with the text "Nothing Rivals ECW"(with special attention drawn to the word "rivals", like a different font or color or something).

I will green rep anyone who makes an attempt, and credit the artist if I use it(but it will need to be quite good for me to add it to my posts).
Your asking for a picture that has 7 wrestlers in a space that can only be 500 wide at biggest. That is too much to ask for.

That's some quality counting you did there... and I realize its not an easy sig, which is why i didn't just go randomly requesting it in some artists thread- I figured if it was a challenge someone wanted to take on then they could, if not cool; but I've seen plenty of sigs on this site which feature multiple people, SIX doesn't seem outside the range of possibility to be done well.
That's some quality counting you did there... and I realize its not an easy sig, which is why i didn't just go randomly requesting it in some artists thread- I figured if it was a challenge someone wanted to take on then they could, if not cool; but I've seen plenty of sigs on this site which feature multiple people, SIX doesn't seem outside the range of possibility to be done well.

Hmmm, I guess I should be burnt on the cross. Miss counting and all.....

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