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ECW Rumble?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
since their tryin hard to promote ecw to the whole ecw audience i could definitely see them changing the 30-man format. what if it was 10 raw participants, 10 smackdown participants and 10 ecw participants. hey then there would be less crappy guys in the rumble. wouldnt that be tight
nope,because at the minuite, ECW dont have 10 'extremists' i want to watch. They have 3 at a push, and coupled with the fact theres likely to be an ecw title match in there somewhere (test vs RVD/Sabu/Punk) that leaves us with Big show (who is unlinly to stay in long considering his health) sandman and mike knox.
Think they might bring in some of the older ECW starts in for one night only i.e. funk.
ok well look. what if the ecw champ doesnt fight at the rumble? say its test. then they can use...

2 Sabu
3 Big Show
4 CM Punk
5 Hardcore Holly
6 Great Khali
7 Sandman
8 Tommy Dreamer
9 Balls Mahoney
10 Mike Knox
I think it's obvious that the format will change to incorporate ECW. I just hope they dont make the Rumble 45 competitors instead of 30.
no they wont add to it but ecw will be involved in some way or another maybe they just wont make the shows have the same # of people entered maybe there will only be 5 or 6 entrees from ecw is my guess
Mania23OffThaHook said:
since their tryin hard to promote ecw to the whole ecw audience i could definitely see them changing the 30-man format. what if it was 10 raw participants, 10 smackdown participants and 10 ecw participants. hey then there would be less crappy guys in the rumble. wouldnt that be tight
How does that change the 30 man format? last time I checked...and my math may be a little fuzzy...10+10+10 still equals 30. So...all it would be is 30 WWE Wrestlers...from 3 brands instead of 2. this is what will probably happen tho, as they will have qualifying matches or whatever up until the royal rumble and those will be the 30
I think they'll go with the 10 from each brand plan, i think that test will probably face RVD for the ECW title so thse 2 probably won't be in it but here are the 10 I think will:
2-Tommy Dreamer
3-Hardcore Holly
4-Big Show
5-CM Punk
6-Mike Knox
7-Balls Mahoney
9-Kevin Thorn
10-Matt Striker
they could also shorten the time between enteries (say like 1min. maybe) to speed up the match a little as it seems to drag on every year
I also think that they will have 10 guys hrom each brand. I think they will be
3.Balls Mahoney
4.Tommy Dreamer
5.Mike Knox
6.CM Punk
7.Matt Striker
8.Kevin Thorn
10.Hardcore Holly
hmmm.... I think the Royal Rumble would be more entertaining with 10 ECW extremeists instead of only your typical average WWE guys with a "different flag" they're supporting.
Thats a good question, If ECW do have 10 it would probably be

2.CM Punk
5.Hardcore holly
7.Tommy Dreamer
8.Mike Knox
10. (Possibly) The Great Khali.
No - I can't see them putting their Top 10 guys forward for this. In order for any brand to survive in the long term they need to give the lower card men a leg up from time to time. The Rumble often does this.

There are a dozen or so ECW listed Extremists (won't be called this for much longer) who don't get TV time due to time constraints.

There is every chance we'll see Stevie Richards pop back out, maybe even Terry Funk (as he's been associated with every other match too).

IMO this 06/07 year is all about history - about looking back on past WWF/WWE/ECW/WCW history so why not give some of the ECW men a shot?

Vince/Melina fired Mick Foley but Heyman could just as easily ask him back. Would lead to some nice Flair - Foley angles, which Flair might welcome given his choice of Tag partner (Piper) is out long term.

RR is less about raw skill, it's more about stamina, durability, sheer aggression. Choosing the right wrestlers for this is key for ECW. If they were to put too many 'storyline wrestlers' in there then they'd merely face off against each other and you'd get the more experienced WWE PPV wrestlers like HBK/HHH etc picking their easy targets and shortening their own odds.

The ECW men would need to last as long as possible. You could get Funk LEADING ECW as a team whereby they try and get one of their guys further along...

However until it gets closer to the date I can't see how it might truely pan out.
I'd put in
-CM Punk
-Tony Mamaluke
-Little Guido
-Tommy Dreamer
-Kevin Thorn
-Renee Dupree
-Elijah Burke
There are a ton of ECW wrestlers that could be put in there - I just don't want an extremist to win the Rumble, I really don't. I think that putting the ECW title match in the main event of the WWE's biggest PPV is wrong... ok I understand that ECW is under the WWE umbrella but it still feels separate. I don't think there are any extremists deserving to be in the main event of 'mania. A WWE superstar to win for sure, but I think ECW may add a little bit of something different, like they could come to the ring with weapons to liven things up or something. Just don't let one of them win the damn thing.
I'd put in
-CM Punk
-Tony Mamaluke
-Little Guido
-Tommy Dreamer
-Kevin Thorn
-Renee Dupree
-Elijah Burke

That's a good list to put in - except as Lashley is the champion, you could have someone like Terkay or Daivari/Khali, so that Lashley can defend his title against Test/RVD or whoever.
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