ECW on Wrestlezone!

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I've wrestled alot of countries
Im not letting this fail like my other book this! threads.I hope you enjoy my product.........


In the year 2001 ECW is in Trouble.In debt,ECW needs a big boost to survive the next year.Paul Heyman,being the genuis that he is, somehow manages to get a spot on Spike at 9pm.ECW debuted its weekly show Saturday Night Extreme on the 26th of April...........

The ECW arena is packed as The ECW theme hits the music system.The Crowd Chants "EC-Dub" as Paul Heyman comes out


This is ECW!And we will not die!Though Many said we would,they were wrong,the heart and soul that is ECW lives on!

Crowd cheers


And since its our first big TV Time slot I booked something massive-Rhino vs RVD-Extreme Rules!And its for the ECW world title!Enjoy!

Joey Styles
Well,ECW hasn,t ran a show for 2 months but it looks like Mr.Heyman hasn,t lost his extreme touch!On with are first match!

Justin Credible vs Taz
Justin tries to keep Taz down using many takedowns and submissions.Justin Begins to work On Taz's Arms.Wise move-If Taz can't use his arms he can't do suplexes.Simple As.Taz manages to get some leverage on the rope and pulls him self up.But out of no where Justin his a stiff Clothsline!Both men struggle to their feet at a count of 3.Taz runs at Justin but he counters with a drop toe hold onto the steel steps!Taz is KTFO!Justin rolls him into the ring and set him up for the tombstone!Wait!Taz has somehow managed to turn it into a dragon sleeper!He hooks his legs round Justin!Justin tries to reach the ropes!Hes so close!NO!He taps!He taps!He taps!

Winner: Taz

Backstage were shown RVD warming up.He wrapping his fists with tape when Eddie Gurrero enters.


Well look who it is

Never thought I,d be here again.......

Wait..........don,t you work for WWE?

I got fired hommie.Anways Good luck tonight.


Eddie walks backwards out of the room keeping his eyes on Van Dam.Van Dam shurgs his shoulders and continues to tape his wrists.

Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman vs Danny Doring and Roadkill for ECW Tag team Championship

Sandman starts of with the large Roadkill.Roadkill begins to beat down Sandman with some big chops and punches.Danny comes in on the tag and hits the pearl necklace which is only good enough for a 2 count.Danny and RoadKill begin to use some good double teams but after a miscommunication Sandman gets to his corner and In comes the innovator of violence!A massive double clothsline to the champs!Dreamer lifts both up and hits a Double Dreamer DDT!Dreamer tells Sandman to get on the top rope which he does......Rolling Rock on Roadkill!Dreamer hits the dreamer driver on Danny!1..2..3 and we have new tag champions!

Winners and new tag champions-The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer!

Dreamer and Sandman head backstage.When there gone The dudleys hits the ring!D-von sets up 2 tables on top of each other and both men hit the 3-D on Roadkill!Holy shit!Danny runs off leaving his partner alone in pain.The Dudleys have sent a clear message to Tommy and the sandman.

He returns in 2 weeks....................Sabu........


RVD vs Rhino.

For ECW World title

Extreme Rules Match

As RVD is coming down to the ringRhino hits him with a chair from behind!Rhino thorws him into the steel steps and begins to stomp him!The ref rings the bell after Rhino orders him(hey,would you like to get on the badside of the man-beast?).Still not in the ring,Rhino grabs a trash can but RVD simply kicks him in the face with it!RVD thorws Rhino into the ring and RVD finds a few objects to throw in aswell!RVD waits for Rhino to get up and BAM! Guitar between the eyes!RVD finds Table and places it in the corner.RVD turns round and Rhino goes for the gore but RVD moves!Rhino goes through the table!RVD goes for the pin but its only good enough for a 2!RVD climbs the turnbuckle and he singals for a frog splash but wait.......whos that?A hooded man has just picked up a chair and has hit RVD!RVD's leg is now caught between the ropes because of the chair shot!The masked man takes down his hood-Its the ECW Prodigal son-Mike Awesome!Mike hits RVD a few more times as he caught in the ropes!Wait-Eddie Gurrero comes down and scares of Mike!Eddie chases after Mike into the crowd!Rhino pulls down RVD and thorws him into ring.One powerbomb later and the champion retains.

Winner-Rhino and still champion

-What a night!Is RVD ok?Whats Mike Awesome doing back here?Is Eddie RVD's friend?I don't know!But I,ll tell ya-ECW IS BACK!
Just for some constructive criticism. It felt a little rushed to me. Try and work on the promos and make them longer. Im not sure what I would have said but I could have got alot more out of the Eddie & RVD in the locker room.

Work on this and you got it
ECW Info Burst
Paul Heyman has confirmed that the main event of Barely Legal 2 will be Awesome and Rhino vs RVD and Gurrero

Also confirmed is the TV Title battle Royal.With only 6 places who will qualfily?

Will the Dudleys be in town to confront the sandman and dreamer?

Tune into ECW This week to find out.
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