ECW on TNN - September 10, 1999 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Date: September 10, 1999
Location: Lost Battalion Hall, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

Back with episode three as we keep getting closer to Anarchy Rulz. The Dudleys are officially gone so we move into a new era. Our main event tonight is RVD vs. Jerry Lynn for the TV Title which is considered the holy grail of feuds in ECW. The matches are good but I’ve never found them to be the masterpieces that people claim that they are. Anyway, let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam
Nice reviews KB. Brings back a lot of great memories reading some of these.

I hope you keep reviewing these shows because I think you have some very interesting opinions on the ECW.

Its always interesting to see what someone thinks of the ECW without the nostalgia glasses blinding them from the truth. Me personally I disagree with you on a lot of things about the ECW, but I still respect your opinion, and find it very interesting.

Can't wait to see what you think about the infamous Tammy Lynn Sytch episode. Paul was making some really bad decisions around this time, and that episode was one of them.

I remember hyping up the ECW to my friends, and showing them tapes that they loved, and then they came over to my house to watch it on TNN the night that episode aired, and everybody was like "What the fuck is this?". I was pretty embarrased. That episode really killed any steam they had picked up with their first couple of episodes on the network. I'm sure the TNN executives were looking at that episode, and were thinking the same thing we were. May have even been the single episode that really led to them losing that deal. It was just bad.

Then after that if I remember correctly, they just pretty much re aired Anarchy Rulz for the next few weeks. They got off to a pretty good start on TNN, but then they pretty much fucked it up for themselves. I can see why TNN didn't take them seriously looking back on some of these episodes. They did get much better later on in October through the end of 99(I can remember a pretty good match with Sabu vs Taz, Sandman's epic return, and Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome for the World Title), and on into 2000 it was pretty good too.

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