ECW Legends wants The British Bulldog in WWE Hall of Fame

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
First I would like to mention that I don't know a lot about the history of WWF or WCW. Because I'm a 90s kid, apparently started watching Wrestling at the Attitude Era. But I love to research on legends and watch their old matches. I respect many of them.

This name, British Bulldog, I came over when I was reading about Wade Barrett. For him, British Bulldog was one of the inspirations to get into Pro-Wrestling.

I read a recent news on the main page stating that the ECW legends Raven and The Blue Meanie wants Davey Boy Smith into the WWE Hall of Fame! He had held almost all the titles in WWE except the big gold, which he deserved quite a lot of times before he gets pushed down the cards.

Every time he got pushed down the cards, he came back strongly, building momentum and an undeniable part of the Roster. His first reign as Tag Team Champion lasted for 9 months before they had to drop it owing to an injury to his partner Dynamite kid.

London hosted a PPV, Summerslam 1992 I guess just because of the momentum he had at that time. One can't shift a PPV to a foreign country just for one person. And he put up a 5 star match on that night against Bret Hart Hitman eventually winning the IC title which was on the line. I could say presumably, WWE's market started to grow in the United Kingdom because of the stars like him.

So what do you think about him being in the WWE ha of fame? You can give me valuable reasons for him to be and/or not to be. I would love to listen. Feel free to converse.

Completely deserves to be there. Although a world title was a rare opportunity for him, he made the best of where he was on the card. The Bulldog had excellent strength, execution and speed for a frame ripe with muscles. My fondest memory ( and would probably be most fans ) is his big Summerslam main event match with the Hitman for the Intercontinental Championship in Bulldogs home territory. The victory got him the biggest pop of his career and it was well deserved.
Davey Boy only goes in with the Dynamite Kid as that's what he's known for. I think DK was the better wrestler even though it ended up taking a big toll on his health. I think DK falls in the same type of category as Luger when it comes to the HOF.
This is a complicated one. As a singles wrestler, no way. Davey is known for one match even though he competed on his own for years both in WCW and WWF and that is the match with Bret. No matter how good that match was, the rest of his career was so-so at best so his singles career is not enough. Natural suggestion is induct the Bulldogs but you run into an issue there too in that if you look at their WWF run, it really isn't enough. While people remember the Bulldogs in the WWF, most forget that they left and went back to Stampede Wrestling/Japan. In 4 years in WWF, they only held the titles once. If you want to say that was enough, then really you have to induct their major rivals from that time as well. Here is where the complicated part comes in though - if you look at their career as a whole, it is certainly hall of fame worthy but does that mean WWE HOF worthy? The complaint in the past is that the WWE HOF is not a Pro Wrestling HOF and that many guys there never actually wrestled for Vince so really shouldn't be there. However that doesn't stop wwe from indicting them. Because of that, I can see them inducting the Bulldogs together - inducting Davey alone still makes little sense as his singles career really doesn't make him more worthy than Dynamite. But to be honest, their WWF run alone really doesn't make them worthy. So I guess it is up to wwe and the Hart family as without them, they are a 1 time champ but with Stampede Wrestling, they become 3 time champs.
Davey is known for one match even though he competed on his own for years both in WCW and WWF and that is the match with Bret.

One match in your opinion certainly not mine, Probably you werent even born during his career and just caught this match on the network at some point but he was involved in so many great matches in feuds over the years in both tag team and singles careers.

Both British Bulldogs I think are long overdue an induction they may only have held the tag titles on one occasion but their reign was so memorable during a peak time and lasted almost a year as well as both being more than deserving for also both their singles careers.
One match in your opinion certainly not mine, Probably you werent even born during his career and just caught this match on the network at some point but he was involved in so many great matches in feuds over the years in both tag team and singles career.

Born in 1975, lived in Calgary from 1993-1998 so I am quite familiar with Davey. Also watched him on Stampede Wrestling growing up. I stand behind my statement. I am not saying he didn't have good feuds with top guys, just that they are not the matches that really stand out. He was a solid guy but always kind of playing a secondary role. Yes he has great matches but is that enough to get him into the hall of fame? Remember, hall of fame is supposed to be for the best of the best - has he earned the right to be in there? As good as Owen was, his career was not hall of fame worthy. Davey is no different. The fact that they have passed away does not make a difference. Easy comparison - compare him to Edge. Edge had a great tag team career but also went on to have a fantastic singles career. Can you say Davey had a similar career?
Davey Boy Smith absolutely belongs in the HOF. He almost won the Royal Rumble in 1995. He had pretty notable Tagruns with Dynamite Kid and Lex Luger. His return during the Attitude Era was very poorly booked. They put Koko B. Ware in and the Bushwackers. The British Bulldog is well-remembered and he deserves a HOF spot no doubt w/his Brother-in-law Owen Hart.
Yes he has great matches but is that enough to get him into the hall of fame? Remember, hall of fame is supposed to be for the best of the best - has he earned the right to be in there? As good as Owen was, his career was not hall of fame worthy. Davey is no different. The fact that they have passed away does not make a difference.

To be fair its not just the wrestlers who had the greatest matches who get inducted if that was the case most of the ROH roster will be inducted someday and there would be no Ultimate Warrior in the hall of fame, Even though I still do think he had some of the best matches in his era and he was arguably the most popular WWE wrestler of all time in the UK, If inductions were soley given out for great matches the Dynamite Kid has had the best matches I have ever seen and equally deserves an induction in my opinion.
I think the WWE have held off placing Bulldog in the HOF until they sort out the issues with Owen Hart and getting him in there. I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE kill two birds (or five) with one stone and simply induct The Hart Foundation. The only issue with this is three of the guys are dead and that doesn't look very good PR for WWE given one death was their fault and the other two were probably down to the business. Although they put the Von Erichs in there.......

Bret for a second time, Owen, Davey, Neidhart and Pillman. No issues with this.
I have to agree with what someone else said about it being complicated. Davey Boy Smith on his own had a decent but not HOF worthy career. Together with the Dynamite Kid, they had much better success. So I can't see one going in without the other, they would have to put them in as the tag team they were known as The British Bulldogs.

The WWE could do it that way, or just put the Hart Foundation in as a whole. The fly in the ointment there is Owen Hart. His widow has stated repeatedly she wants nothing to do with the WWE, and I can see her raising hell. Understand her point in a way, but this would be honouring her husband, and she doesn't have to be there.

As someone else said, three of them are already dead, Bret Hart while he still looks good, isn't getting any younger. Dynamite Kid is in a wheelchair, so it they are going to do it, it should happen sooner rather than later.
Davey Boy Smith is undoubtedly the greatest British wrestler to ever grace the wrestling scene. Although some may disagree with that statement, I'm sure if you asked 100 people who the most notable British wrestler in history was, 90 would name The British Bulldog. From his stellar tag team career with The Dynamite Kid, to his solid run as a singles competitor, Davey Boy was always high-profile during his time in the WWF. He's done a lot and although he's not a headliner, he definitely deserves to go into the Hall of Fame one day.

Not only was Bulldog ridiculously over with the fans, but he could put on a hell of a match for a guy his size and he was always on the cusp of winning the big belt... many would argue he should have won the World title at least once. As a former IC Champ, 2 time Tag Champ, and as the only man to make the European title actually mean something, he belongs in the HOF.
I think Davey Boy Smith definitely deserves a HOF induction (and no, I'm not biased even though he grew up just down the road from me in Golborne, UK).

Davey had a great career, both as a tag team wrestler in The British Bulldogs (with Dynamite Kid- who is another HOF calibre performer), and as a singles wrestler too. He won tag team gold as well as the IC title in the famous SummerSlam 1992 match in the UK against Bret Hart, plus was the first European Champion and competed several times for the WWF Title. If people like Rikishi can get into the HOF, why not Davey?

The problem lies in with the fact that he is no longer with us, and WWE don't want to induct multiple deceased wrestlers into the HOF each year, understandably. Also, if Davey could be inducted as part of The Hart Foundation faction, but then you have the issue of Brian Pillman and Owen Hart also no longer being with us, plus the major issues with Owen's widow, Martha who DOES NOT want her husband in the WWE Hall of Fame.

So, do you put Davey with Dynamite as a tag-team? You could, although Dynamite is crippled and in a wheelchair, not to mention an extremely bitter, angry man. He'd be required to speak at the ceremony and I don't know if WWE could trust Tommy to behave himself and not go off on a major rant which would look terrible for the company.

There are several factors in why Davey isn't already in the HOF. I do think if they are going to induct him, it'll have to be on his own with Bret doing the honours or his son Harry. That way it would avoid pissing off Martha Hart and avoiding Dynamite Kid going crazy on stage during the induction.
I'm actually amazed that there are people who feel his entire body of work isn't HOF worthy but everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion. I on the other hand believe he is a slam dunk.
Starting w/the Bulldogs' run in the 80's, transitioning into his singles run in the 90's that made him at many points the #2 baby in both wwe/wcw, headlined ppv's, was in the title mix and challenged at several ppv's. Then, he and Owen started tagging , became champs and parlayed that dynamic into a phenomenal Euro Title tourney where he and Owen tore the house down in the finals on RAW from Germany. Then, there was the Hart Foundation stable which was huge for all of '97. His career was cut short largely to his own demons and opportunities squandered as well but there is no denying his impact and contributions to the sport for 15 years.
Considering the criteria is subjective to get in, I can say he is more "deserving" than a great majority of guys already in. The post-mortem induction is the tough part as so many guys hang in limbo because of it (Rude, Pillman, Adonis, Bruiser Brody, etc...). Sure, he and Dynamite could be inducted together but it's not where he needs to be.
People seem to think that the number of titles won is what gets you into the HOF and that's simply not the case. I'll defer to the examples of Koko B. Ware and The Bushwhackers. Compare Davey's singles career to Koko's and then the Bulldogs to the Bushwhackers...
Davey Boy DOES deserve to go in on his solo career credentials, What rubbish that he is only known for one match. Sure the 1992 Summerslam match with Bret was awesome and his most famous match.... Bret said himself its his favourite match of all time.
However Davey was an upper midcard wrestler in WWE and WCW for years.
In 1993 he was in the WCW world title mix with Vader- even beating Vader (when the Mastadon was a big deal) by DQ... WCW certainly toyed with the idea of putting the world title on Davey.... as did Vince.... In 1995-96 Davey was frequently a world title contender against Bret, Shawn and Diesel.
And the early - mid 90s wasn't quite the era where titles were swapped around every 2 minutes (I say that started from the Attitude era onwards). Many greats from the 80s and early 90s never won a world title because they were from that era where the world title didn't change hands too much. Titles still meant something.
I've got dozens of old magazines from the 90s and Davey was frequently ranked in the top 10 of either WWF or WCW from 1991 up to 1997.

Davey also wrestled many classics with Owen - the European title? first time winner.
Davey and Owen were also a decent tag team.... saving a moribund division in the pre-Attitude era.

There are already numerous wrestlers who were midcarders or even jobbers to the stars (Koko B Ware?) in the HOF- I think Franie Kazarain put it best (there is an online petition to get Davey in the HOF which many wrestlers have posted you tube videos in support) when he says Davey is better than half the guys already in there).

Then you look back at his tag career... and over time the Bulldogs legendary status has grown over time. Dynamite was the best worker of his day... but Davey became the more famous of the two. The Bulldogs are always up there when people discuss the best tag teams ever. Dynamite was the pocket rocket wrestling machine... and Davey the powerhouse - though the Davey in the 80s when he weighed 245 was actually very agile himself. People tend to remember his physique in the 90s when he weighed 270.

Davey was forever heralded as the powerhouse of the WWE in the 90s.... who can forget those vertical suplexes where he would hold something in the air for however long he wanted! Despite his size in the 90s he was still a decent enough worker... probably the best worker amongst the powerhouse guys on the roster at the time.

Davey wrestled for the big 2 (WWE/WCW) pretty much full on from 1985-2000.
15 years is surely worthy of respect?

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