ECW 28/7/09 Review By CTWD


Getting Noticed By Management
The show has started and ECW is now Live in the air. The anouncers pump up the crowd and the crowd is pretty excited. Well... that is until a certain green wrestler shows up. It's Tyler Reks. He gets a little reaction from the crowd, not bad for a new guy. But I have to say that I don't like his gimmick and his look. He's some kind of surfer? and what's with the hair? , Joey Murcery popped up in my head when I saw Tyler making his entrance. His promo was okay but now great. So far he's made a ''meh'' impression on me. I hope he can improve. Anyway it seems he's going up against the Jobber of tuesday nights Paul Burchill.

First Match Of The Night: Paul Burchill vs Tyler Reks

First a couple of holds and then Reks begins to leads the match early on. But Burchill comes back and delivers a good share of blows to Reks. Stryker makes a comment on him rather watching Katie Lea than Paul Burchill in this matchup, and I have to agree. Burchill holds Reks down, and the crowd is behind Reks. Reks breaks free but Burchill continues to lead the match. Burchill throws a nice saido suplex ( thanks to striker for the info ) and Burchill continues to hold Reks down. Crowd get's behind Reks again and Reks throws a couple of offensive manouvers. At this point the crowd seems to enjoy the match. Reks goes for a jump at the top rope but Burchill breaks out at the 2 count. Reks beats Burchill at the ropes and gives him a missile drop kick to end the match.

VERDICT: I'm going to give this match a 2.5 stars. The match was decent enough as the opening for the show. Both competitors had good chemistry, but the match lacked some innovative moves and speed to be a great match. I was going to give this 2 stars, but seeing how Reks won the crowd over I decided to give .5 extra for this rookie. To me he's still kind of bland and I hope he will improve his in-ring action. As for the Burchill's, I'm only going to say to get that talented girl Katie Lea away from that Jobber Paul. The guy is a decent wrestler but he's ECW's Jobber. And I don't think you can get any lower than that. ( Well... except for Chavo )

Anyway up next is... Ugh I don't even want to put this in my review but *sigh* I guess I have to. Vladimir Kozlov against a local Jobber, Again. Ugh..

Second Match Of The Night: Vladimir Kozlov vs Local Jobber:

Kozlov dominates early on, playing with the jobber. The Jobber gave him a slap but that only enraged Kozlov further. After a while Kozlov delivers his finisher and wins the match, I bet you didn't see that coming :disappointed: I have to give the crowd credit for booing Kozlov even after this shit match. Afterwards Ezekiel Jackson comes out, and he has a staredown with Kozlov. Now this is a match I would like to see. The crowd gives the cliché USA chant to Kozlov and Jackson takes the jobber out. After hearing Styles it seems that Jackson wanted to show off to Kozlov. Jackson leaves and Kozlov lookes pissed. I really, really, really!! hope the WWE will make this match up.

VERDICT: I'm going to have to give this match 1 star. This wasn't a match, it was a boring waste of time. I really dont understand why Vince does this. Kozlov is at a point where I find him almost as hidiously boring and disgusting
as Goldberg... almost. Like what the fuck is Vince thinking? He knows the fans don't want to see this crap and yet he stills thinks Kozlov can look good by dominating jobbers, wow. Didn't Kozlov say in his own words he could defeat anyone? so why the hell is he still going up against jobbers? If I have to see Kozlov vs another jobber again, I think I might throw up. Even Josh Mathews mentions that Kozlov said that he could beat anyone at anytime he wants. So why the fuck won't they let the man wrestle an actual competitor? Ugh this is giving me a headache, sorry for the rant. Now let's move on

We have a backstage segment with Benjamin, the lovely Tiffany, Dreamer and The Hurricane ( come on you know who I mean ;). Benjamin talks about being on the Abraham Washington show. Tiffany says that Washington thinks Benjamin isn't entertaining enough. Hurrican shows up and Benjamin bitches with him a bit. And leaves telling Tiffany that he'll show how entertaining he is. Yeah right :rolleyes: .

Up next is Sheamus with his ever so Irish theme, vs Golddust.

Third Match Of The Night: Sheamus vs Golddust:

Sheamus is looking good. And Golddust comes out to ... wait... what the hell? he's getting cheered? jesus christ what have I missed?

Anyway the match is underway and it's Sheamus who's taking the lead. Sheamus is taunting Golddust which is a good heel move. Sheamus continues to take down Golddust, whom the crowd is taking sides with. Sheamus get's knocked into a corner and slows down a bit. Afterwards Sheamus get's back in control and holds Golddust down. Crowd is chanting loudly Golddust. Sheamus is using classic heel tactics. e.g Holding the hero down and making him suffer. And the crowd is buying into it. Golddust hypes the crowd and breaks free from Sheamus's hold. Golddust is dealing a fair amount of blows to Sheamus. Both are dealing blows back and forth and it ends up with Golddust delivering a good powerslam. Sheamus retaliates and gives Golddust his finisher. And taunts the crowd.

VERDICT: This match is worth 3 stars. Not exactly fantastic but it was a good match with the crowd being involved in a good portion of the match. I'm really starting to like Sheamus. I think this guy is in line for ''The'' push on ECW. He's got the look, skill and knows how to play the crowd for a while. As shown in this match. I'm hoping this guy get's far. Well at least he won me over. Now here's hoping he does it backstage too.

Up next is Christian vs Zach Ryder

Christian comes out and he has real charisma with the belt. Something I felt that was missing with Dreamer. Crowd's into him too. Christian is obviously the best choice for now as the the ECW Champion. Hopefully he will move to better things after ECW. While Christian cut's his promo Dreamer comes out to interrupt. ECW chants follow. Tommie gives C his congrats and tells him that he's getting a rematch next week. And that match is going to be extreme rules. Then Zach Ryder interupts telling C that he is going to beat him now.

Fourth And Final Match Of The Night: Christian vs Zach Ryder

This was a good back and forth match, with Ryder impressing me with his skill and crowd interaction. I have to say that I would like to see these two get in the ring more often. Because they showed good chemistry together. The moves had good timing and they knew when and what to do at some point during the match. I suggest that you should watch it yourself, and I think you will agree with me.

VERDICT: This was the best match of the night for me, I liked the fact that they gave Ryder so much offense on the ECW Champion. This means that they must have faith in him. And I think I know why. He knows what he's doing. I can't believe this but the ''woo woo woo guy'' has won me over with this match and his charisma. I really liked the ending. Because it showed Ryder not willing to give up. I think you really need to watch this match to see what I'm talking about. I'm giving this match 4 stars.

OVERALL: This edittion of ECW was just like the previous one's not perfect but it sure is fun to watch. I'm going to give this week's ECW a 7. If only those first two shit matches weren't on the card this show would have had a higher score. But now I remember why I liked ECW so much. This show is a no nonsense show. Pure wrestling and no lengthy promo's and stupid comedy skit's. Hell this show gave me more wrestling than... Raw.

So lets give a thumbs up for ECW :thumbsup:
Oh forgot to mention: Please tell me if you liked it and if I called it right or wrong. Because I'm planning to do a review every week. And please discuss it and spread the word the CTWD is back!
One big thing is that Styles isn't calling ECW anymore. It's Josh Matthews and Matt Striker.
One big thing is that Styles isn't calling ECW anymore. It's Josh Matthews and Matt Striker.

I know but I want to use the word Styles. Because Striker is just like him, godly! sometimes I mix up but it isn't a big deal. Anyway what do you think about the review?
Crush, this is the prison. Post counts are off. There's no such thing as "spam" here. We appreciate you taking the time to report posts, but this is a spam section, people can spam to their hearts content.

That said, I like the fact that you're actually trying to contribute and show you want to be released. This is a good step for you.
Crush, this is the prison. Post counts are off. There's no such thing as "spam" here. We appreciate you taking the time to report posts, but this is a spam section, people can spam to their hearts content.

That said, I like the fact that you're actually trying to contribute and show you want to be released. This is a good step for you.

Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you'll be back to watch some more of my posts.
I know but I want to use the word Styles. Because Striker is just like him, godly! sometimes I mix up but it isn't a big deal. Anyway what do you think about the review?

Pretty good. There were some errors in spelling and grammar but I understand why. I think you should have described the Ryder/Christian match a little more, instead of telling us to watch it ourselves. Overall a really nice recap, and it could be useful if someone forgets to watch it or can't because of work.
Pretty good. There were some errors in spelling and grammar but I understand why. I think you should have described the Ryder/Christian match a little more, instead of telling us to watch it ourselves. Overall a really nice recap, and it could be useful if someone forgets to watch it or can't because of work.

Thanks for the reply. The reason I didn't want to tell more of the Ryder/Christian match is because this match is too good to be spoiled. And that's why I wrote to go check it out yourself. But thanks! and like I said to the rest, I hope you too will be reading my future posts.
Good review, man! Hopefully, the rep doesn't discourage you from keeping active...I don't know why staff would want to mess with it. Also, ignore's nothing but a goon that isn't worth your time (if you have the ignore function still available, I'd recommend using that).

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