ECW 09: Better Than Ever


It's goin' down forreal!
Backstory-ish: I changed up the draft results so that the sole pick that ECW had was Jeff Hardy. From then on, Tiffany announced that the New Talent Initiative would continue on ECW. Also, I decided that since there was about two weeks left before the next PPV, Backlash, I decided to just skip those two shows and start after Backlash. So from that, Christian is my ECW Champion after defeating Jack Swagger for it. And that's all you really need to know, enjoy!



●S U P E R S T A R S●
Captain Charisma Christian
David Hart Smith
Evan Bourne
The Man Who Loves To Fight Finlay
The All-American American Jack Swagger
The Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy
The Tuesday Night Delight John Morrison
Katie Lea Burchill
The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry
Paul Burchill
The Heart and Soul of ECW Tommy Dreamer
Tyson Kidd
Long Island Iced-Z Zack Ryder

Date Won: April 26, 2009 (Backlash)

●T E A M S●
Paul Burchill w/Katie Lea Burchill
The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith, Natalya, and Tyson Kidd)

●S T A F F●
The Lady In Charge: Tiffany
Dem Commentators: Josh Matthews and Matt Striker
Ring Announcer Dude: Tony Chimel


With Christian winning the ECW Championship at Backlash against Jack Swagger, creative feel confident that ECW will see it’s better days with Christian as its champion. Where Swagger goes from here is not yet certain but he’ll most likely stay in the main event picture for a while. Swagger has a rematch clause but creative have said to be in favor of Christian facing off against someone else, but no final decision has been made as of this moment.

Though ECW only brought in one superstar at the annual WWE Draft, it was a big one as the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy has made his way to the land of extreme. After defeating his brother in an “I Quit” match at Backlash, creative is excited to see how fans react to Jeff landing in ECW since Jeff has had what seems to be a cult following. Word backstage is that Christian and Jeff will be carrying the ECW brand and will most likely be the #1 and #2 faces of the brand.

Tiffany has also announced via that the New Talent Initiative will be continuing on ECW to bring in some new talent. It’s being said that wrestlers from FCW will most likely be the ones called up, but it wouldn't be a long shot if WWE signs talent elsewhere. Those said to have impressed WWE officials were Drew McIntyre, Joe Hennig, Justin Angel, Kaval, and Sheamus O’Shaunessy. No word yet as to who will make their debut on the ECW brand or when they’ll make their debut but be sure to watch out for the guys mentioned earlier.

Writer’s Note: I’ll go with recaps for weekly shows and full for PPVs. Since the PPVs will follow the WWE schedule, therefore I’ll only be writing the segments in which ECW stars are in. But I’ll definitely have ECW Supershows so that it’ll feel like a PPV. Hope you all follow this one, I feel this is the one I’ll stick with, hopefully :p
Been waiting for you to finally put this up dude. Everything looks good so far and you have a good roster to work with.

Seems like you don't plan to keep Swagger in the ECW Title picture much longer...may I suggest JoMo take his spot as top heel? Morrison and Christian would put on a show together if given a chance.


Tuesday Night ECW – April, 28, 2009
New York City, New York | Madison Square Garden

At the beginning of the broadcast, we get a video package of what went down at Backlash between then-ECW World Champion, Jack Swagger and Captain Charisma, Christian. We see glimpses of the match the two competitors had with commentary coming from Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, and Michael Cole. We fast-forward to the ending where we see both Swagger and Christian removing the protective padding on the turnbuckles. However, Swagger was caught by the referee while Christian wasn’t. In the end, Christian uses his wits after Swagger bounces off the exposed steel turnbuckle only for Christian to connect with the Killswitch for the victory.

After the video package, the camera pans across Madison Square Garden where tons of ECW faithful make their voices heard. The announce team of Josh Matthews and Matt Striker then welcome everybody to the broadcast. Matthews highlights what went down at Backlash, basically repeating almost everything that was shown in the introductory video package. Striker on the other hand, gives his opinion on how excited he is now that ECW has a champion they can be proud of in Captain Charisma, Christian.

Right on cue, Just Close Your Eyes blares through the speaker system much to the applause of the MSG crowd. From behind the curtains, the new ECW World Champion walks out to a huge pop. Christian does his usual shtick in looking to the crowd for his peeps which garners a bigger response. The ECW Title is slung over his shoulders to which Christian wears proudly as he walks down the ramp. He enters the ring and quickly gets up on a turnbuckle to raise his ECW Title in the air for all to see, thus, signaling his dominance over ECW. After his music fades away, Christian is given a microphone from ringside. Captain Charisma looks around to the crowd and is about to speak but is a little emotional as “Christian” chants start to be heard.

The chants eventually fade so that Christian may address the crowd. Christian starts by saying that being ECW Champion is probably the greatest accolade in his career right now. Christian lists names such as Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Jerry Lynn, Sabu, Rob Van Dam and goes on to say that though those guys may be great, Christian’s plan is to become the best ECW Champion in history. He continues on saying that he’ll wear the ECW Title with pride and take on all challengers who come across his path much to the approval of the MSG crowd. The ECW Champion then informs the crowd that he will prove just that tonight as he’s in a match with Finlay and that everyone should look forward to the reign of Captain Charisma, which signals the end of his championship address. Christian continues to celebrate with the fans as he climbs a turnbuckle to pose for them. Before long, the crowd starts to buzz and we see it’s because of Jack Swagger entering the ring. He blindsides Christian with a clubbing blow to the back before connecting with blow after blow. With Christian doubled over, Swagger then hooks Christian by the torso and slams him down with the Gutwrench Powerbomb! The crowd is pouring heat all over Swagger who doesn’t care one bit. He takes the ECW Title and holds it high much to the chagrin of the audience before dropping it back down on Christian.

We then see a sinister look on Swagger’s face, a smirk if you will. The announce team of Matthews and Striker then comment on the situation, both agreeing that Swagger and Christian aren’t done with each other.


The cameras are backstage as they catch Jack Swagger, still in his ring attire and shirt over it, opening the trunk of his car. He puts his two gym bags in there but as he closes it, ECW General Manager, Tiffany comes into the scene. Swagger looks like he has no patience for this right now, but Tiffany stands firm. She informs the All-American American that he is not allowed out of the building because he’ll be in action tonight. Swagger had the feeling that this was happening and is seen seething through the nose. Tiffany then informs him that in the main event, Swagger will go one-on-one with ECW’s only draft pick from yesterday’s draft, the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy!

Match One | Singles Match
Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison

The opening match of the night had pretty much everything you could ask for. I mean, just look who’s in the ring, Bourne and Morrison. Morrison took the early advantage after using heel tactics such as a poke in the eye, using the ropes for leverage on a pin, and not honoring a clean break. However, Bourne was game and had mounted a comeback against the Shaman of Sexy. The Aviation Nut, Evan Bourne used his legs to get him back into the match after landing various kicks on Morrison. After a double-knee takedown from the top rope, Bourne once again made his way to the top rope attempting his Shooting Star Press. He missed but landed on his feet, all the while, Morrison leaped off the second rope and connected with a Flying Chuck Kick! After that, it was smooth sailing for Morrison as he finished off Bourne with the Starship Pain.
Winner: John Morrison via pinfall @ 9:21

We now go backstage to see ECW fan favorite, Tommy Dreamer watching the match go down from a monitor backstage with another backstage worker. He’s seen taking a sip from his water bottle before nodding his head in approval on what just went down in the Bourne vs. Morrison match. He then turns to the backstage worker, telling him that that’s what he calls a match and expresses his disgust on Swagger’s actions earlier in the show. The backstage worker is just there to nod his head in agreement with Dreamer before Zack Ryder comes into the picture. He stares at Dreamer in a bad way before looking at the backstage worker who then flees the situation. Dreamer asks what Ryder wants. He simply asks what Dreamer is still even doing in ECW. Ryder says that Dreamer has passed his expiration date and should just leave so that upcoming stars like himself can be featured and put ECW on a whole new level. He continues on saying this is a young man’s game now and Dreamer is no longer a young man. Dreamer laughs off Ryder’s comment and is about to say something before he settles that Ryder isn’t worth it and walks off the shot. However, Ryder pulls Dreamer’s hand back and grabs the bottle, before splashing water onto Dreamer’s face. Ryder is quick to disappear after Dreamer needs to wipe the water off of his face.


Match Two | Non-Title | Singles Match
Christian vs. Finlay

Veterans of the game, both Christian and Finlay put on quite a match. With the beating he took earlier on, Christian tried to get the match over with early but Finlay prevented that from happening. Finlay began working on the torso of Christian noticing the champ had slowed down because of Swagger’s assault. Finlay even hit the Celtic Cross but it wasn’t enough to put the champ away. The finish came when Christian gained momentum after getting out of an abdominal stretch from Finlay. From then on, Christian went on to hit a Tornado DDT before hyping up the crowd to clap with him. When Finlay got up from his feet, Christian hits the Killswitch for the pinfall victory.
Winner: Christian via pinfall @ 9:47

We go backstage with Todd Grisham who introduces his guest, The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Todd says he understands that Henry requested for this time as he has a message for everyone. Henry looks menacingly at Todd who steps back a little. Henry then snatches the microphone away from Todd and pushes him off the shot. He looks straight into the camera and tells everyone that from now on, everyone shall be put on notice. He continues on saying that he’s taken it easy on everyone for far too long and now, he means business. The World’s Strongest Man pauses, looking down to his feet before looking back up at the camera and says somebody’s gonna get it, walking away from the scene.

Just then, the video pulls up a splitscreen where we see the Hart Dynasty and Burchills on separate sides of the screen heading out to the ring.


Match Three | Singles Match
David Hart Smith w/Natalya and Tyson Kidd vs. Paul Burchill w/Katie Lea Burchill

Everyone at ringside played a part in the match so you can imagine that this may not have been the most enjoyable match to watch. Burchill and Smith did their thing in the ring, connecting on mostly brawler type moves. With Katie Lea interfering multiple times, Kidd and Natalya did their part to stop this as Natalya approached Katie Lea. Katie Lea then landed a Lou Thesz Press on Natalya and began throwing punches. Kidd was there to try and stop the commotion going on on the outside. All the while, Paul connected with a low blow on Smith who then called on the referee’s attention and got the 3 count.
Winner: Paul Burchill via pinfall @ 7:30

After the match, both teams stare at each other from afar. The announce team then goes on to say that both teams seem ready to lock horns right now but that’ll be for another time. The attention shifts to the announcers where they recap what has gone on so far on the show They replay the opening segment where Christian was attacked by Swagger. They then say that they’re excited for the main event. But when they do, the ECW World Champion makes his entrance once more and joins the guys for commentary as the main event is next!


Main Event | Singles Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Jack Swagger

With the ECW Champion on commentary, Swagger stayed cautious of this. However, he had his hands full with the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy. With Swagger’s mind seemingly focused on Christian, Hardy took the early advantage in the match. Using his aerial offense, Hardy had many nearfalls but none that could put Swagger away. Swagger’s wrestling background helped him make a comeback as he scored with a huge takedown. From then on, Swagger simply outwrestled Hardy only to finally apply the Ankle Lock! Hardy fought and was able to get to the ropes which caused frustration to Swagger. The All-American American then went to the outside and booted Tony Chimel off of his chair. He grabbed it and tossed it in the ring. The referee then went on to go to the chair to get rid of it. At that time, Christian then came from his commentary position and landed punches on Swagger! He threw Swagger in before the referee could see anything. Perfect timing too because when Swagger entered the ring, he eats a Twist of Fate from Hardy who then scales the top rope to connect with the Swanton Bomb for the pinfall victory!
Winner: Jeff Hardy via pinfall @ 8:54

The cameras then catch Christian walking up the ramp with his ECW Title raised high in the air. Swagger is then seen looking angry at Christian from the ring for costing him the match while Hardy is on the top turnbuckle celebrating with the fans. The final image of the night is Christian tapping on his ECW Title as the fans give another round of applause for him. Matthews gets the last word in saying that he can't wait to see what happens next week before thanking everyone at home for tuning into ECW on SyFy.

Writer's Note: So yeah, this is pretty much how my weekly shows will be. I know it might be too short but I think it gets it's message across nicely. Plus, when I do it this way, it doesn't burn me out. Second show is in the works and is about half way done. I think it's probably lengthier than the first show, but it's fine. Just wanted to finally get this first show out of the way. Enjoy!
Hey Jam. Choxy here with a review of your Tuesday Night ECW thread that you will probably give up in the next six weeks. Anyway, I enjoyed reading your TNA thread so I'm glad that your back and booking.

I liked the opening with Christian coming out. I liked the detail you used with you talking about "emotional chants." I like the way he mentioned some of the greats like Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu and RVD. Like what your doing with Jack Swagger here. He could have been a really big deal in ECW. Ok, having Jack Swagger try to leave was also a nice touch and it higlighted his charactor. Jack Swagger v. Jeff Hardy tonight? That will be one to see.

Big short of detail with the matches. This is due to you writing them in recap form. I would just comment on the Morrison/Bourne match but all the matches seemed to lack detail.

Once again, you had an alright interview with Mark Henry backstage.. It was an alright show. Bit of a lack in detail in a few places. Oh and I like the layout with the purple for the colour


My man, great to see you back in the section with a thread. I did enjoy watching the new guys coming in via ECW back in the day so I’m happy to see you with this thread. It’s a good choice, I know you’re a busy fella so an hour TV show and one or two PPV matches at a time should be more attainable in terms of your time. Jeff Hardy’s switch to ECW was a surprise but a welcome one – Jeff was on fire on SMACKDOWN round this time so interesting to see how you use him here. I did like that I could read the show quickly, you know that I like to see more detail but I do understand. I would like to write shows like this tbh but I get sidetracked and I waffle and then I end up writing a full show anyway. Each to their own, I guess. Anyway, let’s have a bit of feedback on the show.

PROMOS: With the recap style, it’s harder to judge the promos obviously; it’s more focused on content and these were fine and realistic. I did feel that the promos were slightly predictable – Christian comes out and says he is going to be the best ECW Champion ever, Mark Henry says he is going to destroy all in his path. For me, these weren’t developing the characters much and I’d just like to see you do something different with somebody. The majority of promos should be realistic and predictable but I think you need to have something “out of the norm” every now and then – particularly on the first show! My favourite promo was Dreamer and Ryder. With this time period being before the “goofy” Ryder character, I like how you showed that in your BT, Ryder is still the jackass he was. Small thing but something you did need to do to remind the reader that Ryder isn’t the Ryder we see on TV (sometimes) nowadays. I did like the way Ryder got in the face of the ECW legend, shows he means business.

MATCH WRITING: Yeah, this is where the recap doesn’t work for me. You are such a good match writer that I’d just like to see that bit more. I think it is possible to recap in 2/3 paragraphs and just add that bit of detail to the ending of the match without it becoming too time consuming. Will your PPV matches be written in full?

GRAMMAR / WRITING STYLE: If you were at school and I was your teacher, I’d give your grammar an A+ … :)

FORMAT / PRESENTATION: Spot on as usual. Only thing I’d suggest is maybe just using the bold and/or the colour formatting tools to highlight when a new character comes out to the ring or into the promo. I’d like to see that just to break the paragraph(s) up that little bit, e.g. the opening paragraphs as they flowed into Christian’s promo and Swagger’s entry.

BOOKING: First show, difficult to judge at this point. Everything went as I expected it to when I saw the matches; you’re obviously in the early stages of building feuds up and starting things off. Right here, I’d predict a Triple Threat ECW Championship match between Swags, Christian and Jeff for the PPV, that appears to be the way this is heading. Ryder/Dreamer look set for something. Have a feeling that Burchill may bring somebody in as a partner to even it up with the Harts. All solid enough. Only thing I’d have done different would have followed up on Henry’s promo by maybe having him interrupt a match or something? I’ll be able to comment better on the booking as you move on with the shows; I’d suggest the same thing applies with the booking as the promos though and whilst it should be realistic and predictable in the main, make sure there is a curve ball thrown in somewhere to make it a little different.

Great to see you back writing, everything seems good here. Looking forward to seeing more of it. GCB :D
If Swagger isn't busted for drug-related charges, then this is completely unrealistic :suspic: I'll be interested in seeing where Jeff Hardy fits into this brand and if and when he takes on Christian for the title. Because I am assuming that is the 'marquee' match-up.
Max's Review

JAM mate good to see you getting active in the section again! Onto the show, I liked the recap you gave us, it set the scene well for Christian to make his entrance. Pretty stock standard face promo from Christian. I think you executed it perfectly in that sense, but I like Christian and I think he can have a lot of character as someone who's a bit of a smartass and is a bit cheeky (like his tactics in the match at Backlash), so I look forward to seeing how you book his promos as champion. Swagger will obviously get a rematch at some point so him making a statement first up was a nice move to remind us that he can be a legitimate threat.

Looks like you've got plans for Ryder vs Dreamer. I can't say I'm a huge fan of Ryder but it's a good move if you're going in the direction of pushing the younger superstar. Why couldn't it be Tyson Kidd though? He's so awesome :p I can see that there won't be much detail with the matches at this stage which is fine. You still set the scene well and gave me an image of what happened in the matches. I liked the results, especially the Hardy vs Swagger match, which throws a spanner into the works in terms of the title picture. I'd love a Hardy vs Christian thread, maybe a TLC Match down the road?

All in all, you've started out quite nicely. There hasn't been any huge revelations but you've given most of the superstars on the roster a start and some form of direction which is great. I hope you do good things with Henry, Morrison and Kidd and I'll definitely be reading and reviewing!

Right so it's hard to do much feedback on such a short recap of a show so i'll just leave you a few comments.

I hope you set up a good feud for Christian and the ECW Title. I suggested Morrison before and still think that would be a great feud with great matches. I can't remember if Morrison was heel or face at this time but yeah there's my last pitch for him to feud with Christian.

Happy you gave Paul Burchill the victory. Paul with Katie Lea was always an interesting combo to me and maybe you can develop a feud between The Harts and The Burchills here with Paul gaining a tag partner at some point to even the sides.

Looks like your gonna go down the route of the young brash douchebag Zack Ryder feuding with the grizzled old vet Tommy Dreamer. That could be good if you do it better than it was done on TV.

Anyway looking forward to your next show and hopefully you stick with this for awhile. I just hope you put more detail into promos and a lot more detail into matches. Also when you reach a PPV, I feel you need to write out those matches in full.

Tuesday Night ECW – May 5, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Mellon Arena

A video package is shown highlighting the events that went down last week on Tuesday Night ECW. The video package shows us the ECW World Champion Christian giving his championship address. Then right at the end, we see Jack swagger coming down to crash the party much to the boos of the crowd. The beatdown ensues and the video package fast forwards to the segment where ECW General Manager, Tiffany, is seen telling Swagger that he’ll be in the main event against ECW’s newest superstar, the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy. In one fell swoop, the video highlights the goings on in the main event before finally reaching the end of the match. Swagger is shown introducing a chair to the match but we also see Christian, who was on commentary duty, make his presence known. The interruption from Christian was enough for Hardy to hit the Twist of Fate followed by Swanton Bomb for the pinfall victory.

After the lengthy video package, pyro greets the crowd at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Before long, we hear the familiar voices of Josh Matthews and Matt Striker, our commentary team. Matthews talks a little of the Christian/Swagger feud that’s been going on before Striker comes in saying that those two men are far from over with each other. Matthews cuts in once more telling everyone at home to watch the show closely tonight for any further developments between Christian and Swagger.

Right on cue, the theme of the All-American American, Jack Swagger blares through the sound system garnering huge amount of heat towards him. With a serious look on his face, Swagger does no theatrics as he makes his way down the ring. We then hear Josh Matthews saying that it looks like we’re saying a different side of Swagger tonight while Striker comes in agreeing wholeheartedly. With Swagger finally in the ring, he is given a microphone, ready to address the Pittsburgh crowd. Swagger begins by saying that it’s unfortunate that he has to speak in front of a city like Pittsburgh, getting him cheap heat. He goes on to say that he doesn’t understand why they continue to cheer Christian on. He says that Christian is the past and that he’s the future of ECW, that’s why they should be cheering for him. The All-American American speaks that he isn’t worried about the ECW Title, because it’ll be right back with him at Judgment Day where he plans to use his rematch clause. Swagger then formally announces that at Judgment Day, he’s invoking his rematch clause as he looks to re-capture the ECW Championship to which the crowd responds with boos.

Right then and there, Just Close Your Eyes blares out from the sound system and out walks the ECW Champion, Christian. The champ is fired up tonight, as he comes out with a lot of gusto, more so than usual. He looks for his peeps all throughout the Mellon Arena, getting a huge pop. He walks down the ramp, slapping hands with anyone he can before he is in the ring with a microphone of his own. In contrast to Swagger’s promo, Christian says how lovely it is to stop by over at a place like Pittsburgh, which gets him some cheap pop. The champ continues on informing Swagger that had he actually read his contract that he signed to face Christian at Backlash, he would know that he isn’t entitled to a rematch if he lost, which Swagger did. Swagger’s eyes then go big as he is irate with the news that Christian just told him. He calls Christian a liar but Christian retorts back saying he can ask ECW General Manager, Tiffany to come out and confirm it all. However, Swagger calms down a little but still denies the statement Christian just told him.

But the champ says something that gets Swagger’s attention. Christian tells Swagger that he knew he’d react this way so to get him to shut up and to show that he’s a fighting champion, Christian suggested that if Swagger can defeat him in the main event later on tonight, he’ll get a shot at the ECW Title once again at Judgment Day. Not only that, but Christian adds in that if Swagger were to lose in the main event, he can never challenge for the title as long as Christian is champion. The cameras get a good shot of Swagger's reaction, which isn't a delightful one. Swagger seems to be thinking it through before nodding his head in agreement but Swagger doesn't like the conditions of the match. The two combatants then come face to face only for Christian to lift his ECW Title up for everyone to see. Clearly irked by all this, Swagger turns to exit the ring, as the champ seemingly got the last laugh here.

But we don’t cut to commercial just yet. Instead, we head backstage with Todd Grisham who introduces his guests, Paul and Katie Lea Burchill. Todd asks Paul about his recent success as he won over David Hart Smith last week. Paul responds by saying that it was a piece of cake. He says that the only reason all members of the Hart Dynasty are even on the main roster is because they know the right people backstage and their family are the right people. Katie Lea takes the reigns from here agreeing with her brother. Todd then asks about her match with Natalya later on to which Katie Lea says that she’s simply going to out-wrestle and out-class Natalya. She even goes further as to say that no training that Bret Hart could ever provide could do anything to help Natalya beat Katie Lea later on tonight. The boo birds reign down on Katie Lea after this comment. Finally, before ending the interview, Katie Lea asks that Natalya come down to the ring alone so that everyone will know just who the best diva wrestler on the roster is.


Match One | Singles Match
Finlay vs. John Morrison

Knowing Finlay’s aggressive nature, Morrison did the best he could to stay away from Finlay’s unorthodox maneuvers. Though it worked earlier on in the match, the veteran found a way to get his offense going. It all started when Morrison attempted a baseball slide before Finlay pulled the ring apron to catch him in it, pummeling the trapped Morrison. From then on, the veteran had the advantage. At the end, Finlay tried to hit the Celtic Cross but Morrison wiggled his way out of it and leaped off the second rope to connect with a Flying Chuck Kick right on the kisser! Both men were then down until the count of 8 where we see Morrison in the corner. He takes off the padding for the turnbuckle, getting the referee’s attention. He then goes over to the corner where Finlay keeps his shillelagh and grabs it. With the referee putting the protective padding back and Finlay getting to his feet, Morrison bashes Finlay across the skull with the shillelagh before throwing it out of the ring. He calls on the referee to count the cover and finally gets the pinfall victory.
Winner: John Morrison via pinfall @ 8:13

Post-match, Finlay tries to explain to the referee that Morrison used the shillelagh against him but to no avail as the referee stands by his decision. The cameras then catch Morrison pointing to his head claiming that he was the smarter man this match much to the disgust of Finlay.

The cameras then go backstage to see Dreamer entering the arena still in his civilian clothes. Moments later, we see Zack Ryder approach him, this time with a bottle of water. Ryder looks at Dreamer from head-to-toe shaking his head before Dreamer asks what he wants. Ryder responds by saying that Dreamer doesn’t even look like a wrestler and that it makes him sick that he’s still around. Ryder sarcastically asks Dreamer if he’s having trouble finding a retirement home because he’ll gladly find one to put him in. Dreamer laughs at the comment and tells Ryder that he doesn’t understand why Ryder wants to put him in a retirement home when this “old man” can kick his ass. Ryder smirks before telling Dreamer to prove it next week in a match to which Dreamer gladly accepts. Ryder then takes a sip of his water, seemingly going to spit it in Dreamer’s face. But when he pretends to do so, Dreamer doesn’t move a muscle which causes Ryder to flee from the scene.


Back from the break, we see ECW World Champion, Christian having a conversation with one of the backstage workers. However, the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy appears on the scene which signals the backstage worker to leave. Hardy tells Christian that he appreciates the save last week against Swagger before Christian tells him that it’s no problem. Hardy continues on saying that he wants to return the favor for last week and says he’ll have Christian’s back later on tonight. Christian was a little hesitant at first, telling Hardy that he doesn’t really need his help. But this didn’t stop Hardy who insisted he help out just incase Swagger tried any funny stuff tonight. Christian looks down then looks up at Hardy and nods his head, welcoming Hardy to have a front row seat to him beating Swagger later on in the main event.

Match Two | Singles Match
Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill

Katie Lea is the first one out to the ring and it’s clear that she hasn’t brought her brother, Paul. Natalya makes her entrance shortly only to see that she hasn’t brought out Kidd and Smith as well. The ladies then go on to have a pretty good match as we see stuff that divas don’t usually do. Plus, this match was actually given time and they delivered. The ending came when Natalya caught Katie Lea in the Sharpshooter only for Paul Burchill to come down to the ring to make his presence known. Seeing Paul come down to the ring, Natalya releases the hold, turning her attention to Paul. However, this seemed to be the plan all along when Katie Lea rolled Natalya up for the pinfall victory.
Winner: Katie Lea Burchill via pinfall @ 7:52

Post-match, we see Kidd and Smith run down to the ring as soon as the bell rings. Paul grabs his sister as they exit through the crowd. Kidd and Smith check on Natalya in the ring only for the cameras to switch over to the Burchills who are pleased with what they’ve done tonight, outsmarting the Hart Dynasty.

The cameras swing backstage showing Todd Grisham. Todd introduces his guest at this time, Mark Henry. However, as Henry was approaching the scene, he takes Todd by the collar of his shirt and pins him up against the wall. The World’s Strongest Man asks Todd if he thinks this is a joke? Clearly having no idea what Henry’s talking about, all Todd can do is struggle to break the grasp of the World’s Strongest Man. Henry, seeing that he’s done enough, lets Todd down. Todd coughs and gasps for air as Henry picks up the microphone yet again and tells the cameras to face him. Henry is aggressive and tells the cameras that he wasn’t joking. He tells us that it’s a shame that he isn’t booked on the show because he just wants to hurt people. However, Henry calms down a little and says that he understands why he’s not booked in a match tonight, and that’s because no one wants to face him. Henry laughs at the camera before getting serious once again. He leaves the scene before saying that if no one wants to fight him, he’ll go out and look for someone to fight. The cameras turn a few paces to the right where we see Todd Grisham still struggling to gain his breath before cutting to a commercial break.



Vignette – Video Package Debut

- “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus – Coming to ECW -

Before the main event can begin, the announce team of Josh Matthews and Matt Striker discuss what they’ve just seen. Matthews says that based on the vignette they just watched, it looks like ECW would be a perfect landing spot for someone like Sheamus. Striker comes in saying that he’s seen Sheamus in action and that he’s one tough cookie, ending with saying Sheamus will fit right in here on ECW.

Main Event | If Swagger wins, he gets another shot at the ECW Title at Judgment Day
Christian vs. Jack Swagger

Before anyone in the match made their entrance, the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy comes out much to the applause of the crowd. He takes a seat right next to Josh Matthews, joining the announce team on commentary duty. Before long, Christian and Swagger make their respective entrances and the match gets going. Early on, Swagger was the aggressive one, really utilizing his wrestling background to ground the ECW Champion. However, Christian used his veteran know-how as he reversed a Gutwrench Powerbomb attempt by punching on Swagger’s skull once Swagger had him up in the air, causing Swagger to drop him. Christian then had momentum on his side after scoring with a Pendulum Kick and a Flapjack but could only get a two count. A little later in the match though, Swagger finally hit his Gutwrench Powerbomb only for Christian to kick out! The challenger then threw a fit and complained to referee, Scott Armstrong but stood by his decision. The referee then goes to check on Christian while Swagger goes to the outside. Clearly upset, Swagger chases away Tony Chimel from his chair. He grabs the chair and looks to bring it in but it was not to be. Jeff Hardy had come into the picture and the two began jockeying for the chair. With the referee still checking on Christian, Swagger then had a plan. Swagger gained control of the chair and smacked it against the ring apron before throwing it back to Hardy who catches it. Referee Scott Armstrong heard the smack and went over to check what was going on before he saw Hardy looking guilty, therefore calling for the bell.
Winner: Jack Swagger via disqualification @ 9:33

The Pittsburgh crowd then boo at the referee’s decision but he had no choice. Jeff then began trying to tell Scott Armstrong what really happened but he was having none of it. The cameras go in the ring to see Christian finally up on his feet asking what the hell just happened. He looks over at Hardy who looks apologetic but stands firm that he didn’t do anything wrong. Christian had his hands on his hips clearly disappointed at what just occurred. In the mean time, Swagger had already made his way up the ramp.

The referee was close by and the cameras caught Swagger’s hand being raised as well as Swagger pointing to his head signaling that he was the smarter man tonight. Josh Matthews then comes in saying that Swagger just cheated his way into a match for the ECW Title. Striker has his say as well, saying that whatever Swagger did, it worked and that’s the important thing. Matthews cuts in once again saying that Jeff Hardy came to ringside to prevent any funny business but it turns out that he’d be the one to cost Christian the match. The cameras then catch Christian who is still disappointed at what just transpired as he looks over to Hardy and just begins to shake his head. The final image of the night is Christian walking back up the ramp and the cameras switching back to Hardy who is frowning but can’t do anything else as the match is over. The broadcast ends with Matthews putting over how upset Christian must be feeling and how guilty Hardy must be feeling.


Writer's Note: The next show is already the go-home show to before Judgment Day btw. Hope you guys enjoy this episode! Thanks for the feedback too!

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