Earthbound VS Mother

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Mother series, by its other name, the Earthbound series. While I was gone I finally got a chance to play some of Mother 3. That inspired me to make this thread. It's an ok game. It isn't as good as its prequels but I still think it would have done alright if it got a release here in the rest of the world.

Earthbound was the second Mother game and it went on to be successful. No one ever got to play Mother 1 in its original NES form other than the Earthbound Zero rom which would later on earn notoriety for its intense difficulty. Mother 3 was going to be released as Earthbound 64 but after countless years of pushing its release back, it got cancelled to the disappointment of many. The game finally came out as Mother 3 on GBA over in Japan but it did not get released anywhere else despite being the long awaited sequel to Earthbound.

I think that the NES version of Mother 1 would have done decently, enough to garner even more attention for Mother 2 (Earthbound) and that game would have still become the classic it is viewed as today. With both of the first two games available, the odds of the 3rd released worldwide would increase and I believe it would have done good too but not as good as Earthbound because it just isn't as good of a game. The 64 version might have been alright, but I'm glad Mother 3 became a GBA title instead as the 64 graphics didn't do the game justice and I'm sure many would agree with me. The series should have all been released worldwide and they would have done well, just look at how Earthbound did on its own. They could even have still called it the Earthbound series rather than Mother. I honestly believe they would all 3 have done well because they are fun games to play that make you come back for more.

So I'm asking you guys these questions....

1. Do you think that Earthbound Zero would have been successful if released on the NES worldwide as Mother 1, why or why not?

2. Would it have impacted Earthbound negatively to be released after Mother 1 as Mother 2 rather than being most of the world's first taste of the series in what they thought was a stand-alone game instead of a sequel? Why or why not?

3. And what about Mother 3? Should it have been released as Earthbound 2 worldwide? How do you think its 64 counterpart would have done if it ever got finished?

4. What are your thoughts. Should things remain the way they are with the series being Earthbound as a stand-alone game while both its prequel and sequel are only available as downloads, or should all the games have been released worldwide as the Mother series? How well do you think they would have done as a whole, and why?

Remember this is a non-spam section so DO NOT answer questions without including why you feel the way that you do about your answer.

I'm just going to flat out say the whole series should have been released in North America under the original "Mother" name. So that we would have had all three in our collections with out any confusions. RPGs were getting to be an "in" thing at time of the first game's release so it would have caught the eyes of many curios gamers and went off from there. If it had the right kind of marketing it would have sold well for the NES in the 80s.

Then we would have had the sequel Mother 2 released for the SNES. With gamers actually aware of the series' existence. Instead of just deciding to release the second games in North America with a completely different name. Instead of being a random new game that got over looked in the 90s, it would have already had a fan base from the first game. Due to this it would have kept it's chronological name "Mother 2" instead of getting a random name change for no reason. The release and notoriety of the first game would have helped the second game a lot more than we think.

Also with the constant delays of Mother 3, from it going to be released on Nintendo 64 as Earthbound 2. To it's constant delays on the GameBoy Advance. All the wait for it just to be a Japan only released title again just like the first one. I still do not understand the point of that. They had a chance other than Super Smash Bros. to continue the life of the series but they didn't. The only Mother 3 related game in North America is Super Smash Bros. Brawl that features Lucas as a new character.

The lack of North American releases is what put this series on the rocks in the first place. Out of the three installments to the series we only got the second game with a title change. Now if they actually released the games in the regular chronological order like most games, then the popularity would have been there and the series wouldn't have been overlooked as well as it would have got the respect it deserves.

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