Early Royal Rumble Predictions

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Arsenal 4 life

Frankie <3
So The Royal rumble 2012! Might be a long time away but predictions wouldn't hurt, alot can change in 7 months but my early predictionn is THE WINNER OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE 2012 IS...John Morrison! because he will be moved to smackdown in about 2 months and he has about 4 failed Whc matches he then wins the rumble and face Orton at wrestlemania 28 to win the WHC.
i think you're maybe dreaming the WWE would NOT give The RR win to John Morrison they think he is just playing around and for the match with Orton i don't think so because i read an article about the possible matches of WM 28 and it has been Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio and for me the winner of the Royal Rumble would be The Miz he is the only one in the Main Event Scene who hasn't won a Royal Rumble match or CM Punk(if he is on the WWE)
I'm hoping it will be the #1 must see superstar right now...none other than R Truth. Bringing the HEAT to all the little Jimmy's at WM vs Randy
Has to be someone to go after the WHC as Cena is booked with Rock. Can't see Orton holding the title that long so he is possible to chase the champion to WM.
Chris Jericho after he returns because it is the only accomplishment that he hasnt won, and he deserves another run as champion.
Yeah, R-Truth is only comedy relief. And John Morrison is only there to bring us some WOW moments and not much else. (I firmly believe they can both carry a WM main event feud, but WWE wouldn't want it)

Anyway, I see one of these guys winning the Rumble:

1. Alberto Del Rio - Probably to face Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship and fulfill his "delayed Rumble/Mania destiny".

2. The Miz - WWE likes to give the Rumble win to whomever was WWE Champion at the previous Rumble. (John Cena 2007, Randy Orton 2009, Edge 2010, etc.) If Miz wins, he'll probably face Triple H as Champion or maybe even Undertaker.

3. Chris Jericho - He'll return and face Orton for the title at Mania. It just makes too much sense for them to pass up on it.

4. John Cena - They could give Cena the Rumble win and have him choose between facing the champion or facing The Rock and have him relinquish his title shot because he's a man of his word or whatever.

5. CM Punk - It will definitely be a good present after all of the crap they've been giving him lately. And getting the Rumble win cements him as a top star which is what he wants. I can see him as a face here. Maybe facing The Miz or Del Rio.

6. Randy Orton - WWE likes to feed us the same crap so why not give Orton the win again? Its too "typical WWE" for us not to consider it. Maybe we'll get Triple H/Orton.

7. Cody Rhodes - If they are going to push him to the top, this would be the right medium to do it. Cody winning and going after Orton reigniting their WM25 feud but at a grander scale with much more interest could be awesome. I see Cody as a future star.

8. The Rock - This is a longshot, but if Cena is champion by this time, Cena will probably be saying The Rock doesn't deserve the title match he's getting at WrestleMania because Rock doesn't even wrestle. Having The Rock come in at #40, flip a few people over, and win the match just to come out the next night saying he's proven himself to Cena just sounds like the awesome thing to do.

9. Triple H - Why not? He should always be in the discussion.

10. Daniel Bryan - I can dream, right?
I have to say The Miz or CM Punk(I mostly think Punk because he will take time off and return at the Royal Rumble). One of them will win the Rumble jump to smackdown and face Orton(I know its a long time for Orton to hold the title, but he has to they cant really give it to anyone on smackdown)at wrestlemania and win the title
> Lol, R-truth is 40 years old and WWE only has plans for him as comedy relief<

Then why the hell is he main eventing vs John Cena on Sunday? Who cares if he is 40. You are a typical Jimmy.......you just want a white boy like John Morrison or Jericho....and that list is awful....3 of those Jimmys aint even in WWE...Cody Rhodes? Oh hell no .....so why is you trippin? And Morrison is so bland...no personality at all....Be careful before you GET GOT...suckaaaaa

Yes you probably dream about daniel bryan because you a vanilla JIMMY....
the royal rumble winners have been guys who are main eventers who have not won the event except for last yrs del rio winning it but he did not main event wrestlemania. my prediction is wither sheamus, miz, or del rio again
Lol, R-truth is 40 years old and WWE only has plans for him as comedy relief.

and what do u base tht on

r truth has a bttr chance than morrison and let me tell u y.

morrison is quite simply put... a spot monkey. and the wwe knows it otherwise he wudv been given a wwe title reign up until now. his moves dont have an impact and he doesnt cant really cut promos either. even if he wins the rumble he wont win the title. remember a smackdown guy will win the rumble and he will lose. both faces or both heels never win the main event title at wrestlemania. and the rock will lose against cena so we can pretty much say tht no raw guy will win the rumble. and cena and rock r both faces so a heels gonna win the title
Im gonna put it out there and Say Jack Swagger. I can see a Push coming his way in September/October time. Not a Massive push into Titles Matches but someone whos Normally in #1 Contenders Matches but Loses in even Matches.
both faces or both heels never win the main event title at wrestlemania. and the rock will lose against cena so we can pretty much say tht no raw guy will win the rumble. and cena and rock r both faces so a heels gonna win the title


This logic is embarrassingly far off the mark! 5 of the last 9 Mania's have seen both title's leave with faces. Do some research next time.
Jimmy Swagger??? Is you CRAZY....We all saw what he did with his push last time...he won money in the bank and took a crap...why can't the black man have a chance...face the facts...R Truth is winning the rumble, go tell ya momma
>This logic is embarrassingly far off the mark! 5 of the last 9 Mania's have seen both title's leave with faces. Do some research next time.<

That is only 50%...that means 4 of the last 9 haven't...are you dumb or just plain stupid? The only thing you can say for a fact is.....you are a JIMMY
That is only 50%...that means 4 of the last 9 haven't...are you dumb or just plain stupid? The only thing you can say for a fact is.....you are a JIMMY


I'm dumb? Read all your posts! You should be in bed by now little boy, night night.
Even if I'm on the east coast it's only 5:22....but I am in bed....PS: Your mamma said 'night night ZCP24' right back at ya...I'll give her a kiss for you though.

And yes Jimmy, I know you already know a black man (The Rock) could NEVER beat your hero Jimmy Cena...
Do you wear a U Can't See Me Shirt on casual Friday's? I bet the chicks love that

>I'm dumb? Read all your posts! You should be in bed by now little boy, night night.<
why does everyone think cena-rock will be for the title? i don't buy that at all, it doesn't need the title. anyway rumble winner.... i think chris jericho to win the rumble but i think something will change this year, it could turn out jericho doesn't challenge for either title but instead challenges the streak. it could well be the last time the streak is on the line and i think vince respects taker so much he may allow the 20th and final streak match to be with the rumble winner. jericho has never won the rumble and has never had a feud with taker so it could be possible. four main matches for mania next year imo cena-rock NON TITLE cm punk vs john morrison wwe title randy orton vs miz WHC and taker vs jericho
I can see Jack Swagger winning it; his last push would've probably worked if they kept him like he was on ECW( a wrestling monster type) but they had him start acting like a goof ball trying to go the early years Kurt Angle route. Pushing Swagger the right way as a serious ring tactition can make him a legitimate RR winner. I can also make an argument for CM Punk; the WWE likes to have "surprise" entries win from time to time.
I know one thing and I'd bet money on it. Chris Jericho had an awesome debut, a perfect debut...

Chris Jericho had the perfect return he could do when he came back in 2007 via Save_Us.222 buzz

The ONLY and FINAL way to bring him back in a fitting way is at the Royal Rumble, and I've said this before in another thread:

You have the countdown go from 10-1 then blackout, but it's the Royal Rumble countdown clock, then you can have a big explosion and cue his music OR have it countdown and nothing happens then have it show his countdown and that would be nice as well
or just have his countdown as his own entry countdown or even have the RR countdown go twice before his countdown comes up symbolizing his debut, return and final return (but doing it his way with his own countdown) via the RR

it makes sense

but this doesnt mean he'll win it though he should, and it's better than Anyone else vs Orton. Besides the last time he returned we didnt get the teased Orton/Y2J feud so actually...

I say we get Y2J winning, but Orton being champ doesnt have to be there, they could lock horns briefly in the rumble then have Orton win the belt at Elimination Chamber setting the match up

Orton should lose the belt this year at SummerSlam to Sheamus or someone

they shouldnt feud after that though cause they already fought SS-HIAC before, but either way I see the World title being on a heel the late Summer through Feb until Orton takes it back (even if it switches from likr Sheamus to (up and comer) to Christian to Orton

The Rock vs John Cena
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton
Show vs Shaq
The Undertaker vs Triple H III (I still dont buy Y2J/Taker though I wouldnt mind it, in a way I dont think any match should go 3 times like Rock/Austin and it's the only match that shouldve just like I wouldnt wanna see another match there go back to back like HBK/Taker, those are special bouts

if HHH/Taker does happen @ SS 2011 then I see the logical choice being Ted Jr. (not winning, but for him to say "My father brough you in, I'll take you out"
and even have Ted Sr. with him, and the belt, this'll help get him over)

I agree with the parasite thread earlier, he's been a parasite with Cody in tag form Priceless, then Legacy with Orton, then his father's legacy and the Million Dollar belt, then Maryse, now Cody again... what he needs is a feud with Taker that totally makes sense and not a mirror image, but the style of feud that got Orton over at WM21, he needs to have a long feud stemming from January that's well put together

but back to the Royal Rumble

if Chris doesnt win I say Morrison winning would be nice to challenge Orton even, as a heel, which he excels at, have Melina help him win and he's got the World title.
RoadWarriorBaigy-thats a really good point beating the streak makes you a sure fire hall of famer and gets him title matches.And Chris Jericho would be the best fit at the time because it most likely will be the last time someone will challenge the streak.And Jericho and Undertaker havnt really ever fueded before.But i dont see Jericho winning, the streak should never be broken.

And I dont see what your thinking with CM Punk vs John Morrison?

And I also think Cena vs Rock will be Non title but I think the WWE title match will be between Alberto Del Rio(c) and CM Punk(face).

And I also think Orton and The Miz will have a match at Wrestlemania, some how, it will happen.
I'm thinking Sheamus has a shot but if I had to bet, I'd say Alberto Del Rio. It would be unprecedented to win it in your first 2 years at the E. You have to remember, this is the WWE we're talking aboot. They lack originality
Yes you probably dream about daniel bryan because you a vanilla JIMMY....

Why does it have to be all about race with black people? Just because they're black doesn't make them good. R-Truth is good, but at 40 a Rumble win doesn't make sense and he doesn't need it anyway.

As for my prediction, I'm gonna go with someone the WWE will push as a new monster face. Either a returning Skip Sheffield or Mason Ryan. If CM Punk is leaving for a while as rumored, a Mason Ryan face turn to put him on the shelf makes perfect sense. If he gets better in the ring and on the mic by them I can realistically see him winning. Sheffield is a huge stretch but Vince likes him so it's a possibility.
Well this is my first post or reply so here it goes, I truly hope (not sure if I believe it will happen) that The Undertaker will return at the Royal Rumble and come out victorious. Who will he challenge? John Cena. He inserts himself into the Cena Rock match and makes it a tirple threat therefore creating the greatest build up/and match in Wrestlemania history. You have the WWE Title on the line and more importantly, the streak. If The Undertaker wins then I truly believe he becomes the greatest WWE superstar in history. The match would have epic build up. The fans would be booing John Cena relentlessly and The Rock would probably get a mixed reaction. The Undertaker I believe would be the fan favorite but we all know it would be shocking to see the streak come to an end. If Vince were to ever put the streak to end we all know that he would pick John Cena to claim victory and end the streak. What are your thoughts on this idea?
Well this is my first post or reply so here it goes, I truly hope (not sure if I believe it will happen) that The Undertaker will return at the Royal Rumble and come out victorious. Who will he challenge? John Cena. He inserts himself into the Cena Rock match and makes it a tirple threat therefore creating the greatest build up/and match in Wrestlemania history. You have the WWE Title on the line and more importantly, the streak. If The Undertaker wins then I truly believe he becomes the greatest WWE superstar in history. The match would have epic build up. The fans would be booing John Cena relentlessly and The Rock would probably get a mixed reaction. The Undertaker I believe would be the fan favorite but we all know it would be shocking to see the streak come to an end. If Vince were to ever put the streak to end we all know that he would pick John Cena to claim victory and end the streak. What are your thoughts on this idea?

that's completely ridiculous that not just this one case, but I've seen many who wanted Rock/Cena and a third person, that is stupid, the dream match itself is ROCK/CENA and no one else

that's it, that's like adding a third wheel to Rock/Hogan, you just dont do it

It doesnt even need the title, it should be Rock/Cena, Taker's last match, two world title matches and Show vs Shaq if they can book it, that's 5 matches right there that sell hard, but we are looking at 4 now if they get Show/Shaq, but there's no way WWE will mess up Rock/Cena and put anyone else in, like Taker isnt over with the streak, he doesnt need to face Cena at Mania, he never faced Hogan in the early Mania's he was in, Vince doesnt want to hurt Cena with a Taker loss, Cena doesnt want to lose to Taker either at Mania, he's stated it
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