Early Money in the Bank Poll

Who will win Money in the Bank?

  • Wade Barrett

  • The Miz

  • Sheamus

  • Rey Mysterio

  • R-Truth

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Alberto del Rio

  • Mark Henry

  • Kofi Kingston

  • Other

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The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The official Money in the Bank ladder match (or matches) have yet to be announced, but you can usually see these things coming well in advance. The question is, who will walk out Mr. Money in the Bank, or perhaps even the new champion on July 17th?

Last year we had an out-of-the-blue win with the Miz as a midcarder, and a win for Kane as the veteran. This year there are a LOT of midcard talents that are seeing the spotlight in their build towards the main event. Alberto del Rio won the Royal Rumble and is a solid pick for Money in the Bank as well. On the hand you have R-Truth as the big heel on the rise, and the two potential face winners in Kofi Kingston and Alex Riley. There's also the chance somebody like Drew McIntyre could sneak in and take the whole thing... And that's just the Raw possibilities!

So what do you think, who's walking out with the prize?
I picked Cody Rhodes because his push seems to be slowing down since Mania but he's still a great talent and would be a great opponent for Orton to face at Mania 28 so i see him winning this match and going the "Mr Kennedy" Route and waiting till mania to cash in his opportunity for the gold
I see R-Truth for raw(early prediction,dont quote me) but I could also see Ziggler winning.

Smackdown I could see Wade Barrett taking it

See Faces winning MITB doesnt work to much. Look at the best Face to Heel ratio of winners. You can say well RVD,Punk,and Kane were all faces but Punk and Kane used theres to activate a heel turn and RVD of course was for ECW starting up. Miz,Edge,Punk,Kane,and Swagger all used theres to get the title in a surprise moment. To cash in normal as in I challenge you at the ppv,is quite boring so WWE uses it less. So someone like Kofi winning is unrealistic just because the way the winner usually goes. Thats why my bets are on Wade for smackdown(his character fits the cash in scenario perfectl and it could give him the needed boost) and R-Truth for Raw(perfect for his story right now,he would be able to cash in and say he beat the conspiracy)
Raw will be Bigshow because he seems to be a big focus right now, or Alberto Del Rio because that would set up a Cena Del Rio match at SS. Smackdown i see Wade Barrett because in a segment this week he stated and i quote that he is moving on to bigger and better things. Minor picks go to Kane, Rhodes, Truth, Mysterio and Cara, but theyre all long shots.
Out of everyone I think the person who needs it most is Wade Barrett just so he can stay relevant. This time last year it seemed we were just waiting the moment he won the title and now he's stuck and the MITB seems like the only way to go for him.

The RAW winner I could see being the "surprise" winner. Last year Kane was the real shocker and I can see them doing that with a RAW superstar like McIntyre, Riley, or even....yea I am gonna say it....Evan Bourne.

But if I had to bet my house on it I would go with Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler.
RAW-I see a surprize win byThe Choosen One Drew McIntyreit was rumored he was gonna win last yr. till it got changed to Kane so I see him pulling out a surprize win this yr.
SD!-Im not sure I would like it to be Heath Slater(YES Im a fan) but he aint ready I dont want a Swagger to happen, Daniel bryan could but I dont think he will so im gonna go with a SHOCKING WIN BY CHRISTIAN. Randy gets the win in a screwy finish again so Christian takes out one of the superstars in the MITB Match and wins but if my other prediction of Sheamus costing Orton the title happens, I got Wade Barrett
I'm thinking Barrett for SD and Del Rio for RAW , its who is the best and being pushed the hardest so it makes the most sense

Also I feel that it'd be cool if CM Punk wins the title and is leaving with it like he said , then bam Wade Barrett cashes in on him and goes to RAW. (Could say that its payback for stealing his group)

Then also I think it'd be cool if Christian wins the WHC off of Orton and then 5 seconds later his old rival Del Rio comes in and cashes in on Christian. Re-igniting the fued and continuing to fuel Christians new outraged character due to the fact that he would now have been robbed of his lifetime dream championship TWICE within a super short time frame.
Um....Where's Morrison? I know some people don't see his potential, but a lot of people do. I think he should at least be a choice on this list....I would pick him to win the RAW breifcase.

Ok, if I had to choose out of the ones listed for Smackdown, I would choose....

Wade barret.

I don't care what anyone say's, Barret's Amazing year of 2010 has NOT been forgotten. NOTHING will undo the stuff he did with the Nexus, that angle made him relevant and credible as someone who can compete for the World title. Plus the fact, that he still can get great Heel heat out of the crowd, and is a Damn good Wrestler.

Wade barret should WIN the MITB breifcase for Smackdown.
I think that Drew McIntyre could win, as a surprise win, because he deserves a chance.
Also, Christian could lose the title match, then destroy someone in the match to win. This could work.
I think that Cody Rhodes will certainly win the Smackdown MITB briefcase. There isn't anyone who is even close at this moment unless WWE decides to do somthing bizarre. Cody has been the most impressive superstar on Smackdown ever since January this year and needs just that one little thing to push himself into the main event. The MITB briefcase could very well end up being that thing. I do not expect him to cash in anytime soon, though.

As for Raw, I am not sure but I think that we could see a babyface win the MITB on the red brand this year. My frontrunner is John Morrison even though he hasn't returned from his injury as of yet. I think that a babyface will win the MITB on the red brand and will challenge John Cena and Punk for the WWE Championship later that night before the match commences. I think that Punk will retain by pinning that other babyface. That will also help the WWE protect Cena and it will make Punk look like a sneaky heel who is avoiding Cena at all costs.
Um....Where's Morrison?

John Morrison was "injured" by R-Truth, and is still healing up from a surgery. He shouldn't be out too much longer, but I doubt the first thing he wants to do while healing is compete in a ladder match... It's a shame that he won't be there though, because he's probably the best ladder match competitor the gimmick has seen.
For Smackdown, it will no doubt be one of Rhodes or Barrett. No one else would make sense.
For Raw, there really isn't anyone that stands out. Kofi has no chance, Truth will never win a main championship as he is old and it would be silly to let him win, Mysterio has no chance, they won't do Miz vs Cena again, Bourne makes no sense, Del rio would be a waste since he's already certain to be Cena's opponent at Summerslam, they wouldn't let Swagger win again. That leaves us with Ziggler and Mcintyre as the only possible choices. I'd lean towards Ziggler since he has been more relevant lately, but I can certainly see Mcintyre walk out with the brief case.
For Smackdown, it will no doubt be one of Rhodes or Barrett. No one else would make sense.
For Raw, there really isn't anyone that stands out. Kofi has no chance, Truth will never win a main championship as he is old and it would be silly to let him win, Mysterio has no chance, they won't do Miz vs Cena again, Bourne makes no sense, Del rio would be a waste since he's already certain to be Cena's opponent at Summerslam, they wouldn't let Swagger win again. That leaves us with Ziggler and Mcintyre as the only possible choices. I'd lean towards Ziggler since he has been more relevant lately, but I can certainly see Mcintyre walk out with the brief case.

I wouldn't rule out Miz , WWE has been known to repeat fueds :disappointed:

Why wouldn't they let Swagger win a 2nd time? CM Punk did it twice and they don't even care enough about him to offer him enough stature & money to keep him around
I think we may see the world title match before the Smackdown MITB. I see Christian getting screwed again. Then forcing himself into the Smackdown match and winning MITB. Maybe taking someone out before it. Then he can hold onto the case for awhile while moving on to a new feud with the person he took out. For Raw I can see Del Rio winning and cashing it in at Summerslam.
Sure, but Miz won't even be in the match as he will vs Riley again, so I don't even know why I mentioned him.
Swagger is no Punk.

Yeah but this is the WWE , a magical place where things like logic don't apply.

This is the same company that has the same 2 guys holding the world titles almost perpetually , the same company that had an old lady give birth to a hand , the same company that wastes entire divisions , they do stuff that doesn't make sense :disappointed:

They haven't confirmed Miz Vs. Riley rematch , and you have no clue what the nutjobs in charge think of Jack Swagger

(Not like it matters seeing as Vince called Drew McIntyre the chosen one and look where hes at , jobbing on superstars)

Point is , logic doesn't apply in the WWE , they are insane like that
Yeah but this is the WWE , a magical place where things like logic don't apply.

This is the same company that has the same 2 guys holding the world titles almost perpetually , the same company that had an old lady give birth to a hand , the same company that wastes entire divisions , they do stuff that doesn't make sense :disappointed:

They haven't confirmed Miz Vs. Riley rematch , and you have no clue what the nutjobs in charge think of Jack Swagger

(Not like it matters seeing as Vince called Drew McIntyre the chosen one and look where hes at , jobbing on superstars)

Point is , logic doesn't apply in the WWE , they are insane like that
Because it's confirmed or not is a bad logic. It's obvious the match will happen.
Sure, but I do know that Punk was in a good position when he won money in the bank the second time, and Swagger isn't.
Drew isn't jobbing on Superstars. I have no idea why people are saying that. Who has he lost to on Superstars? Chris Masters, sure, but Chris Masters also beat Swagger on Superstars.
I think alberto del rio is going to win the raw mitb. reason being is cause he has had such a huge push in last couple months. I can see him winning it but still loosing his title match because he still is not quite ready to be champion yet.

And for smackdown I do see cody rhodes winning it. Such an amazing character with everything he does. So cocky and smooth which makes it perfect for a winner.
It's hard because I don't even know who is in the match.
On SmackDown it is a battle between Rhodes, Barrett and Sheamus and I'm going to Sheamus or Barrett...
Sure Cody Rhodes is an amazing character, but he will be in the main event scene without the briefcase I'm pretty sure, so let the other guys use this ramp.
The reason why people is discarding Sheamus is beside me :s

On Raw It's a little harder to know, we don't know if Morrison is going to be in the match and he is a great bet.
Alberto Del Rio with the briefcase would look silly x) and he already has a non-official match at SummerSlam with Cena.
Sadly I can't see McIntyre winning it, he sure pissed some guy backstage.
It is going to be a battle between Ziggler and Swagger, but even them I'm not sure...
Looking forward for this PPV x)
On the Raw side i see Del Rio winning it. Del Rios destiny hasnt quite come true as of yet. Summerslam will be a nice time to cash in after Cena has already wrestled. Smackdown is anyone as hot as cody rhodes right now i dont think so. Christian has had his chance time to give Rhodes a shot!!! Student meets teacher!! GO RHODES:worship:
I choose Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett.

Both because they dropped their mid card titles recently and their both already high picks to win. I absolutely hate and cant stand Kofi and i would hate to see him win MITB nevermind the WH title. But sadly if he does win, he obviously is not gonna be the first guy to lose while cashing in.

I think Barrett pretty much for the same reason everyone else chose. It's his time to be put into the main event. Besides Skip Sheffield and Daniel Bryan, Barrett is the only top tier guy that ever came out of any NXT. And i think Barrett deserves the chance to try to be a world champion.
This is a tough one. Of the ones listed, I'd go with Sheamus or Wade Barrett for Smackdown. I can't decide for Raw, as I think CM Punk is going to beat John Cena for the title, then the Raw MITB winner will cash in their briefcase on him.
how about Christian wins the WHC off Randy and they some how Randy gets in to the smackdown MITB match wins and next night Christian shows up on raw to brags how he won a hard fought match (saying it was a walk over) against Orton then randy hits a RKO out of nowhere and wins back the WHC giving Christian more reason to complain just a thought

now for your poll

RAW= R-Truth don't want him to win the belt just yet. I think winning the WWE belt will kill his character

Smackdown = Wade he just deserves it been one the best this past year
RAW: I'm confused on Morrison's current injury status. I know he was at a raw a couple weeks ago but I'm pretty sure he's still recovering. It's too soon for A-Ry to win, Miz definitely won't win again, Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger don't have a chance. I just don't see a lot of true midcard talent that have a chance winning MITB. Del Rio might have a chance but it would be stupid for him to win MITB & RR in the same year. I have to say my bet is currently for Dolph Ziggler.

SMACKDOWN: This one is significantly easier to predict. Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett will definitely win the Smackdown MITB. Cody has been improving greatly and is getting a steady push. I could belief him with the title more than Barrett since Barrett's IC title run meant nothing and he lost all momentum (one again).
My intuition says Alberto del Rio, but I'm not entirely sure. I know he's already had a shot at the main event in his RR win and match at WM. I think, however, that he can be a good heel. Maybe WWE employees see that. But, again, I don't know - and that's what makes this event good. My hunch is probably wrong and I can't wait to find out on the 17th.
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