E.Y.- The Heel Turn.

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"Original Blade"
So I was watching Impact last night (It's shown on Saturday's over here...) for this month, to see if it had gotten any better.
So near the end, Eric Young and Jeff Jarrett had a decent match, and after it E.Y. attacked Jarrett. Heel turn! He even gave the cliched grin walking up the entrance ramp after he hurt Jarrett's leg.

For years now Young has been trying to get into the main event of TNA. He's been put through alot of crap (The bikini contest with Tracy Brooks, Super Eric) but he's also done some really good work as a member of team Canada and in his feud with Robert Roode. Due to the setbacks of having the crap gimmicks, he's never made it to the top.

But now he's turned heel, and he's become serious. He attacked Jeff Jarrett so Jarrett wouldn't forget him. You know when a guy is made attack the founder of a company, you should keep your eye on him.

So here it is.... Is this heel turn what Eric Young needs to get into the main event?
Absolutely. Eric Young was always Jarrett's little boy in the company, and with his ego I think he believes that he should be the one giving the rub to EY. And given his position in the company, it makes the most sense. Young doesn't really stand out and seems pretty generic, which is probably why he's had such over the top gimmicks. But, the crowd likes him, he has charisma I suppose. I like him, but I don't really know why. I think I like that he's "F-U"ing two guys like Cena is, but doesn't look like he can. And he's also not your everyday X-division star. Matt Morgan, on the other hand, needs someone like Angle or Sting to give him the rub, an ex-Champ who has big time credibility. They seem to be going with a jacked up version of Randy Orton in his younger years, being the cocky new comer who wants to play with the "Legends".

I don't know if the feud with Jarrett alone will put him in that picture, but it's definitely a start. If Foley retains (as I think he will), he and Young can form a little alliance against Jarrett, ultimately leading to EY turning on Foley down the road. I don't see a Stone Cold Steve Austin "Don't Trust Anybody" character coming from this, but a selfish and self-determined gimmick could work best. It's ironic that the majority of success stories come when the superstars lose their gimmick and just become more like themselves. Another nice feud to help him get over down the road would be with AJ Styles (or Daniels, but he needs time to get back into the mix)
I'd say yes. If Eric wants to get serious, he's got to stop making people laugh and start getting them to boo him, this will get him noticed as a serious player. Top players have the gift to make transitions between face and heel smoothly and always manage to get the audience to respond as they want. Young has the in ring talent, he's got some mic skills, and he made the most of even the crappiest gimmick, so he could make a heel turn work, he does need to change his look somewhat, I don't know, color his hair black and grow some facial hair maybe, but over all, he could definitively work his way into the main event as a heel, and he is a TNA original.

Peace out.
I like Eric Young but I don't think he will ever reach the main event. He doesn't have that wow factor that makes you think he is the top guy. Will he ever reach that point I don't know but a simple heel turn won't work unless he can actually pick up clean wins over their top stars which isn't something that is going to happen. TNA has a lot more midcard guys that I would like to see bumped into the main event before EY. Guys like Robert Roode, James Storm and Matt Morgan all have seemed to be ready for that kind of push for over a year and yet still seem to be floating. I hope EY and the others get to that level I just don't think its gonna happen as long as the old guard is still the focal point of the company
For a second there I asked myself, when did TNA hire E.T.? luckily, it was just another case of me not paying attention.

My guess, and it's probably right, is that they'll turn him heel yet he'll still be the exact same character he is now. They'll have him feud with Jarrett, which will do nothing for either of them. And he'll be back to his old gimmick, whatever that is, in no time.
E.Y. is very good in ring and very entertaining... that being said he will never make it past upper-midcard and i would expect that even if he made it that high it might not be for long. Now don't get me wrong here because I'm a fan of his and I think he should get the HARD push for all of the crap that he has had to go through, but this is TNA and they just prioritize things unfavourably to the people that put in the most work.
I don't see this benefitting Eric in any way. He's not going to be in the world title hunt anytime soon and maybe a X-Division title shot sometime in the future but it's a slight possibility. I equate this to Matt Morgan's heel turn. Morgan hasn't done anything of note and Young probably won't either.
Will this be enough to get EY into the main event? No. But he will get a taste and he will be built more through this. Like they said above, going over Jarrett simply won't be enough. The only problem with EY being built a little bit more is who will he face to be built? Yes Jarrett will put him over because Jarrett cares about the future of the company (because it's his) unlike one HHH who hates putting over anybody. You can't say HHH probably won't control that company one day in some form. I digress...

EY will go over Jarrett. That goes without saying. But where does he go from there? I see Joe, Sting, Angle, AJ, and even Daniels to be a little too high on the pole for EY to go after right after going over Jarrett. Jarrett has got that special thing about him that lets him wrestle anywhere on the card. Very few guys can do that and make it look good. AJ has the same thing. You could put AJ against Sting or Angle, and it will be a great match. You could put AJ against anybody in the X Division, and it will be a great match. I just personally don't see anybody in between there for EY. He would have to go through the faces of the X Division I think to make him look a little more credible. I understand he won't be just an unstoppable machine, but he'll go over in the matches that count. I'm not sure how they will use Raven, but maybe he could go over Raven as well. Then possibly a good feud with Lethal or Suicide or something. EY needs to have the X Division title as a heel and I think they should drop the MCMG thing about unmasking Suicide and then have EY do it. Through that, maybe he could go over Kaz since then you can book EY/Suicide and EY/Kaz. It's the same, but different. Maybe Rhyno. I dunno... just some thoughts.

While Jarrett is a good start, I look back at Sacrifice in 07 where Robert Roode also went over Jarrett. I don't think that going over Jarrett should skyrocket you into the main event as a singles star, but Roode slowly stalled out since he was a solid singles heel for quite awhile. Then they pair him and Storm together which I believe was amazing, but I just don't like to see singles pushes end up as a tag team pairing down the line.

I hope EY does get over because like above... I like him, but don't know why.
So Eric's a heel now... interesting. I've said before that for EY to get close to the main event, he needs to be serious, stop jumping at his pyro, abandon his super-hero alter-ego. He's apparently done that (I'm watching TNA for first time in months), and it's a step in the right direction.

Will he actually manage it? I can see the majority of the guys on the roster going over him, it's just going to give Styles and Joe the chance to destroy heel Eric. He's gonna end up where he was before. Mid card level with the shot at a title if he's decent. But it'll be a while before he's ever close to consistently Main Eventing.
E.Y. is a great athlete and he is on the main event time to time, but he'll never make it past the main event jobber level, even if he does get a rub of Jarrett, think about it WHO would want to see E.Y. over the already established Daniel's or AJ Styles! TNA has been trying to elavate his game a lot but he never really seems to get fan reaction! His X-title reigns didn't shit! So is this the right move for E.Y..... maybe! I say maybe because he can get a lot of heat and actually beat Jarrett (which I doubt), but than again if he can't he'll be forgotten and do his lil crap gimmicks again.
he does need to change his look somewhat, I don't know, color his hair black and grow some facial hair maybe, but over all, he could definitively work his way into the main event as a heel, and he is a TNA original.

Peace out.

I agree that he will definately need to change his look a little bit if he's gonna make this work. I don't know if he'll make it to the Main Event scene successfully but I would love to see it. Unfortunately, with the way he looks, everybody will always rememeber his older gimicks and will never take him seriously.
Just getting one serious feud out of jeff jarret will not be enough. Young has to keep going and has to continue to feud with serious main event stars. i liked how they used him in the sting/angle thing with him wanting to represent sting and position himself to be better. the way it starts though is that he has to go over jarret on a ppv. in fact jarret should back out of king of the mountain at slammiversary to face eric and he should lose. now that we all know this won't happen and that jake is probably right and tna will just forget that jarret is injured and that eric turned and he'll just be coward eric young in a couple weeks.
I've been a pro wrestling fan for too long, and as a result, I've grown jaded and always expect the worse, that doesn't stop me from recognizing signs of good writing when I see them. I see those signs in the EY and Jarrett segment this week on Impact. What Eric said to Jarrett was simply brilliant, a poetic blend of reality and kayfabe. In a column on this site, by Kid Cash he states:

That promo by Young got pretty good at the end. It just makes me wonder...maybe Jeff doesn't think he can get over as a face without getting all the sympathy votes that his personal life being brought up brings in. How many times to we have to hear promos cut on Jarrett about his wife dying and his three little girls? The clips they showed of him at his house being a single father? I feel for what he went through in a way that you couldn't imagine because I've had similar experiences, but every program he's involved in doesn't have to go that route.

He completely missed the point. What I got from that promo was that Young was telling Jeff that he's neglecting his daughters to sooth his ego and be the center of attention in his own company, in fact, EY was mostly voicing his anger about Jeff going over him for yet another shot at the King of The Mountain, a place he's being before and certainly doesn't need to go again, where as EY has never gotten a shot at. This is good writing, where the supposed heel has a good cause, and the face, in this case, doesn't. What does Jarrett have to gain from another King of The Mountain run ? Nothing. Where Cash sees a play for sympathy, I see controversy, the only sympathy I felt was for Jeff's daughters, who are forced to be on their own as daddy plays King of the Mountain yet again. Like I said, good writing, let's hope they make it great by having Jeff drop his in ring performance and concentrate on growing both his company and his daughters instead.

Peace out.
I think it will help Eric Young a lot in getting forward in TNA. After being nothing for than a modified version of Santino for TNA this could really help him become legitimate. I have high hopes for Eric Young.
I see this going two possible ways.

EY goes over Jarrett. He gets super cocky and thinks he's the greatest. He thinks he's 'legendary' and challenges for the legends title. He wins it after his 3rd attempt.

EY loses to Jarrett. He gets pissed and attacks Suicide. He faces Suicide and instantly beats him. He has a decent reign before dropping it to Jesse Neal, who TNA are pushing to hell.

That Neal thing won't happen (I hope). But Young is almost certainly going to win a title
All Young ever needed to get to the main event was a push from TNA. He went through the comedy sideshow act, and he came out with a confidence which got the fans behind him. That is when TNA should have pushed him, right after the superhero gimmick. Instead they randomly booked him, and now they find themselves in a position where they once again have to reinvent his character. I'm sure Eric Young will do okay as a heel, as I believe he can play any role given to him. However, Eric Young probably wont make it anywhere near the TNA Championship as a heel, a place I feel he could have made it to as an underdog face in the MEM vs Frontline storyline.
Young is a character that would have been easy to turn heel. All he had to do was grow a spine and say he's tired of being laughed at. Presto, instant heel. However, this character is one that has to be handled carefully. The thing about EY is that he's not a traditional heel. His size is going to hurt him because he's not that big of a guy. However, so far things have been handled very well indeed and he's been able to portray himself as a solid heel. He needs to take the X Title to cement it, but I doubt TNA will figure that out and within 3 months he'll be diving on the ground out of fear again.
He completely missed the point. What I got from that promo was that Young was telling Jeff that he's neglecting his daughters to sooth his ego and be the center of attention in his own company

I do get your point on this but I completely disagree. The point is, Jarrett in every feud he's involved in lately can't help but have his antagonist put him over by reminding everybody, pointlessly at that, that he is the founder of TNA, simply somebody that came from nowhere to build his own company... We KNOW that!!! Because it's been pummeled into our head for nearly a year now! And THAT, in my opinion, was totally useless to the newborn EY-Jarrett feud.

But I'll give credit where credit is due. Young came out pretty good out of that promo. He was articulate, had enough ring presence that we would at least bother to lend an ear and, quite frankly, he just started off on the right foot. HOWEVER! I just don't believe the Jarrett kissing was all that necessary to help Eric along the way. Personally, I think that if they really were to go the way of the family business, Young should have berated Jarrett for "building" his company on the lives and devotion of guys like Eric Young and Daniels and countless others. But instead, they just went for the cheap, Jarrett-centered crap, as always. Regardless, I'll be paying attention, just to see how this thing goes with Eric as he is a talented and really devoted wrestler who really deserves somewhat of a push. I'm not convinced he's World Title material but if built properly he could at least be a very decent upper midcard to lower main event heel.

Let's tune in, shall we! Young deserves at least that much.
Well I watched TNA last Saturday and I gotta say the promo work betweem Jarrett and Young was pretty good, as I said in the other thread though, the brawl was kinda crap. Still at least Young showed he could carry a pretty good promo, he went from being cheered and the crowd shouting at him to fight JJ, to being booed before him and Jarrett fought.

So not bad, no idea if it'll do anything for him, I just know that it was a good watch.
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