E.W.A Extreme Wrestling Assocation

Mavericks fan

Formerly Hippiedog
A really short backstory:I was inspired by ECW.
Note:some things may be changed
Theme:"Man in a box" by Alice in Chains
Extreme league championship
Sophmore championship
Hardcore team championship
Women`s championship
Commentators:Matt Striker and Joey Styles
Interwiewer : Don West
Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
John Morrison
Cactus Jack/Dude Love/Mankind/ Mick Foley
Shawn Michaels
AJ Styles
Bobby Lashley
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Ron Simmons
The Hurricane
Trish Stratus

Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar
Randy Orton
Triple H
Stephanie Mcmahon
Cm Punk
Balls Mahoney
Lance Storm
Chris Masters
Extreme league championship:Chris Jericho
Sophmore championship:Cm Punk
Hardcore team championship:Matt and Jeff Hardy
Women`s championship:Francine
Hardcore heaven
To the bone
Extreme cave
Absolute impact
Interesting. I like the roster choice of current and past stars. By the looks of your PayPerView names, I assume the "EXTREME CAVE" may be a gimmick type event somewhat like "LOCKDOWN" or "HELL IN A CELL," right?? Either way, looking forward to your first show.....Good Luck with it.
The first show takes place in the Belgrade Arena,Belgrade,Serbia. Chris Jericho is standing in the middle of the ring talking. Jericho:I am what a true champion should look like,not like Rob Van Dam(crowd chants RVD).You people are hypocrites that only cheer for filthy parasites like the Extreme league champion.You should not deserve a champion like me,but i have decided to make an exception this time.In tonight`s main event I will come out victorious and all your childhood dreams will come to an end.
1st match: Triple H with Stephanie McMahon vs Hurricane.Triple H wins with the pedigree.After the match Triple h keeps hitting Hurricane with a sledgehammer.Ron Simmons comes to the Hurricane`s save.He and Ron shake hands
2nd match:Cm punk and Lita vs Shawn Michaels and Trish Stratus.Cm punk busts open Shawn with the Go To Sleep and after pins him
3rd match:7 man tag team match: Mankind,Bobby Lashley,Sabu,John Morrison,Ron Simmons,AJ Styles and Francine vs Randy Orton,Brock Lesnar,Lance Storm,Tajiri,Tazz,Chris Maters and Trinity.Winners Mankind,Lashley...
4th match:Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer vs Balls Mahoney.Sandman pins Mahoney after a white russian leg sweep.
5 match;Edge and Christiian vs The Hardy Boyz for the Hardcore team championship .Matt Hardy apllies a crossface on Edge.Edge taps out
6th match:Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho for the Extreme League Championship*
(note-the match will be live which means i will say the moves etc.Howewer,the match will be in the next post.Write if you like my Assocation)

I also like your choice of roster. Some of your PPV ideas seem interesting, as does the concept of airing the show from Siberia!

On, the other hand, I do have a few "constructive critisisms", please don't take them personally!

a) We need more of a backstory, the matches seem rather random right now, and its hard to foreshadow future events (i.e. generate interest0

b) The matches need more substance. You want to "tell a story" with each match, not just present a winner/loser, because anybody can do that.

c) Someone pointed this out for my league (OWA), but using the blue/red for faces and heels helps make things readable, imo.

d) I suggest using more spacing between matches and segments. Let each match or segment "shine on it's own", and appropriate spacing would make things easier on the eyes.

Overall, cool concept, definitely stick with it! I'll keep checking in on it. Check out OWA if you get a chance, and good luck!

I also like your choice of roster. Some of your PPV ideas seem interesting, as does the concept of airing the show from Siberia!

On, the other hand, I do have a few "constructive critisisms", please don't take them personally!

a) We need more of a backstory, the matches seem rather random right now, and its hard to foreshadow future events (i.e. generate interest0

b) The matches need more substance. You want to "tell a story" with each match, not just present a winner/loser, because anybody can do that.

c) Someone pointed this out for my league (OWA), but using the blue/red for faces and heels helps make things readable, imo.

d) I suggest using more spacing between matches and segments. Let each match or segment "shine on it's own", and appropriate spacing would make things easier on the eyes.

Overall, cool concept, definitely stick with it! I'll keep checking in on it. Check out OWA if you get a chance, and good luck!

Thanks for the advice.The show is from Serbia and will go to a America tour(like Raw goes to an European tour).
Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam-live match for the Extreme league championship
There is the bell and we are underway.
-Jericho clotheslines RVD two times,Rvd gets right back up but Jericho gives him an enzguri.He irish whips RVD on the turnbuckle,goes for a running clothesline but RVD dodges it.
-RVD superkicks Y2J.Moonsault from the top rope.RVD goes for the cover.1 and a kick out by Jericho.RVD tries to get Jericho up but Jericho counters with a low blow.
-Jericho runs to the ropes for the Lionsault,but RVD moves,however,Jericho lands on his feet.
-RVD gets up
-Jericho with a swift kick to the mid-section and a hurricanrana.The Walls of Jericho.RVD gets a rope break,however Jericho is still doing them until the refree(sorry) counts 4.After he lets him go.
-Jericho goes for the Codebreaker but RVD reverses into a poverbomb
-RVD goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but Jericho reverses it into the Walls of Jericho.
-Rope break for RVD.
-Jericho does for the Codebreaker.Goes for the COVER 1,2, AND A KICKOUT BY RVD.Jericho argues with the referee,saying that it was a 3 count.
-Meanwhile RVD climbs the top rope.Jericho turns around and RVD gives him a plancha.Rolling Thunder.RVD goes to the top.5 Star Five Frog Splash.A 3 count.
I'm enjoying reading this....I do enjoy the fact of broadcasting shows from the other side of the world before bringing them to America..,,,Nice job so far.
Wow man! This really entertaining. You choice of roster is awsome. I look forward to reading the rest. Maybe I should start up a rival promotion. :D
EWA made a following mistake:
New Extreme league champion-Chris Jericho.Title won by beating Rob Van Dam.
The Extreme League champion is still Rob Van Dam.Ewa apologises and corrects the mistake

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