DX vs. Straightedge Society vs. MizShow on Raw


purveyor of confusion
The Shat set up a Triple threat Tag battle next week for the Undisputed world tag team championship belts.

its gonna be the Straight edge Society vs Mizshow vs DX

its pretty obvious that the SES is going to win the belts in my opinion.

Reason being, we already had Jerishow for quite a few months, and to totally honest, I'd rather sit through one of Jerichos annoying promos over Miz.

but it seems like they are pushing punk's flock kinda hard.

what say you?
I think its gonna be the SES, basically because Show just had a run with the titles. I really don't like the SES at all but I think they are gonna git it.
I'm rooting for SES, and I think it has to be SES... DX is sort of breaking up, and... is the Mizshow really a legitimate tagteam? Why do they exist right now? Shouldn't the Miz be like, I don't know... defending the US title right now or something?
The Society has this one in the bag. The Miz & The Big Show will simply serve as the fall guys to keep HHH & HBK strong for their respective WM pushes.
I don't think they are going to go with the typical D-X "miscommunication" or "breakdown" leading to their loss, as I don't think they'll be going w/ HHH vs. HBK at WM. If The Society wins the belts it opens up countless storyline opportunities with Punk & Co. recruiting Superstars from all three brands.
SES because I lactually like CM Punks Straight Edge Society because none of the stuff he says except taking prescription medications apply to me because I'm not old enough to drink or smoke. Would say SES because like someone said DX is probably breaking up and Mizshow isn't a legit tag team.
I'm hoping for the SES, Punk is a great stable leader and its not that bad of a storyline, just need 1-2 more people involved. DX is probably going to disband by the end of the month. And Mizshow, seriously? Why would you even make them a tag team, push both of them as singles already, you gave Miz the belt now keep pushing, and Show's been in tag hell since July.
I apologize that I am new to posting and I am really trying to abide by all the rules.
I think it will unfortunately be SES also BECAUSE, as someone said they really are pushing the society pretty hard. I mean even during the Rumble when Punk was "preaching" in between entrants. I doubt they will be put over cleanly DX will probably lose because of HBK's obsession and consequent distraction or SES's woman (I forget her name) seems to love getting involved in matched. MizShow won't win because Miz needs to concern himself with MVP at the moment. Although personally I wouldn't mind seeing MizShow win because of the angle of Jericho "using" Edge and also Show, but because Jericho is on Smackdown and has the US title and will unlikely step back into serious tag competition they won't win.
CM Punk for sure, he's becoming a heat magnet and gets more then any heel in the WWE. For him to be on Raw would be big.. although my biggest concern is if they do win I'm not sure what direction there is for him after.. with the weak tag team division.
Oh, please let it be The Straight Edge Society! I have always been a Raw guy. If I miss Smackdown oh well, but I never miss Raw. But for the past three weeks or so I have looked forward to Smackdown for one reason and one reason alone, and that's CM Punk. Mark my words, The Straight Edge Society is going to be thee greatest thing the WWE puts out in 2010. Perhaps even this century thus far. Punk promos are brilliant. Last night was just another display of how far this group could go. They add this element mystique, coupled with that awkard cult feel, which just keeps you glued to your television. It almost brings you back to The Ministry days. There's just so much potential for this group. Like someone said on an earlier post, add a couple, three more guys and it will take the WWE by storm. Kudos to creative. Lately the WWE has been labled as a predictable, watered down, boring version of it's past self. But with this well...I'm highly intrigued. And now with Wrestlemania looming, things are starting to get very, very interesting.
The Second City Saint and his clean crew are going to be coming away with the gold next week. The WWE has been planting the seeds for the title change imo. Punk had an impressive showing at the Rumble eliminating 5 superstars, while getting the time to preach to the masses about the errors of their ways.

DX appears to be falling apart at the seams as of late. They teased the potential of some problems with shawn eliminating trips at the rumble but i dpnt think thats the reason they will lose. It seems as if HBK is starting to have a mental breakdown. From his flip out after his Royal elimination, and he was super pissed after the orton loss. I think the loss of the Unified Tag Titles will cause his final meltdown and cause him and HHH to come to blows.
I love SES,Punk was great @ the royal rumble.Give this team a chance,Im tried of DX,The Miz has a title already and the Big Show who cares his a joke.Show was better with Jericho.SES all the way.
I think the ses will win.DX is kinda splitting and MizShow haven't done any thing important to really get their name out as legit contenders.i'm a fan of punk but not so much the ses.Maybe if their were better members in it i would be kinda excited but their isn't.So because it the only good choice I want SES to win.(Maybe Joey Mercury could join when he comes back)
Why would it be such a bad thing for Show Mizness to win? If they played it right, it would help launch Miz into the stratosphere by being able to appear on all 3 shows, and with a giant enforcer to watch his back, he'd be unstoppable in continuing to defend his US Title.

I really liked what Miz said about winning the Tag Titles and then Show winning the WWE Title, and having all the gold on those two for a little while. You know it wouldn't be long until Miz got fed up with being Show's "second-banana" and we'd have a melt down of epic proportions coming up.

I like Punk and his "flock" but he needs to add someone noteworthy to his stable. Luke Gallows? There wasn't at least ONE better name for this guy? Anyhow, watching them wrestle together is like night and day to me. Punk executes near flawless matches, and Gallows just tries not to crap the bed.

Bring on the Show-Mizness!
The Second City Saint and his clean crew are going to be coming away with the gold next week. The WWE has been planting the seeds for the title change imo. Punk had an impressive showing at the Rumble eliminating 5 superstars, while getting the time to preach to the masses about the errors of their ways.

DX appears to be falling apart at the seams as of late. They teased the potential of some problems with shawn eliminating trips at the rumble but i dpnt think thats the reason they will lose. It seems as if HBK is starting to have a mental breakdown. From his flip out after his Royal elimination, and he was super pissed after the orton loss. I think the loss of the Unified Tag Titles will cause his final meltdown and cause him and HHH to come to blows.

I completely agree with you here. In addition to what you mentioned, they also planted a little seed by having Punk face HHH last week on Smackdown- the clashing promos at the beginning of the show, the interfering SES affecting the match's outcome, the SES attempting to shave HHH's head, etc. All of that adds to Trips' frustration PLUS Shawn eliminating him from the Rumble and only thinking about himself lately PLUS then if you add losing the titles... it's the straw the breaks the camel's back. It's further developing the DX storyline by taking the belts off of them and generating more tension between the two, and it helps the Society because they'll have something more to brag about as Punk moves forward with his crusade.

The Mizshow tag team is something that they haven't at all developed and just threw them together suddenly. I don't see it going anywhere. Miz already has his hands full with his US Title defenses and feud with MVP, and Big Show is just... there. If they did win the titles, they could jump over to Smackdown and that might get them some attention from Jericho, who I'm sure would have something to say about this pairing. Again though, Miz is doing his thing and with Edge's return and mention of Jericho, the two will probably be engaged in their own thing as well.

The signs point towards a Unified Tag Team Championship win for the Straight Edge Society.
I can Back what Most people have said on this ,

I think Punks Society will take the straps, they are showing a lot of hype, and DX need to drop the straps for the potential HBK heel turn, that seems almost obvious to me.

Mizshow I can't see lasting, simply because Miz is deep in a fued with MVP, and with the Double elimination, sunday at the rumble, they cannot really ignore it much Longer.
Here is how I see it.

The WWE does not want either HBK or Triple H to be holding the tag titles come Wrestlemania for fear of it making them look "small time". I think come Wrestlemania The Big Show might be the one facing off against The Miz for the U.S strap and I think 2 bBig Show tag title runs so close together will be extremely stale.

Now onto CM Punk. They gave him such a massive amount of exposure during the Royal Rumble. He basically won that match without winning it in terms of how much time he got on screen. Although I'd love to see him win another World/WWE title fairly soon I think the WWE wants to hold off on that but at the same time, they want to keep him elevated. So the tag titles are the perfect way, especially going over DX.
I think the SES has this match won. Like Barbwired said, it will give Punk something to do keeping him as a legit threat. Plus I think Vince is beginning to realize the gold mine he stumbled into with CM Punk as a heel. He is going to play the "Jericho heel savior" role on RAW since of course Jericho will be busy with Edge on Smackdown. Plus I think Vinnie wants to expose RAW to the SES justas Smackdown has been lately with Punk getting massive heat.

OT: Mike Knox for SES Member #4... Big Beard + Bald Head = BAD ASS LOOKING! plus they could team him with Gallows when Punk goes back to the Main Event scene after 'Maina
I think that Punk and Gallows will win because that is the outcome that benefits everyone the most. If DX retains, then everything stays as it is now. If Mix & Show win then we will get a bit of a sequal to JeriShow but it wouldn't be as good, even if it meant Miz could go on all shows. Punk and Gallows winning however, allows them to go on all shows while also freeing up HHH and HBK for their Wrestlemania angles while at the same time also might free Miz and Big Show up for other feuds too. Punk doing his great heel promos on Raw will be awesome if he gets to do so though the Unified Tag Team Championships. Straightedge Society winning seems to be the outcome that will benefit all 6 guys the most, so that is what I see happening.
Yeah they probably will. Miz is doing his own thing and the Big Show is just hanging out with him to remain relevant on television now that Jerishow is over. DX is obviously going to split after what happened at the Royal Rumble and on Raw and its about due time. They've done nothing but bastardize the tag team division and is clearly a powerplay by HHH and HBK.

The Straightedge Society is doing some great things right now. The career of Festus has been revitalized. Thanks to his affiliation with CM Punk. His work in the Royal Rumble was great. One of the more entertaining aspects of the Rumble match this year. His promos are great and the shaving the head of his followers thing is a neat twist. Punk deserves another championship run. Hopefully that happens on Monday.
Im backing SES for the tag titles win, for a few reasons, they have gained good momentum over the weeks, CM Punk is a good stable leader and continues to deliver great mic work and he gets the crowds reaction for him and the SES. Their win will see them go in to good feuds with teams in the tag division, plus recruiting more members of all 3 brands and "saving them" so its a even more legit stable.

WWE stumbled onto something when they Punk turned heel and created the SES, because its working and its going to be something memorable when you see this stable going up against new teams and groups in the future, SES i feel is going to be long lasting in my opinion.
I think the Straight Edge society will win this one, and we will see DX come one step closer to breaking up. HBK will probably cost DX the tag titles in some way because Shawn's obsession with a re match against Taker will continue, and his focus won't be on the match. I think it'll be great if Punk and Gallows to win the titles because the straight edge society is on a roll right now. It's something new and refreshing as far as heel tactics go.
I see SES taking this. Hopefully the E doesn't disappoint and keep the titles on DX. I wanna see some tension in DX and hint at a possible split. CM Punk is a heat magnet and they are really behind him and his straight edge lifestyle gimmick. The guy deserves some sort of championship and him and Gallows make a great team and could use a run with the straps.
Oh, please let it be The Straight Edge Society! I have always been a Raw guy. If I miss Smackdown oh well, but I never miss Raw. But for the past three weeks or so I have looked forward to Smackdown for one reason and one reason alone, and that's CM Punk. Mark my words, The Straight Edge Society is going to be thee greatest thing the WWE puts out in 2010. Perhaps even this century thus far. Punk promos are brilliant. Last night was just another display of how far this group could go. They add this element mystique, coupled with that awkard cult feel, which just keeps you glued to your television. It almost brings you back to The Ministry days. There's just so much potential for this group. Like someone said on an earlier post, add a couple, three more guys and it will take the WWE by storm. Kudos to creative. Lately the WWE has been labled as a predictable, watered down, boring version of it's past self. But with this well...I'm highly intrigued. And now with Wrestlemania looming, things are starting to get very, very interesting.

You are 1000000% t i have been saying that to everyone. I have been watching smackdown because i think it is a better show but Punk has made me enjoy it to a whole nother level. he gets so much heat. The crowd loves loves to hate him so much. I didnt know what he was gonna do since hardy left but right now he is the best thing in the WWE Universe (lol) Him being on raw or smackdown will be great as long as he isnt being squashed by super cena again. I seriously hope the SES last long. WWE hasnt had a great stable since evolution. legacy sucked and didnt get any heat aside from orton. Gallows destroying HHH last smackdown was awesome by the way. My head explodes when i see ppl say his segments are a wasting 20 minutes or he is boring because i know its obviously little jeff hardy fans still crying :lmao:
I actually think MizShow have a chance. I imagine that Punk is going to be in a hair vs mask match with Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania, it just seems to be logical. Meanwhile, Big Show is too big a name not to be on the card, and I think this might be a way of getting him on there. Not to mention the fact that I think Henry and MVP wore the same attire at the rumble and each engaged with one half of MizShow. I think if the straight edgers were goig to win, there would have been no point in puttingMizShow in there. I don't know really, but I think DX losing the titles is quite likely, and it's equally likely that they won't be the ones taking the pin.
So, the Raw Match Negotiator, William Shatner, booked a triple threat tag match for Raw, with DX taking on CM Punk and Luke Gallows and The Big Show and The Miz. Both teams felt like they had a rightful claim to a title shot (even though Punk and Gallows were the only team that actually did have a right to one), and now we'll have a triple threat on Raw.

The match itself should be great. However, with how the Tag Title match was supposed to be on Smackdown to begin with, only for things to be changed up, and now The Miz and The Big Show getting added to the mix here, it makes me ask one question: Why?

I like The Miz and The Big Show, and the fact that the Show has sort of "dumped" Jericho for The Miz is pretty funny. However, they weren't really needed here. DX vs. Punk and Gallows would have been a good enough match on its own.

Here's what I think:

I think DX didn't want to job.

I like HHH and am for the most part, ambivalent towards HBK, but I respect everything he's done for wrestling, and he's a great wrestler. However, we know the egos that these two have. They don't like losing. If they HAVE to lose, they will, begrudgingly, and in most cases it would be through means that aren't exactly fair.

I bet they were booked to lose to Punk and Gallows and didn't want to do it. They told the writers to come up with another plan, and this is what they came up with. They'll lose the belts, fine. But they're not going to do it in a situation where they take the fall.

Personally, I think it will shake out where Punk pins The Miz, putting the titles on the Straight Edge Society, and further pushing that DX is on the verge of breaking up. It could even be the last straw, thankfully. But for them not wanting to put Punk over in a straight up tag team match is selfish and shameful. Back when they were coming up, the older stars that helped pave the way for them put them over. They should be willing to do the same, especially for guys like CM Punk, who is the future of the company.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they decided to put the titles on The Miz and The Big Show, or maybe they're going to continue their terrible reign as Tag Team Champions.

How do you see Monday's Tag Title Match playing out?

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