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Dusty Rhodes To Be Part Of Goldust/Stardust Angle


According to reports, WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes Tweeted that he'd be appearing on this coming Monday's episode of Raw. The reports also state that it'll be as part of the storyline involving Goldust a Stardust. Dusty posted another Tweet today saying: "It's hard times for the Rhodes family . This Monday on Raw I will settle things with both my Boys."

I'm guessing this will be something of an intervention type of deal in which both Dusty and Goldust, though he might appear as "Dustin", are concerned with Cody sort of getting lost in the Stardust persona. During the Attitude Era, I recall an angle involving The Undertaker during the Ministry of Darkness days, I think maybe right around the beginning of that angle, in which Jerry Lawler said that wrestlers sometimes lived their characters or their gimmick, something like that. I remember it because it was one first times I can remember kayfabe being broken as Lawler referred to Taker as "Mark" during the angle.

Oh yeah, and it's my 10,000th post. :)
I've been surprised these past years at how little involvement Dusty has had in WWE events, especially in view of the presence of his sons both individually and together.

Now, although it appears the break-up of the Rhodes brothers team is inevitable, I can't decide whether Dusty's involvement constitutes the end of the team or the beginning of a feud. As of yet, there have been only a couple remarks passed between the boys to indicate trouble brewing. With Dad intervening, it could mean the resolution of the whole mess ("Dustin, go to your room. Cody, go to yours!")....and that's the end of that.

Or, a new program might be in the works. How much it would feature Dusty can't be determined by us mere mortals. Remember when Dusty appeared in the ring with Cody and watched as he destroyed Rey Mysterio? That event.....and Dusty's participation.....amounted to nothing; they never went anywhere with the angle.

Now, Dusty says he's going to be part of the works with his boys. Hopefully, this time he'll get more mileage out of it than before. I still get a kick out of seeing him.
There's a lot of possibilities here, this should be a pretty good mid card storyline leading to WM 31. The obvious thought is that Cody will turn heel, judging from his recent raw appearances.

A thought that came to my mind, is I'd kind of like to see him get them to stop fighting and manage them. We could have Goldust and Stardust managed by Polka-dust, He could have the same basic facepaint and attire, but instead of stars, or just gold and black patterns he could be decorated with gold and black Polka dots. I know its a little silly, but it's also a funny character team that would have a brief but strong run as a top tag team/ manager combo.
According to reports, WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes Tweeted that he'd be appearing on this coming Monday's episode of Raw. The reports also state that it'll be as part of the storyline involving Goldust a Stardust. Dusty posted another Tweet today saying: "It's hard times for the Rhodes family . This Monday on Raw I will settle things with both my Boys."

I'm guessing this will be something of an intervention type of deal in which both Dusty and Goldust, though he might appear as "Dustin", are concerned with Cody sort of getting lost in the Stardust persona. During the Attitude Era, I recall an angle involving The Undertaker during the Ministry of Darkness days, I think maybe right around the beginning of that angle, in which Jerry Lawler said that wrestlers sometimes lived their characters or their gimmick, something like that. I remember it because it was one first times I can remember kayfabe being broken as Lawler referred to Taker as "Mark" during the angle.

Oh yeah, and it's my 10,000th post. :)

I guess this is what was supposed to occur at some point around last Mania. It has been done slowly so far, and also, the Rhodes bros have been pretty irrelevant for the past few months since dropping the Tag belts, so personally,I'm not too excited by this programme compared to last year.

I just hope that Stardust will be getting a push soon after for the midcard titles. Maybe a run-in with Bray Wyatt wouldn't be too bad either.
According to reports, WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes Tweeted that he'd be appearing on this coming Monday's episode of Raw. The reports also state that it'll be as part of the storyline involving Goldust a Stardust. Dusty posted another Tweet today saying: "It's hard times for the Rhodes family . This Monday on Raw I will settle things with both my Boys."

I'm guessing this will be something of an intervention type of deal in which both Dusty and Goldust, though he might appear as "Dustin", are concerned with Cody sort of getting lost in the Stardust persona. During the Attitude Era, I recall an angle involving The Undertaker during the Ministry of Darkness days, I think maybe right around the beginning of that angle, in which Jerry Lawler said that wrestlers sometimes lived their characters or their gimmick, something like that. I remember it because it was one first times I can remember kayfabe being broken as Lawler referred to Taker as "Mark" during the angle.

Oh yeah, and it's my 10,000th post. :)

Congratulations on your 10000th post! You certainly are the Wrestlezone Hall of famer. I had seen many post look for you to reply and that's the pride for you!!

Coming to the post, Yeah first I actually didn't think that Goldust would break his gimmick. But the story has been well told. Cody appears as Stardust in a non-Wrestling related TV show where he was accompanied by Dustin not Goldust. I'm not sure if it's a Kayfabe or not but this certainly will be more interesting!!

I'm pretty sure with Dusty Rhodes in the hut the segment won't get wasted but Cody should grab whatever he gets from this and should try to move up the cards. He had many gimmicks and most of them failed I don't want the same ending to this as well!!

But Retirement of Goldust seems to be on the card. Personally I don't want him to retire. If they're going to start a feud, it should go for at least 3 PPVs before Goldust retire!!

Only a year too late. On 1/29/14 I wrote this lol:

I keep posting this, but I really like the idea of The American Dream being involved, forcing his sons to determine who the heir of the Rhodes name will be, Dustin or Cody. Or come in and tell Dustin to give it up, he's too old, etc.

Involve Dusty, and have them all promo and brawl, etc. It would be great old fashioned territory style wrestling.
I don't like the idea of them breaking up Stardust & Goldust as soon as Dusty enters the picture.

IMO, Dusty should control the situation and brings the brothers together and as a tag team again. Set up a three way tag match at Fast Lane for the Titles with it being Uso Twins + Naomi Vs. BRC + Nattie Vs. Dust Brothers + Dusty.

Cody walks off but Dusty tries to stop him and Cody shoves him down and yells DONT CALL ME CODY!

This leads to Goldust becoming irate at his brother and calling him out for a match at WM. The match happens and Stardust wins.

That however is not the end. Dusty comes out with handcuffs and ties him to the ropes, which pisses Cody off.

While Stardust is handcuffed Goldust removes his face paint and holds a mirror to his face and claims Cody IS ALIVE.

By doing this you have successfully turned Stardust into an angry heel Cody Rhodes, given the Rhodes Family match up at WM and a final hurrah for Goldust.
It's good to see they're including Dusty. They seem to be writing this story really well so far. I really think this has the potential to be their best feud and storyline going into Mania. I don't know why, but I'm also very surprised that they decided to split up the Rhodes brothers this soon. I guess I just thought that the Mania card was going to be so full that they wouldn't be able to include this match, so it would have to wait until sometime between SummerSlam and WM32.

A couple of years ago, I was saying this is what they needed to do when it looked like they were going to feud. Get Dusty involved to try and play referee (figuratively, but also literally) and make this feud as personal as possible. Cody needs to bring up Dustin's past, plenty of material there. Take it as far as you can in the PG era. Cody should play victim a lot. "My father was never there for me. He was always on the road, helping Dustin with his career. I made it on my own. I had to work for everything I got to get where I am, while Dustin had everything handed to him, etc."

This should be the opening match at WM31 in my opinion. Possibly even make it a retirement match if Dustin is ready to hang it up. He's in great shape, so I hope he's not thinking about calling it quits yet. But if he is, it's a great stipulation to give Cody the rub when he wins and has bragging rights for the rest of his careeer. Hopefully when he goes back into singles, he can have some real success this time.
Hm, I wonder if they're gonna go ahead and heap heat on Cody by having him attack Dusty. It would certainly be the smart route to go if they're setting Cody up to be the heel of this program. A little while back, somebody commented that they would like to see Goldust shun his gimmick for his last match and instead wrestle as Dustin Runnels (or Rhodes) against Stardust. I didn't think it was going to go down that way but it SEEMS that's the route they're taking at this point, which is pretty cool.

Congrats on your 10 000th post btw!
I think they're gonna swerve this... and have Dusty and Dustin fall out... Dusty blaming Goldust for the problems "if you had just kept true to your name Duthtin..."

Stardust jumps on that, a little like Luther in "The Warriors", "Yes, it's HIS fault" and of course Dustin will refute it and blame Dusty for the families ills... it sets up Dusty as either the ref or at ringside... Sophie's Choice so to speak, he will have to choose one son... either the one he "rejected" in Dustin, wrestling as himself or embrace the crazed Stardust... or would that be too "good" for the WWE writers to manage?
This should be kind of interesting. If Stardust is claiming that "Cody is dead" then, by extension, Dustin and Dusty must be equally dead to him. Taking out good ole dad and then big bro at WrestleMania could place Stardust into the same position as Goldust once occupied... in fact, in an age when Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins (size-wise), Dean Ambrose & Bray Wyatt (character) are near the top of the card, he might be able to go even higher!
Look, they need tag teams. The Dusts are a good one. They should not be split. If the brother vs brother match was fresh and new, then sure. It isn't. So, instead of one attacking Dusty and turning heel with Dusty managing or reffing, why not have them both stand there listening and realize that they are both screwed up because of Dusty, they both attack him together, turning heel and they stay together. The better money is made through the Miz and Dow split, not through the Dusts and splitting both for Mania matches is too much. The Dusts can split and work SS in August if that's really what is wanted.
Look, they need tag teams. The Dusts are a good one. They should not be split. If the brother vs brother match was fresh and new, then sure. It isn't. So, instead of one attacking Dusty and turning heel with Dusty managing or reffing, why not have them both stand there listening and realize that they are both screwed up because of Dusty, they both attack him together, turning heel and they stay together. The better money is made through the Miz and Dow split, not through the Dusts and splitting both for Mania matches is too much. The Dusts can split and work SS in August if that's really what is wanted.

Goldust is retiring probably following Mania. It's been reported that he is winding down this final run.
It seems now that we are finally heading towards a Dustin v Cody feud, which is what alot of fans have wanted to see for a long time now, it has the potential to be fantastic if WWE book it correctly.

Cody becoming too "into" his gimmick is really interesting, and there's so much they can do with that, with Dustin becoming concerned for him and trying to convince him to snap out of it, that Cody isn't "dead" and he isn't really Stardust. Cody has been excellent at playing the character so far, I've been more interested in him in the last year than ever before in his career- it's been a big success for him.

Dusty's involvement will likely involve him taking a side of one of his children. I could see him initialy protecting Cody, saying something along the lines of not making the mistake of rejecting another son like he did to Dustin, but Cody resists his Dad's "help", claiming that he is "Stardust" not "Cody" and attacking his father. this would lead to a match between the 2 brothers at Wrestlemania, with Dusty in Goldie (or Dustin's corner).
if they are going to do a Rhodes brothers match at mania I've said all along they need Dusty as the special referee. They can even have him screw Goldust and give the win to Cody.

I like them as a tag team but as usual the WWE would rather throw 2 people together they have no other idea what to do with then keep using the good tag teams they have.
I won't bother to try to predict what might happen here. I'm just glad to hear Dusty will be involved. I think most people agree that Dusty is a legend but I think a lot of people just accept it without thinking about it because it's what their used to hearing. Looking past his in ring work, Dusty really does have a creative mind for the business. When he's on tv, even after all these years, he steals the show. When I watch him I think 'this is how it's supposed to be. Why can't more guys be like him.'

One of my favorite angles over the past couple years was Cody and Goldust vs. The Shield and Dusty was a big reason why. I was never a big supporter of the Cody vs. Goldust feud that's been talked about for years (at least not at mania like so many have wanted for the past five years now) but with Dusty involved I'm a lot more intrigued.

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