Dudebro My Shit Is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You 2: Its Straight-Up Dawg Time

The Talon

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Dudebro: My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got To Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time is a top-down, 3rd-person perspective shooting game which is currently being developed by members of the NeoGAF community. The game is set to be released as a PC format game in 2012. It is intended to parody modern hardcore video games, and contrary to its name, is not a sequel to any previously-released game title.

The game follows the story of B.R.O. Alliance Forces members John Dudebro and his sidekick, Habemus Chicken. At the start of the game a briefing with the B.R.O. General takes place, where the protagonists are shown a polaroid picture of the eye-scarred and mustachioed Pesquali on the map. Pesquali is a terrorist known to have been selling illegal weapons in the Middle East.

The game is a 3D top-down shooter presented in a 3rd person perspective, with 2D sprite-based characters in 3D environments. The player controls Dudebro's movement with the keyboard and aims with the mouse. Weapons and upgrades are available through the player environment. The gameplay is mission-based, with each map offering a certain number of missions that must be completed in order to unlock the level's boss door. Missions are accessed by touching medal-shaped markers scattered across the map and accepted in a subsequent prompt, and they can involve changes in level design, weapon sets and enemy spawns. Mission objectives can involve killing enemies, doing speedruns, saving girls, finding hidden objects or surviving for a set amount of time. Completing each mission awards the user a medal, and some of them unlock new paths in the level to give the player access to more missions or allow easier backtracking. Completed missions and levels can be replayed anytime, and unlocked paths stay unlocked in subsequent playthroughs.

I am so getting this.

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