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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What's everyone's opinion on them? Dont just put shit like '' Yeah man I love smokin' weed man'' like some drugged up old hippy.

I dont take any personally. And I dont judge people who take them. If you want to be a fucked up waster that's your decision. There's load's by my shop. They come in all the time. Two of them come in. And one of them will try to distact me while the other one try's to steal DVD's or toy's. The good thing is you can beat a junkie and they wont go to the police.

Does anyone think that if you could get drug's of the NHS it would stop them stealing and mugging people?
I cannot personally stand any drug user because they are just wasting their life. Seriously, the amount of kids using drugs today is pathetic, and they are filling up the schools and are all just the dregs of society in my opinion. Drugs are just too open to naive teenagers looking for another way to be 'cool'. Like Jake said, it's their decision if they want to ruin their lives, but too many are getting addicted at a young age because parents couldn't be bothered to get off their asses and act like responsible parents. So yeah, it's their decision, but it was influenced by a stupid society that has painted an image in these peoples heads that drugs are a good thing in life, and this damn conforming society keeps listening, and drugs are a real problem today, especially in the schools. I will never even touch a cigarette, or drugs because I have seen how it ruins peoples lives and see no point in doing the same to mine.
I cannot personally stand any drug user because they are just wasting their life. Seriously, the amount of kids using drugs today is pathetic, and they are filling up the schools and are all just the dregs of society in my opinion. Drugs are just too open to naive teenagers looking for another way to be 'cool'. Like Jake said, it's their decision if they want to ruin their lives, but too many are getting addicted at a young age because parents couldn't be bothered to get off their asses and act like responsible parents. So yeah, it's their decision, but it was influenced by a stupid society that has painted an image in these peoples heads that drugs are a good thing in life, and this damn conforming society keeps listening, and drugs are a real problem today, especially in the schools. I will never even touch a cigarette, or drugs because I have seen how it ruins peoples lives and see no point in doing the same to mine.

Now come on. Smoking's cool. If it did'nt give you cancer everyone would be doing it. My girlfriend love's my nicotine staind finger's.

Drink & ***'s are a drug but there readily available. So is caffene. But I think normal drug's should be available to pople who need them. I really think it would cut down on the amount of drug related crime. It would also stop dealer's.
Don't judge drugs until you do them..

I've done almost every drug except anything with needles, crack, and other dirty stuff.. My personal favorite was exctasy.. Just made you feel like a million bucks.. Best feeling ever, and I'll bet money on that..

I smoked weed on a daily basis until I was put on probation, and now I just drink.

Drug free for 4 months :)
Personally I don't touch drugs and I never have. I just don't see the point in permanently damaging your buddy. Never even touched a cigarette.

My only vice, and we're all allowed one, is alcohol. And even then... I'll get buzzed a little while watching the hockey game with some friends and I'll have a glass of wine or a beer or two with dinner, but I don't even get drunk anymore.

I've gotten flat out trashed a couple of times in my life only. Prom. My 18th birthday. Once at New Year's Eve a couple years ago. That's it.

I'll get semi-drunk once in a while, but it hasn't happened in a year. I just don't see the point. Considering I'm poisoning my body even with alcohol I'm glad it's like that.

I don't judge people who do drugs either... but the ones that I personally know fairly well that do it fairly regularly have all had their lives fucked up. If you want to do it once in a while that's your prerogative I guess...
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