Drug Use---Wrestler's choice

Should wrestlers take drugs

  • Yes

  • No

  • Sometimes

  • Never

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Do I have everybody's attention now
First off, I'm going to say Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died a tragic death and my respect to them both.

Now then, steroids. It's a huge controversial topic that people always lean on one side. "Steroids are bad." Really? Maybe you should consider the wrestler's opinion. When the Benoit thing went down, all the heat came on the 'E. And I found that ridiculous. Hypothetically speaking, if there's an employer at Merill Lynch and he gets so much stress put on him that he kills his entire family and himself is the company to blame for that? Now I understand the circumstances are different but drug use should be the choice of wrestlers. They're world-class athletes and it is THIER choice weather they wanna pump up, smoke up, or kill pain.

Now, as far as the company elevating the superstars who do, THAT'S where one should look into and not weather they take drugs or not.

In my view there are about three ways, two of them productive can go:

1. Regulate steroid use to make sure the wrestler's health and his profession are both at a good balance

2. Ban drug use

3. Let drugs rampant.

As I said, wrestler's should be treated like adults, it's thier responsibility not the company.

So, do you think the WWE should regulate drug use, let it run rampant, or ban it altogether.
Steroids are a funny issue. They are one of those words that just have a negative aura around them, despite the fact that if, like anything else, they are used in moderation that they can be enhancing without leaving any major problems.

An argument for not letting wrestler's judge their intake for themselves is Jeff Hardy. In WWE he kept in good shape, was still a little zany but had some energy about him. Look at him in TNA now and the opposite is true; he's let himself go both physically and in the ring, his promos were never his strong point but they haven't been improved since his switch.

My final thought is that a lot of people are trying to push the argument that 'The WWE is about entertainment, not wrestling these days'. If that's the case and it is like a soap-opera with a bit of wrestling, then there is even less of a need for steroids than before.
I do agree that the company should treat the superstars like adults but with that being said if the superstars do take steroids the company gets bad press for it. So in my opinion there should be a ban on steroids, it's bad for the superstar and it's bad for the company. Wrestling today is basically based on entertainment not the actual wrestling, so theres no real use for steroids other than maybe killing the pain of an injury.
I hate these arguments. EVERYTHING YOU DO IS A PERSONAL CHOICE. That being said, you don't necessarily have a god given right to do them. Things are made illegal for a variety of reasons. Some due to protecting people from themselves, some to protect people from their employers and so on.

Why should wrestlers be allowed to take illegal drugs? Steroids are illegal when used to enhance performance. When prescribed for a medical condition, they are to be used as prescribed and discontinued when physicians say it's time to do so.

Yes, it's on the individual to make the ultimate decision, but the company is held liable for their employees actions. If not legally liable, the court of public opinion will come down on them and ruin their chances of staying in business. It's common sense. I don't want a roid-freak or a crackhead working for my company, it looks bad on my company.

Can we now stop with these stupid drug posts? They're illegal, end of story.
Yes wrestlers should be treated like adults, but companies have a responsibility to look after people who are under contract with them. Hats off to Vince and WWE. They didn't have to introduce the Wellness Policy and do regular drug tests, because wrestling isn't a sport. But they did anyway because they want to do what's best for the performers. Unfortunately, I don't think the same could be said for TNA.

There is another reason why companies shouldn't turn a blind eye to drug use: legal. Anabolic steroids (which is what I presume we are talking about when we say "drugs") are illegal. Companies have no choice but to take action when steroids are in the mix. It isn't about treating your performers like children, it's about being a business that looks after your employees' wellbeing.

So, do you think the WWE should regulate drug use, let it run rampant, or ban it altogether.

WWE already do ban all types of drugs. Why do you think Joey Mercury was released? Painkillers. Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Carlito were released for alleged drug problems. As my understanding is, WWE will try to send the performer who has failed a drug test to rehab. If they refuse, they are released.
billm75.... Amen.

I read a great post on FaceBook not too long ago. "I have to pass a drug test to bust my ass...you should have to pass one to be on welfare."

Illegal drugs are... illegal. There is no gray area. There is right and wrong. Smoking dope is illegal. I don't care if you do it in the comfort of your home, if you get caught, you get in trouble. Wrestlers are adults, okay got it, then they should know drugs or abusing perscription drugs is illegal. Same with steroids.

And the whole, "Well they put their bodies thru so much" doesn't wash with me. I am a 14 year veteran in the Army who has been to a lot a places and done a lot of stuff, and I hurt every day. My knees, my back... everything. Wear and tear takes its toll. But, you know what? I don't snort oxycodone to take the pain away. What's wrong is wrong.

I loved Eddie and Benoit, but choices they made destroyed their lives. You make your bed, you lay in it.

And, there you have it.
First off, I'm going to say Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died a tragic death and my respect to them both.

Why do I get the feeling you're about to say something stupid?

Now then, steroids. It's a huge controversial topic that people always lean on one side. "Steroids are bad." Really? Maybe you should consider the wrestler's opinion.

Do you know any wrestlers? How do you know what they think?

When the Benoit thing went down, all the heat came on the 'E. And I found that ridiculous. Hypothetically speaking, if there's an employer at Merill Lynch and he gets so much stress put on him that he kills his entire family and himself is the company to blame for that?

Well, if aforementioned person's instability was caused by the working environment (see: Benoit's brain damage) at Merill Lynch, then yes.

Now I understand the circumstances are different but drug use should be the choice of wrestlers. They're world-class athletes and it is THIER choice weather they wanna pump up, smoke up, or kill pain.

Yes it is. WWE's welness policy is unneeded (in the sence that legally they don't need to have one. ask TNA).

Now, as far as the company elevating the superstars who do, THAT'S where one should look into and not weather they take drugs or not.

Um WWE doesn't push the gas heads anymore. To get a contract you have to pass a piss test. To avoid suspension you need to pass regular piss tests. Unless they have a legit medical need for banned substances, WWE are more likely to fire drug users than push them. Ask Chris Masters and Umaga.

In my view there are about three ways, two of them productive can go:

1. Regulate steroid use to make sure the wrestler's health and his profession are both at a good balance

Why would WWE want to be seen encourageing steroid use?

2. Ban drug use

Which they've done. See: WWE Wellness Policy.

3. Let drugs rampant.

WWE aren't going to face the bad press over that one.

As I said, wrestler's should be treated like adults, it's thier responsibility not the company.

So, do you think the WWE should regulate drug use, let it run rampant, or ban it altogether.

You're a few years late on this question. WWE's banned them. The tallent can either use them and face the consiquences of their actions, not use them, or get a prescription.

The wrestlers are adults. WWE's wellness policy is a well intentioned PR move, which makes the choice a simple one (lose the drugs or lose the job).
I completely agree, wrestlers should be treated like adults... and as such act like them too, if you work for the wwe you know there WILL BE drug testing and it is your responsibility to pass, if you want less restrictions there are other companies that have them, so no matter how the wrestler may feel on it, it isn't their company.
Whatever drugs they take that are legal, so be it. As long as it doesn't conflict with what WWE has banned or whatever.

They should stick within their guidelines.

You can't control everybody... Generally, people are going to do what they want to do. AND truly, you can't stop them. WWE should just continue to try their best to cover their own ass and keep restrictions on the most harmful and illegal drugs.

If someone doesn't meet the standards set forth, then it is on them, and they should face the consequences delivered in response to their mistake or actions.
Why do I get the feeling you're about to say something stupid?
Would you like me to be honest then? Okay, fuck 'em both. They screwed their lives up.

Do you know any wrestlers? How do you know what they think?
Do you? Wrestlers get hurt, its common sense. If they need painkillers, they need painkillers. The press and 'E need to understand that. Granted too much of it is a bad thing but if one is a little relaxed on them taking something that eases their pain but also keeps a drug policy in check then I think it should be okay.

Well, if aforementioned person's instability was caused by the working environment (see: Benoit's brain damage) at Merill Lynch, then yes.
Yeah, no. It doesn't matter what you do, unless the company tells you to. If you're stressed: Quit, see a therapist go on a vacation. You do not need to go crazy and companies shouldn't be responsible for wild behavior.

Yes it is. WWE's welness policy is unneeded (in the sence that legally they don't need to have one. ask TNA).
I never said anything about the wellness policy, I'm simply saying keep it in moderation and you'll be fine. And the wellness policy is needed, if one is to do it in moderation and not go rampant.

Um WWE doesn't push the gas heads anymore. To get a contract you have to pass a piss test. To avoid suspension you need to pass regular piss tests. Unless they have a legit medical need for banned substances, WWE are more likely to fire drug users than push them. Ask Chris Masters and Umaga.
ANYMORE. They used to. That's what I was referring to.

Why would WWE want to be seen encourageing steroid use?
I never said anything about steroid use specifically. This post has to do with any drugs that helps them heal, granted Steroids does enhances thier performance and is seen as a bad light however how is steroid leaked into the public in the first place? Wrestlers who talk and sudden deaths. And how does that occur. Too much steroids. Which brings me back to the point of MODERATION

Which they've done. See: WWE Wellness Policy.
It's one of the options that can be done. I know they've done that mr. Condescending. :)

WWE aren't going to face the bad press over that one.
See the quote above the quote above you :)

You're a few years late on this question. WWE's banned them. The tallent can either use them and face the consiquences of their actions, not use them, or get a prescription.

The wrestlers are adults. WWE's wellness policy is a well intentioned PR move, which makes the choice a simple one (lose the drugs or lose the job).

Which sends a ripple effects such as increased pain, more safer work space therefore not too risky moves (Not getting hit by chair shots but simply doing those high jumping moves), and being conservative to advanced modern medicine.
Wow, thought provoking thread. I voted sometimes because due to the pain and injuries wrestlers suffer, I think pain medication must be pretty vital to wrestling in order for wrestlers to keep up with their schedules.

Everything else...no. But how can you truly stop them? I worry that one day pro wrestling will be banned forever due to so many early deaths. I just can't see a good solution to it :(
First off, I'm going to say Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died a tragic death and my respect to them both.
You respect a child & woman murderer. OK, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Now then, steroids. It's a huge controversial topic that people always lean on one side. "Steroids are bad." Really? Maybe you should consider the wrestler's opinion. When the Benoit thing went down, all the heat came on the 'E. And I found that ridiculous. Hypothetically speaking, if there's an employer at Merill Lynch and he gets so much stress put on him that he kills his entire family and himself is the company to blame for that? Now I understand the circumstances are different but drug use should be the choice of wrestlers. They're world-class athletes and it is THIER choice weather they wanna pump up, smoke up, or kill pain.
So the paragraph started by talking about steroids, then ended with a blurb about PEDs, weed (and/or crack?), and pain killers. Rather diverse wouldn't you say. We should probably just stick to steroids like your opening sentence would've wanted. (As an aside if you are going to put a word in ALL CAPS to draw attention to it you should probably spell it correctly.)
Now, as far as the company elevating the superstars who do, THAT'S where one should look into and not weather they take drugs or not.
But if the individuals didn't take these drugs to begin with, we'd have no reason to look at them in the first place; so I think we're going to have to look at WHETHER (and not the kind in the sky) or not they take the drugs in question.
In my view there are about three ways, two of them productive can go:

1. Regulate steroid use to make sure the wrestler's health and his profession are both at a good balance

2. Ban drug use

3. Let drugs rampant.
  1. Is already being done as part of the current Wellness Policy (WP). BTW, as per WWE's WP performers are allowed to use substances that they have a valid medical prescription for. And once you do acquire such a prescription they are no longer "illegal substances" anyway.
  2. I know you wrote 'drug' but again let's stick to the original topic: (anabolic)steroids. To ban them outright would actually be quasi-illegal. If a doctor were to say a performer has a necessary medical need for the substance WWE would have to allow the talent to use it.
  3. I'll assume the 'run' ran away? Anyway, while WWE is under no legal obligation to have a ban or even routine testing, it is in the company's best interest to do so simple so the Federal Government continues to stay off their back and not implement extraneous control/regulation.
As I said, wrestler's should be treated like adults, it's thier responsibility not the company.
There's that 'thier' again…

So, do you think the WWE should regulate drug use, let it run rampant, or ban it altogether.
I foresee them maintaining the status quo the current WP has brought about. Nothing more, nothing less.
First off, I'm going to say Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died a tragic death and my respect to them both.

Now then, steroids. It's a huge controversial topic that people always lean on one side. "Steroids are bad." Really? Maybe you should consider the wrestler's opinion. When the Benoit thing went down, all the heat came on the 'E. And I found that ridiculous. Hypothetically speaking, if there's an employer at Merill Lynch and he gets so much stress put on him that he kills his entire family and himself is the company to blame for that? Now I understand the circumstances are different but drug use should be the choice of wrestlers. They're world-class athletes and it is THIER choice weather they wanna pump up, smoke up, or kill pain.

Even if you don't necessarily believe that steroids are "bad", they are illegal now and have been for roughly 20 years. Vince McMahon has been hauled into court before in order to answer allegations that he's openly allowed the distribution of steroids among talent that's worked for him. Prior to the incident with Benoit, Vince McMahon pretty much let wrestlers do what they wanted to do. If you got high or did roids, the office didn't particularly care as long as you did it on your own time and it didn't affect your performance at work. After Benoit and all the stuff about steroids really started up again, there was serious talk among Congress about launching a full investigation into the WWE. In a nutshell, the top lawmakers in the United States were considering making Vince bend over and take it like a $5 crack ****e if Vince didn't get his company's shit together.

In my view there are about three ways, two of them productive can go:

1. Regulate steroid use to make sure the wrestler's health and his profession are both at a good balance

2. Ban drug use.

1. Steroids are, once again, illegal. It's illegal to have them or distribute them unless a doctor prescribes them to you. Still, even that has become pretty controversial over the past several years. There have been a couple of high profile cases since the Benoit tragedy in which doctors have been exposed in prescribing steroids to athletes in which there seemed to be no medical need or purpose for them.

2. The WWE Wellness Policy has banned the use of them all, with the exception of legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol.

As I said, wrestler's should be treated like adults, it's thier responsibility not the company.

They are treated like adults. You seriously can't blame the WWE for watching its own ass if nothing else. In my job, we have to periodically take drug tests and pass them as a requirement of continued employment. Wrestlers are pepole too, so why should they be excempt from following the same rules and laws as the rest of us do? If they want to screw their lives up, that's their business but they shouldn't expect to keep their jobs if that's the choice they make.
Even if you don't necessarily believe that steroids are "bad", they are illegal now and have been for roughly 20 years. Vince McMahon has been hauled into court before in order to answer allegations that he's openly allowed the distribution of steroids among talent that's worked for him. Prior to the incident with Benoit, Vince McMahon pretty much let wrestlers do what they wanted to do. If you got high or did roids, the office didn't particularly care as long as you did it on your own time and it didn't affect your performance at work. After Benoit and all the stuff about steroids really started up again, there was serious talk among Congress about launching a full investigation into the WWE. In a nutshell, the top lawmakers in the United States were considering making Vince bend over and take it like a $5 crack ****e if Vince didn't get his company's shit together.
I understand what you're saying but wrestlers have the most in depth knowledge of how their body works and what makes them move. Not to mention CNN destroying 'E rep and the whole controversy surrounding the company Congress had to take action but regardless its not just about steroids, if a wrestler is hurting he needs the painkillers, yes they are addictive but as I said, if they are addictive then it's not the company's fault. They gave him pills, they didn't say "become an addict" In my view make the wellness policy more strict in terms of drug abuse but also give them the medication they need such as painkillers to help them relax. But if used exceedingly release them. That type of moderation could never receive bad light because the company says it looks after them and if they still don't change then they're not the company's problem.

1. Steroids are, once again, illegal. It's illegal to have them or distribute them unless a doctor prescribes them to you. Still, even that has become pretty controversial over the past several years. There have been a couple of high profile cases since the Benoit tragedy in which doctors have been exposed in prescribing steroids to athletes in which there seemed to be no medical need or purpose for them.

2. The WWE Wellness Policy has banned the use of them all, with the exception of legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol.

They are treated like adults. You seriously can't blame the WWE for watching its own ass if nothing else. In my job, we have to periodically take drug tests and pass them as a requirement of continued employment. Wrestlers are pepole too, so why should they be excempt from following the same rules and laws as the rest of us do? If they want to screw their lives up, that's their business but they shouldn't expect to keep their jobs if that's the choice they make.

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