Drinking Yourself To Death

Should It Be Allowed?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Gazza or Leaving Las Vegas style. Should you be allowed to do it?

I once heard a rumour that suicide (and attempted) is actually illegal. Yet they don't do anything about the ones that fuck it up because, well, tey're suicidal. Don't want to push them over the edge again like. I don't know if it's true or not.

Anyway this is different to other types of suicides as it's a gradual thing. Most alcoholics carry on drinking more so they don't have the massive come down, same with junkies. It's not because they want to slowly drink themselves to death, although obvioulsy some do. So as a suicide attempt it's not a sudden thing. So it, in theory, easier to stop. But should somebody be allowed to to do this to themselves, without interference from anybody?
No one shoudl drink themselves to death, why because first of all it would be stupid, second it is a gradual and slow painful death, third it costs a lot, there are various other ideas and thoughts on why not to drink yourself to death but the main thing is WHY would someone want to drink themselves to death? Seriously i have no idea why! IT seems stupid.

There is a difference between drinking and dying as a side effect but to drink your self to death i cannot comprehend.

I almost expected to come into this thread reading a million peoples posts of if they want to its their choice LOL.
Are we talking straight drinking to death, or long term effects on the brain that cause strokes and cerebral hemmorages?
What do you mean "should it be allowed?" LOL! How do you think up this shit, man?

Well, what do you mean allowed? Technically suicide is not a crime, and whos going to stop you?

I firmly believe that anyone who gets stopped while comitting suicide just wanted attention. I'm serious.

If you really wanna do it, it's easy. I'm at home in my apartment all by myself. If I want to cut my wrists or pop some pills, or head up to the ol' roof and do some parachute-less base jumping, who in the hell is going to stop me in time?

However, if while on the roof I start screaming and acting like a fool, then I'm just an attention seeking baby. The cops come, I stand there crying for awhile, and they talk me down.

Only problem with my theory is that I have seen people jump even after the cops talked to them, so maybe there's more to it.

I've heard of alchohol poisoning, but anytime I've gone a bit overboard, I usually throw up. :) I can't see how you could without puking.

I think it's our God given right to kill ourselves if we want. And, I don't believe someone who kills themselves is a coward. Life CAN fuck you over pretty hard at times. Trust me on this, if you've never believed anything I said on this board before. It C A N .
Actually, in all technicality, I heard that attempt to commit suicide IS illegal, lol. Obviously it won't matter, it's not like they're going to throw you in jail, especially if you succeed. Anyways, I actually know a guy my age, 21, who I have partied with for years and he passed away of alcohol poisoning. I wasn't great friends with him or anything but I sure didn't enjoy hearing he passed. However, I feel that if he was irresponsible and neglectful enough to do that to himself, he was putting himself in harm's way. I don't stand on top of sky-scrapers and practice cart-wheels on the edge, why should anyone drink themselves to that point? If they don't appreciate their life, let them do what they must. Life is a gift and we should all respect and appreciate it. If you're foolish enough to drink beyond the point of not being able to see, communicate, take care of yourself, or walk, that's on you and nobody should have to babysit you... Drinking age is 21 for a reason, if you can't make responsible decisions by that age, you've got problems. Any by the way, drinking yourself to death is NOT an easy task... You would have to throw up several times, pass out, etc.
It's hard. I mean, most people are alcoholics because they need help, and use drink to forget problems in the same way drug addicts do. Someone being in that position isn't good and it should be recognised by medics that maybe it is a cry for help, and help should be offered.

I don't think we should physically force people to stop drinking. Everyone has a choice in life, as bad as it seems. If turning to drink is what someone wants, alcohol is legal and due to that we cannot stop people consuming it. They should be offered help and guidance yes, and medical intervention if they want that. But we can't stop them if they don't want to stop.
The way I see it, suicide shouldn't be illegal. Assisted suicide, yes, as that's a variant of murder. However, if you want to kill yourself, go ahead. Now, I'm not saying its not pathetic, cause it is. Very rarely is suicide something that is self-sacrificial to save others, lol. Its normally some person with poor self-esteem or coping problems that has mental problems, depression, etc, and doesn't want to try fixing their problems themselves.

As far as drinking goes, I've always been against it, along with any other drugs (marijuana, cigarettes, cocaine, so forth). If you drink yourself to death, fine, you did it, oh well. If you tried to but failed, get help. But I think one of the problems in the world is how drunkenness is glorified. "Omg I'm so wasted" is not criticized, its applauded. If I had it my way, people would be allowed to drink, but if they ever got caught doing anything as a result of alcohol, the consequences would be dire. You get caught drinking and driving, wherein you put the lives of others in jeopardy and not just your own? You're fucked, pal. No warning, no "spend the night in jail and think about what you did". Hammurabi's code has its problems, but if you start hearing that you get your hand chopped off for stealing on the first offense, you're going to think twice before you put something in your pockets at Best Buy, you know? Without proper consequences, who cares about the rules?

So let people drink themselves to death, because I doubt if they're that messed up that we'll be missing out on the next Einstein, but don't let them get away with "trying to" and putting others in danger.
Pretty much everyone in the uk between 13-50 does ii. But why? For me personally I do it because of a combinaion of boredom or to socialise. I also love to randomness of stuff that happens when your drunk i.e. talking to random people you have never met bofore and wont ever see again. Basically its having a good time, what is the goverments/the newspapers big problem with it? I know it can cause fights and stuff but those people are dicks. I reckon they should ban people who act like dicks from buying alcohol and leave everyone who just wants a good time to binge as much as they want. I also think people would drink less if there was actual stuff to do, I envy those in big cities because I live in a smallish town and theres barely even anywhere to play football let alone anything else intresting.
Binge drinking is completely idiotic if you ask me, I just don't see the appeal of damaging my body and putting myself at risk all for what? To be sick all over the street and wake up with a banging headache?

I've been drunk once before, at a sleepover with friends. It's not something I wish to repeat, as I see no need. We can have just as much fun without alcohol, actually we have more fun without. The difference is we remember what we did the next day, and don't regret anything.

I don't see why anyone would pay money to be in that state. It's the same with cigarettes. Why pay for something which could kill you, and makes your body worse? I'm not saying I'll never drink alcohol again, but never to an extent of benig drunk. There's a fine line between the 2, and people need to learn their limits, instead of thinking drinking loads makes them look "big" and "tough". In reality, you look like a dick.
Suicide is illegal, no matter what people's views are on the matter. The thing about alcoholics is, more often than not, they have other issues eg depression, bipolar disorder or other psychological issues. Men are poor when it comes to going to doctors and dealing with things and so end up channeling the issues into drinking to cover up other issues.
The other problem is this...alcoholism is not something that the person can be sectioned for, they have to become violent or suicidal before the health system actually bothers to do anything about it.
as for the drinking culture in the UK...because everyone else goes out and get wasted all weekend long and think that they actually need it to have a good time. I dont drink, yet I am still able to enjoy my weekend, remember all of it and don't waste my money in the process.
My other issue is, why should the health system be burdened with people who as Instant Classic has stated above, why not let them 'binge as much as they want' and deal with the consequences themselves. The Government and police have a problem with it because it's a health and social situation, they have to pay for the consequences of it, not the people who binge
Pretty much everyone who has posted here seems to be under the impression that suicide is illegal, but it isn't, at least not in the US or the UK where the majority of the posters here are from.

It's been legal in the UK since the Suicide Act of 1961, and in the USA, each state legalised it progressively through the Twentieth Century. So there.

As for my opinion, I don't think alcoholics are actually trying to kill themselves, it's just a downward spiral, from drinking too much, to needing it, to needing it even though it will kill you. It's a sad state of affairs, but there's nothing that you can do to stop these people, maybe you can help people to see the errors of their ways but I doubt it will help, these people have to help themselves.

So yes, they should be allowed if nothing else because trying to stop them would be futile.
I think you have the right to drink. There is no difference to drinking then there is Smoking, Drugs, free falling, or even Speeding. the fact Suicide is illegal is funny. In some places it is punishable by death Which sort of voids the punishment doesnt it? I know sometimes the person drinking is not the only one affected especially if the person has kids. Every kid goes and drinks flat out for the first couple of months after turning legal 9/10 end up getting sick of it after a while. i know i did. I got sick of it after six months and havent been out drinking since. Yeah its wrong but as long as people wake up and realise whats hapening to your body it wont hurt.

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