Drew McIntyre & Kelly Kelly?


Dark Match Jobber
Ok, on Smackdown this week, we saw Drew McIntyre getting it on with Kelly Kelly. Well, trying to. Kelly said to him;
"When did we become friends?"
To which he replied,
"Now seems a good time"

A few things I picked up from this were;
1) Are we just seeing harmless flirting or are we seeing a possible Heel (Kelly) or Face (Drew) turn?
2) Will Kelly become Drew's Valet in upcoming weeks.

Tell me what you think.
After attacking Chavo last week it seems Drew might be headed for a face turn and I wouldnt be surprised since SD is short on faces and they want Edge to be heel soon. When I saw todays segment I was like crap man I feel for Drew he got cock blocked by the bitchy friend (Kaitlyn). Kelly Kelly is mad over probably the most of any other diva and this could really help Drew in getting some cheap pops. Also when he turns heel he can "attack her" like Randy giving an RKO to Stacy Keibler back in the day, then he can be over as a heel again but I wouldnt mind a face Drew for awhile see how it works.
He's turning into a tweener. Multiple personalities, mean in the ring but sweet outside so you can't hate em but you're not sure if you wanna like em. It's weird that they would pare him with Kelly so soon after Tiffany's departure but it's a good angle none the less. Sadly, I noticed that both Drew and Kelly cut promos like they're reading straight from a script though.
Well since we've bearly seen the beginning, it's a bit early to make factual assumptions. But I guess it doesn't hurt to take a stab at the situation.

I'm guessing we're going to see a Drew McIntyre face turn if this angle is to continue. The reason why is because Kelly Kelly does not look like the type of diva that would be able to play a heel role and make it look credible. On the other hand, we could be in for a result like that of the one that we had with Maria and Doplh Ziggler a while back: where Maria was a face, but Dolph kept up his heel role. But really, who knows.

Drew McIntyre has been rather stale as of late, so it doesn't surprise me that the WWE has taken this turn with him as of this Friday. I mean, in the least, it gives Drew something to do. Sure, it's not much, but at least it's something. The only worry I have is that this "couple" pairing turns out to be another disaster like so many others. It would really be a waist of time, if in th end, they're going to have a meaningless fight and break up without much of a build to their romance crap.

Drew McIntyre as a face...hmmm...I need to see more in order to believe it...
With regards to the possibility of Kelly Kelly turning heel, doubtful just because look at her. Always to the ring, always that smile. How the hell do you get people to boo that? As for Drew turning face, why not? As a heel, nothing's working. Only time the heel thing worked was when it was him and Matt Hardy in a rivalry and that didn't last long. I say let's see what he's got because I'm one that thinks there might be something there with Drew McIntyre. It's just a matter of finding the right thing for him.
Drew Mcintyre as a face? i would definitley i would like to see this happen, even though his run as heel was decent, but it would be hard for me to see him as a good guy, then again his happens with all heels, why not? i think smackdown needs more good guys to help carrie the brand, but kelly as a heel i could not see that happing shes not the type of diva to be like that, but drew being a face i would have no problem with whatsoever.
It's not that Drew has gone stale; it's that he seems to be on a different path each week as the company tries to find his niche. He seems to work best when paired with a face; I enjoyed his program with Teddy Long much more than his time with Cody Rhodes or Chavo. He did his best work when commanding Teddy....then, being embarrassed by Teddy.

For that reason, if they want to see how Drew would work with one of the girls, he's better off with a face than a heel. And who's more sweet and innocent than Kelly? I can't wait to see where they go with this......if they go anywhere at all. It might end as quickly as it started; which is what they keep doing with Drew.

How did his voice sound when he tried to romance Kelly? Is his Scottish brogue as sexy as it seems?:p
The whole thing about that little segment kinda screamed face turn.

The whole talking about him being a completely different person in the ring, as well as the way he talked about the person in the ring came off pretty much like something a face would say. As well as the fact that he's all calm and nicely approaching a face Diva being Kelly Kelly.

I'm actually a bit interested in seeing where this is going. Drew needed some sort of thing to start going for him. And this little thing, including a face turn could probably make for a pretty quick change of pace for Drew. Perhaps another push towards challenging for the Intercontinental championship, maybe against Dolph Ziggler.
Uhh... funny how people forget within just a year how this is going to just like Ziggler and Maria... the face diva is going to be head over hills with the heel superstar who is on a winning streak and eventually more heel divas begin to like the heel superstar so he leaves the face diva. Some idiot face steps up to help Kelly and Drew gets jealous... thus we have face v. Drew for the hand of Kelly Kelly.
I wouldn't mind seeing a face Drew for awhile. Think about it this way, if it doesn't work out, there is a simple solution to turn him heel again...

Have him attack Kelly Kelly!

It doesn't even have to be an "attack", it can just be a slap to the face or a knee to the gut. He could even just break up with her and insult her in front of everyone. Instant heel again.

Maybe if Cody Rhodes can get a heel girlfriend (maybe Rosa Mendes?), then we could see a fued between Drew/Kelly and Cody/Rosa.

If Drew and Kelly do get together, I definately don't see Kelly turning heel and I just can't picture a face Kelly Kelly with a heel Drew McIntyre so the only other option is to have Drew become a face or a tweener.

I guess we will just have to wait and see where this goes.
This is the first time we've seen Drew even display the slightest of face tendencies, so its hard for me to say, honestly. But for speculation's sake.

Drew needs to be repackaged, thats for sure. The "Chosen One" gimmick has gotten old, and fast. Even the references to it make me cringe as I realize how far his stock has fallen since being given that label a year ago. So giving him something outside of the ring to be involved in, such as a backstage angle, may be something to explore. Its not that they ever acknowledged on-screen that Tiffany was Drew's wife, so having him "get to know" Kelly as a nice guy while having him be as vicious as ever within the ring is certainly an avenue worth going down.

I think the whole situation last night was very indicative of a turn, even if its into a tweener like character. I liked that he added the line that the person you saw in the ring wasn't the same person he is outside of it. It gave him something to connect, something hes been missing for a long time, and that's been a personality. Sure, pairing together couple's has been a disaster more often then not, but that's been due to bad booking more then anything. I think its entirely possible to book this correctly, and could be a turning point in Drew's career if the face character connects with fans. That's something he's been lacking his entire career has been said connection. Kelly, despite her utter ineptitude in the ring and on the mic, has said connection.

So Im interersted, at least, into where they go with this situation. I hope this wasn't a one week situation, and Drew continues to pursue Kelly with his "different people" mentality, and it pays off for Drew. The mid-card on Smackdown is heel heavy and short of faces, so an effective turn for Drew could be a plus not only for him, but for Smackdown in general.
I don't think anything major will come of this. I think Drew and Kelly were just doing some harmless flirting backstage. This could lead to Kelly being featured on Smackdown a lot more, but I don't think we're going to see Drew and Kelly become a couple. She might come down to the ring with Drew a couple of times, but I just can't see these two becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I think this is just one of those storylines that might not go anywhere.

As far as Drew becoming a face goes....I don't think he's ready for a face turn just yet. Drew's push cooled off a long time ago, and he hasn't seen too much spotlight. I just don't see the live crowds giving him a strong enough reaction for something like this. Drew has to rebound as a heel first, because I don't see him becoming a face just yet.
This could be a good thing for all involved. I'm talking Drew, Kelly, and SmackDown. SmackDown is very short on faces, and having someone the caliber of McIntyre as a face could help SmackDown a lot. With Vince McMahon wanting to turn Edge heel again, he is going to need a top face on SmackDown to feud with, and let's face it, there aren't many. As far as Kelly Kelly goes, this could benefit her, as she will most likely get more screen time, possibly more matches, and she may even get another push...
I think that there's been something of a personality shift in McIntyre's character but it's definitely not towards being a face. If anything, he seems to be morphing into more of an arrogant and cocky heel instead of a bullying sociopath.

I'm not necessarily looking for anything major to come out of this whole deal with McIntyre & Kelly Kelly. It might be kind of interesting to see Kelly turn heel and be something of a valet/squeeze for McIntyre but, at the end of the day, I don't see anything of any real importance happening.
I was at the Smackdown house show last night in Chicago, and I noticed a few things. Kelly Kelly was the host of the show, and they had a guest bell ringer segment. Some kid got to ring the bell for Drew's match, and Kelly Kelly sat at ringside. Drew dame out throwing chairs and such, angry over losing the battle royal for the IC title #1 contenders spot to Kofi. Drew worked the match as a heel and eventually won with the Futureshock DDT. Afterwards, he put his arm around Kelly Kelly on their way to the back, both of them having huge smiles on their faces. Looks to me as if they're going to go forward with putting Drew and Kelly together.
I think the most likely thing is after Drew manages to get Kelly to date him he then treats her badly in some fashion, perhaps passing compromising pics of her (That we never see obviously) around the locker room.

At any rate it feels like when they put Stacy with Orton in late 2004, it wont last or facilitate a full face turn, but it could be used to try and garner him some heat.

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