Drew McIntyre - Future World Champion?


Championship Contender
I'm a great fan of Drew McIntyre, so i would love to see others WWE/SD! viewers that can give me your thought about him!!
In Recent Posts, I have read that most of you guys think that Drew will become World Heaviweight Champion, one day!!

But I would love to see a full evaluation of him! :blush:

1. Should Drew become face?
2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate
3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?
4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?
5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with?

Answers :confused:
1. My thought is that ... YES, he should, he can really be a guy that people cheer, not for joy like Cena, but the same type of cheer that Randy Orton gets!! :worship:

2. I really dont think that he is boring! If you give him 10 minutes to talk, well in that case he is boring as hell, but i really doubt that anybdoy could talk 10 minutes withouth a really good and believable feud!
In the ring, he is a great performer... he brings new-school to his move-sets, and he has one great finisher "Future Shock DDT" even the name sounds good!
And i dont really get when people say he sucks in the ring, for as far I remember he was always very good, and his moves was always different and cool to watch! :banghead:

3. What i like the most in McIntyre is . . . well maybe his looks and theme song!:lmao:
What I Like the least? Well i dont like the fact, that he has been introduced has the "Chosen One" when he loses to Edge in about 3 minutes, that is just wrong!! :disappointed:

4. I'm praying that this storyline give him a push that in my opinion he deserves only for endure and not going away like MVP and Kaval!!
I think that he will get a match in Wrestlemania against Ziggler!!
Well he is the Nº 1 guilty in Vickie's firing, so Dolph will go after him, and in WM maybe see
Drew & Kelly & Thris Stratus vs Ziggler & Laycool, making him a face in the process.

5. My favourite pick has to go with Drew McIntyre vs Orton!!
They are my favourite superstars, and i would love to see them clash!!
Big fan of Drew, probably the biggest reason i tune in to watch the B show,
1) no, he should not become a face, sheamus should be a face, some wrestlers are just made to be a heel and drew is one of them,
2) Mic skills are decent, never seen him botch a line ever, mind you he talks pretty slowly, and in ring skills are very good in my opinion, had some very good matches with kingston, hardy and christian,
3) What i like most about him is his age, 25, hes so young but looks really acommplished and has lots of time to improve over the years, what i like least is over acting when he loses, i understand hes trying to be like orton but orton has a better way of doing it, also he needs to improve his acting skills, mind you as i said hes only 25, lots of time to improve,
4) well you can never tell with the wwe, this storyline will probably be wwe testing his acting skills and whether hes passed i dont know, hopefully will lead to a singles match at mania but just hope he even gets on the card,
5) would love to see him against hhh, they could even envolve vince in the storyline, like some stars wars shit with the empire ditching vader and wanting luke to be the next big thing(if you follow my drift).
I'll admit that I hate the character of Drew McIntyre, but in the way that I'm supposed to, him being a heel and all, which pretty much means he's doing his job. As villains go, he's quite a good one. He's a more than decent wrestler and quite a brutal-looking guy when let loose. Also, his chosen one gimmick is excellent for a heel, although since he stopped waving around letters from Vinnie Mac they seem to be steering him away from that bit, or at least not mentioning it as much. I do think he is a future main event champion. That seems to be the direction they're pushing him. Now, on to your questions.

1. Should Drew become face?
I wouldn't think so, at least not under the current gimmick. Those who are given preferential treatment by the company are annoying by themselves and aren't usually believable as faces. He's doing just what he needs to do as a heel. Keep Drew vicious.

2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate
In the ring, the guy's vicious and believably aggressive. He sells damage pretty well, too. I mean, the guy's not old Kane level dangerous, but certainly believably dangerous. His mic skills...not bad, but not natural. It seems as if he's shuffling through cue cards in his head when he speaks. He needs to work on that.

3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?
He's a brutal vicious SOB and extra annoying when being smug. That makes for a great heel and I like that. What I like least is perhaps the forced nature of his speaking. Perhaps speaking through his teeth is just part of his accent, but the guy seethes way too much when he talks.

4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?
I think he's better off without that story line period. It's obvious to me that he's not into it. As I recall, he attempted to pitch this sort of story line, but with Tiffany (with whom he's married unless I'm mistaken) rather than Kelly Kelly. I say get him out of that and get him into something more interesting.

5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with? Mysterio might be a good feud with McIntyre for that international flavor. I'd actually like to see him go after The Undertaker as well, in a nice prolonged feud with lots of ambushes both in the ring and backstage. It might help McIntyre tighten up his wrestling psychology game. If it were a feud of young bloods, then Kofi would be a good one to feud with. Might lead to a good series of matches given their contrasting styles.
Drew does a great job at what he does. When he first started he was getting loads of heat. He played the "Chosen One" gimmick very well and Vince was giving him more than a rub.

However without Vince helping him his heat has died down a bit. He needs a new gimmick after he is done with this whole Kelly Kelly none nonsense. He has more talent in the ring then most.
1. Should Drew become face?

I think he's much better as a heel than a face, I can't see how the chosen one gimmick would be transitioned into a face gimmick, and it's a bit of a difficlut one to drop. However, I do think that Smackdown is really struggling for faces at the minute with MVP and Hardy leaving, so I reckon he'd have more chance of pushing through into a good position with a face turn.

2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate
He's never really put a foot wrong in ring, and his mic skills are good, and seem to be getting better. I don't think he's particularly exceptional at either, but I do still think he's got enough to get a bit of a push.

3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?
Well, I love his finisher, it's one of the best in the WWE at the minute to be honest. Also like the aggression he's showing at the minute (for example in the elimination chamber he looked like he was capable of killing someone). And his entrace. His theme is AMAZING! Definitely the best that the WWE has. It seems pretty obvious by the length of his entrance and the way he's booked that WWE wants him to be someone one day. In terms of what I like least, before the whole Kelly Kelly/Aggressive streak thing recently, he was quite bland, but I think WWE are trying to remedy that.

4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?
To be honest, I think Kelly is much more over than Maryse, and I think that Drew is much more over than DiBiase. He'd be VERY unlucky to end up where DiBiase is, and I really don't see it happening. I think the lack of depth in the face rosters of both the divas and superstars on Smackdown will mean that these two could make a real impact if put together.

5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with?
I'd love to see Drew feud with Edge, and I think it's something that's looking likely to happen in the future. I can see Kelly showing up in support of Edge, but eventually turning heel and joining McIntyre. On the other hand WWE could throw a curve ball, turn Edge heel and have Kelly join a face McIntyre in a feud with Edge? Drew/Barrett could be interesting if Drew does turn. Drew/Orton, Drew/Cena and Drew/Swagger woudl all be interesting as well...
I honestly have no idea what WWE is planning on doing with him right now...he seemed to have an interesting little program going with Kelly Kelly....but last week, he goes on to lose cleanly to Rey Mysterio...
1. Should Drew become face?

No. I like him just fine as a heel and I think he's doing ok.

2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate

In the ring, I like what I see. He isn't the most technical guy in the world, but he brings the intensity and it works.

As far as promos go, I think he's just fine. He's not The Rock or anything, but he doesn't suck at it.

3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?

Honestly, it's the theme music. I used to despise him so much because I thought he was so boring but that music just does it for me. It's actually my ringtone now.

4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?

I don't know what you mean by this, but no comparison to DiBiase is good so for his sake, I hope not.

5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with?

Edge or Christian. Both of these guys can put on really entertaining feuds with just about anyone honestly, so something with these 2 could be just the thing to put McIntyre over the top.
Drew has a long way to go before he'd be considered as a world title contender. As it is, the company seems to be floundering in how they use him. To me, the big hope for his career is that program with Kelly Kelly. They were really going places with it, only to totally abandon it the last two weeks. She didn't even make an appearance on Smackdown, which seems unusual in view of the heat she has been generating recently.

On the other hand, the last two shows have featured Drew in matches with top guys; Edge and Rey Mysterio. I think the battle with Edge was terrific; it shows how far Drew has come in his ability to work a match and sell for his opponent. The two of them worked as smooth a contest as I've seen.

Personally, I don't think Drew will ever win a world title as a heel. His personality is too cold and nasty to get people behind him as the champion. Yes, he will eventually turn face......and when he does, I think he'll get enough support from the fans and the company to take him to the top. (His smile alone would do it for me.:p)

Who knows? Maybe it will be Beauty (Kelly) that tames the Beast. But we'll never know if the company has discarded the program.
The question of whether Drew should become face results in a paradox. Drew is enigmatic as Randy Orton was because he was the type of promising character you would want to root for as a heel, and so you want to see people get behind him and see him get pushed. However you don't want to make him lose what you've loved about him so much and that is his ruthless aggression. Despite the punt, Randy does not have ruthless aggression like he used to(he's merely turned his best looking moves into a predictable combination). My answer to this question was found in the Kelly Kelly angle: Instead of turning Drew face for his rise into the mainstream, give Kelly a heel turn and watch her develop a mean streak as Drew McIntyre is able to keep his. Everyone's happy (except Edge marks).
Drew's mic skills will get him by... especially if he played the character of the smooth yet volatile heel who has a standard to live up to and a bar to set... a point to prove as he is determined not to be a nice guy to impress the WWE Universe, not to be outwitted by guys like Edge.. determined to be even more unforgiving than guys like Triple H, and to use this agression to inflict enough pain on people like Kingston and Mysterio that they will stay in the ring and on the mat. And this is the attitude he should take advantage of and to embellish his already formidable in-ring style. Brutality should be his selling point and "ruthless aggression" should re-enter the lexicon of the ring announcers.
What I like most about McIntyre is his that he is well-rounded as a package deal. He's tall and strong but not too big. He's handsome and has an accent that will do wonders for being a face once he builds his acting chops and gains the charisma. He's the chosen one and has a bad attitude... as he should, because he's the chosen who has yet to fulfill his "destiny". So for now he's just "chosen" but not yet the "one". And that is what I like least about him. He needs to improve his acting. I think he should be studying Triple H and Randy Orton, as he has somewhat of a composite of their strengths that he should attempt to tap into and develop a balance of intensity and cool that would be unique to him.
The recent storyline with Kelly Kelly has had unlimited potential, but seems to be abandoned. It's very hard to read where it's going given the past couple weeks with Drew being handed clean losses and Kelly Kelly not to be seen on the same show. Has Kelly Kelly been pushed and Drew seemingly left in the dust, like with Maryse and DiBiase? I hope not.
I would like to see Drew feuding with both Edge and Del Rio at the same time. I was really hoping to see McIntyre heeling his way into a Triple Threat match at Mania, but that was asking too much. But I could imagine Drew feeling quite bitter about Del Rio meeting his destiny first, claiming HE was the chosen one and he deserves that spot, not Del Rio, and that Edge is coming off as a good guy when he is selfish, having gotten Kelly fired and not caring about anyone but himself.
Drew's mic skills will get him by... especially if he played the character of the smooth yet volatile heel who has a standard to live up to and a bar to set...

Very good point. In the limited amount of promo time Drew has had, he hasn't been allowed to express anything except rage; he's always furious at somebody and is raving in the harshest terms possible. This kind of thing isn't really conducive to a Scottish accent (or so I'm told). I'll bet he would be more effective on the mike if he was permitted to soften it up and deliver his words in a calmer style.

Drew's ominous promos remind me of someone else whose mike time turns me off: The Undertaker. All 'Taker ever does is threaten his upcoming opponent; and it makes his speeches so one-dimensional that you only have to hear his first sentence to know the content of his entire promo. That's the way 'Taker's character is written......but I'll bet Drew can do better if the company lets him expand the scope of his promos.....whether as a face or a heel.
I too am a big McIntyre fan.

The only major problem i can find about him is that he lacs mic skills n such..

He needs a big push. Either he should take on del rio for the WHC after mania OR get a draft to raw (as much as i hate raw, the guy may need a fresh start on the other show)

he also needs a new finisher.. maybe a submission?

Mcintyre imo.. will be a future WHC.
1)it wouldnt matter, drew has a bad name for himself, i dont see that ever changing.
2)kinda poor mic work, on the other hand, short and sweet so no issues there, though like many superstars and divas, could use a lil touch up here and there.
i cant really say that i care for his inring skills, they arent really anything special, dont really stand out but thats me, definately a slightly different style though.

3)i really like the fact that his time on the mic is short, listening to a guy talk for 10 minutes is a lil boring for those who wanna watch some wrestling.
i dislike his character, cocky and full of himself, do like his aggression, but dont care for much else.

4)i dunno, he could go up against dolph i wouldnt be oposed to it, and if kelly helped him with vickie i wouldnt mind it, i would watch and see what happens.
5)i dont know, maybe ziggles, uhhhh maybe he could pick up a feud with the miz once the miz isnt champ (so after WM 27).
i dont think he should be a world title holder yet, to soon, he needs to build up some more, possibly try to get a better reputation with the crowd.
I think he would be an excellent WHC because he is like Randy Orton wrestling wise times ten. Drew knows how to do moves off the top rope, he knows how to perform a perfect german suplex, and he can be slow methodical and fast paced. He has the look and he's not too shabby on the mic.

He definitely should get a WHC run, Drew is a future WHC, and his run needs to be done right.
I would love to see Sheamus drafted to Smackdown, where he and Drew form an alliance and destroy everything in their path. In time, Sheamus will turn on Drew which will turn him into a face. Drew even says in interviews his best work has come with Sheamus, and teasing that at the Royal Rumble makes me think it's coming soon.
1. Should Drew become face?
No. Not yet. If he can't get a reaction as a heel, he sure as hell can't do it as a face.
2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate
Mic skills still need more work. He seem quite forced when doing his promos. I like his move set and his aggressiveness.
3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?
I like that he reminds me of HHH when he was the cerebral assassin. His intro is cool too. The least? He couldn't catch a reaction even after the heavy push he received. The Survivor Series team in 2009 he was in had Miz, McIntyre, Sheamus, Ziggler and Swagger. All of them have won the big one (Ziggler on a technicality) except for McIntyre.
4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?
The storyline will lead to nowhere imo. Both of them can't act.
5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with?
Dolph Ziggler if either of them turn face. Or maybe a feud with Kane to reestablish Drew as a force to be reckoned with.
1. Should Drew become face?
Yes, he does!! As a heel, he was average, but i really see the crowd going on with him!!

2. Work: Mic Skills and In-Ring Skills - evaluate
Mic skills still need more work. But i respect the way that he talks, its about his character, he is the Sinister Scottsman!

3. What you like the most in McIntyre? and least?
I love his netrance, and his finisher!! And for a guy with his height he can wrestle very well!

4. Is recent storyline with Kelly will lead him to Dibiase's position or something better?
It was good at the begginig, but Creatives just screw this up, again!!

5. Who you would like to see Drew feuding with?
i am a huge McIntyre fan, and i'm also a Wade Barret fan, so a match between the old FCW partners, was pure gold, i imagine that match, something like, HHH vs The Legend Killer Randy Orton!!

However in the recent weeks, he have seen McIntyre being buried so bad, that makes me sick!!
He did worst than DiBiase, at least DiBiase gets a couple of punches agaisnt HHH!! But McIntyre tapping out twice, in a 5 minute match??
That is just awfull, if he stay that way, he will be the next R-Truth, WWE is making bad choices about McIntyre, he was suposed to be "The Chosen One" and now he is "The Weakest Link" type of guy!!
He isnt in the WrestleMania card fr god sake, if he gets released WWE will lose a good performer!!
people overrated him about his in ring work and mic skill. He draws no reaction nor any heat from the crowd. It is evident that now he is jobbing at SUPERSTARS.
people overrated him about his in ring work and mic skill. He draws no reaction nor any heat from the crowd. It is evident that now he is jobbing at SUPERSTARS.
Hopefully they're just making him pay his dues, if he's let go then I suspect the 'E would regret it. The Aggression the guy conveys at times - like Elimination Chamber - is as believable as I've seen.
I'm a big Drew fan myself. Sadly tho, I was a fan when I made my YouTube account and so it's McIntryeFan4Ever. Yes, I know it's mis-spelled, I didn't know that you have to switch the r and y. Either way, I regret that descision.


1. No. No. No. No. NO. He needs to be taken on as a more serious heel. Him going face is just, ehhh. He's the kind of guy you don't want to mess with ever. I think he should go with a William Regal-type attitude, he could pull it off. Either way, he just needs to get out of the damn stupid promos and start beating people up again.

2. This could go either way. What with having a thick Scottish accent (gee, I wonder why...) it makes him sound rough. Depending on volume. When he's in one of his don't-mess-with-me-or-I'll-rip-your-effing-head-off-but-I-still-sound-chill modes, his mic skills are pretty decent and the feeling gets across. When he's plain old talking the accent kicks in making him sound sexy which is a bit of the point. When he yells he sounds like a freaking dog barking. Listen to him yelling sometime, you'll see what I mean. He needs to learn how to control his tone and use it to his advantage.

3. I love his theme song so much. It's perfect for him and it makes people notice him. Look, when his theme song hits, even if you don't know who the ef anyone is, you're going to look up from your iPad 2 and be like, "Holy crap! Who's this guy?" and you'll want to pay attention to see if he's as good as his them. Which he is. But I effing hate how he's put in the dumb promos. I mentioned this before but because of them he's not taken seriously. et him out of them and start giving him good promos to cut and impress us.

4. Why are we bringing Kelly Kelly into this? WHO CARES?? She's been with like every guy in the WWE (okay, hyperboyle, I know, but still) and honestly, he doesn't need the pressure or the possible bad rep. I can see why his character would like her but still, that is a serious no-no.

5. I he stays heel then I want to see him against my guy, Justin Gabriel. Okay, not gonna happen anytime soon but considering the fact that these two are extremely talented and have the potential to be big stars shows you right there that they need to start somewhere. Neither of them has been in a decent feud in a LONG time (Justin/Heath vs Usos [which didn't last actually], Drew vs Trent [and Kelly Kelly got in the middle of that one]) so I say try it out and see where it goes. It'll push Drew as a reat heel and Justin as a lovable face and let us ladies have the enjoyment of watching two forgein hotties fight each other, shirtless and wearing speedos. Plus, these two need air time!!

If you haven't picked it up yet, I kind have a thing for guys from other countries. XD
Drew McIntyre has good skill inside the ring, even though he does have a lot of people that don't believe in him. This is a classic case of the WWE pushing someone too fast,McIntyre should have been built up more slowly instead of winning the IC so fast. He has the aggression to be a number one heel but needs to work ion his mic skills, the WWE seemed to have realized this and that is why he is slowly being built up on superstars but time is running out and there will need to be some good creative work to save Drew Mcintyres career
I like McIntyre and hope to see his push restarted so that he can get further up the card. He has all that it takes to be a top guy and had a huge push as "The Chosen One" but then it suddenly stopped and his push seemed to be inherited by Del Rio. It is likely due to drama caused by his failed marriage to Tiffany. That shouldn't be an issue but unfortunately it is and it may have killed Drew's career. He is great on the mic and good in the ring. Few larger guys have his skill level, especially for someone so young. There is a ton of potential that WWE are missing out on by not pushing him. The question about the Kelly storyline is no longer relevant but I did not like that angle. Like some of the others my favorite thing about him is that awesome entrance song. I would like to see Drew feuding with pretty much anyone towards the main event level because he should be allowed to show off what he can do and win some more titles. I hope things turn around.

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