Drew Galloway

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
I don't get Destination America, so I'd appreciate if folks could give me an update on my guy, Drew Galloway.

-Is he succeeding in TNA?
-Is he a featured player? Top 5? Top 10?
-Does he get promo time.... if so, how is his accent and message received by American audiences?
-How's his ring work?

-Is he still the most gorgeous man in pro wrestling history? :)
I don't get Destination America, so I'd appreciate if folks could give me an update on my guy, Drew Galloway.

-Is he succeeding in TNA?
-Is he a featured player? Top 5? Top 10?
-Does he get promo time.... if so, how is his accent and message received by American audiences?
-How's his ring work?

-Is he still the most gorgeous man in pro wrestling history? :)

-he has made a decent impression
-hard to tell what level he's at, as he went straight into a feud with the Beat Down Clan - that should end now though
-yeah as much as many people, he is appreciated there
-okay from what I've caught
-he was the most attractive guy in the KotM match but thats hardly difficult :p
I don't get Destination America, so I'd appreciate if folks could give me an update on my guy, Drew Galloway.

Right, I'll just answer to your questions directly, then maybe we can discuss about it further later albeit I don't know why we are pretty much interested in talking about Drew Galloway.

-Is he succeeding in TNA?

They introduced him well enough to succeed him in the TNA, the hype was so great and he was in feud with the top heel stable of the company BDC. But unfortunately BDC lost all their heat so does Drew, lost all his push.

-Is he a featured player? Top 5? Top 10?

Honestly speaking, considering his inring works and the promo skills I would put him in the top 10. TNA is mostly all about Kurt angle and for the time being its EC3. They still got Eric Young, The Dirty Heels, The Wolves. But drew certainly is a featured star, of course he participated in the King of the Mountain competition. He certainly is in Top 10 but below Rockstar Spud.

-Does he get promo time.... if so, how is his accent and message received by American audiences?

Like I said when he started his feud with the BDC he was hot. I listened to a few of his promos, that he cut standing amongst the audiences. It was a good promo and the crowd loved him. His accent doesn't seem to be so much different or weird and the American Audiences really loved him.

-How's his ring work?

Decent to Solid. But for a guy of his size and physique he could add more powerful moves to his arsenal. All his matches were pretty solid but I don't think he had more matches other than the BDC members.

-Is he still the most gorgeous man in pro wrestling history? :)

No certainly not. He had lost his physique a little but he sure is a mainevent level star but now having the same venture that he had in WWE, He has already stated to disappear in the TNA.
He's not doing much right now and seems to be just another guy on the roster. He was getting a decent push when he first came in though.
The next two or three months should tell if Drew Galloway will really succeed in TNA because upon making his debut, Drew was thrown against the top heel group in the company which was a sure shot way to make him a loved babyface.

Now that feud seems to be dying down and we'll have to see what creative has stored for Drew next. I think he would still be in the top 10 easily due to TNAs current roster being DEEPLY depleted in the past few HOURS.

I believe a feud with a guy like Bram would be quite good but TNA will have to focus on making new stars asap due to Angle/Hardy being hurt, Magnus/Aries/Storm/Joe/Low Ki all leaving suddenly. I think Drew will become a top contender just to fill up the gap with a fairly well known face.
He's not doing much right now and seems to be just another guy on the roster. He was getting a decent push when he first came in though.

Jeez. That sounds depressingly like his introductory period in WWE.

Also, the comment made by someone that Drew will rise in the hierarchy because everyone else is leaving doesn't exactly inspire hope, either.

Oh, well. I can still dream, can't I? :rolleyes:
im in ireland and i watch tna through a thing called the internet lol like you should too just kidding, hes average i liked him in wwe at first thought he shoulda been a top guy but wasnt now in tna hes boring comes out and does the same promo about his love for wrestling which got stale after the 2nd week but yet he still does it.
Depends what you mean by succeeding really. He got a lot of TV time and a feud with MVP and his cronies, then got saddled with two unknowns (to the casual fan) and a horrendously bad "save wrestling" gimmick that was never going to do anything short of make him sound like a cheap heat seeker. The BDC matches have been large in number but small in intrigue and coherence, probably because of the hashed together nature of both groups so he's definitely stalled as a result.

Not seem the latest TV taping results but a few strong singles victories (and staying the hell away from the BDC) could put him in top 5 territory given the state of flux at the top of TNA right now. Hopefully he gives up on the fan-pandering and goes down a more interesting route though.

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