Dragon Warrior for Video Games Tournament Cinderella!!!


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone

Ranked #110 in this year's tournament.

It was released in 1986 for the NES. It predates Final Fantasy AND Legend of Zelda by one year, effectively making it the RPG that launched the genre.

For those of you not indiginous to North America, you know it as "Dragon Quest."

Dragon Warrior was ranked by Gamespot as one of the 15 most influential games of all time for it's 2D, top-down console RPG style.

It is the original in a franchise with 10 sequels.


Folks, make no mistake, this game was one of the most fun and challenging games off of the NES system, and is now 23 years old. It is still fun, and it is older than many of you.

I was 5 when this game came out, and I was hooked on it early. Fighting slimes for experience points. The excitement you felt when you purchased your first hand axe. Solving the puzzle of the Fairy Flute in Kol. The first time you accidentally discovered the Green Dragon in the swamp cave. And died. The maddening hunt for the Magic Keys. The obnoxious inability to refuse the love of the princess because you'd rather go out and tag some Tantagel ass. The trip into the depths of the Grave of Garinham. The first time you met a Demon Knight and almost wet yourself. Going over the bridge towards Cantlin and fighting ridiculous enemies. Finding the Axe Knight in Hauksness and trying to get Erdrick's armor. How much better the Radient spell was than the torch. Besting the Golem. Saving money for the Silver Sheild. The first time you met a Metal Slime - and the first time it ran away from you. Earning the Rainbow Drop. The trip into Charlock castle. Jokingly joining the Dragonlord at the end and ending the game. The feeling of accomplishment when you beat the Dragonlord. The feeling of dread when he reveals his "true self." The final battle.

Ladies and gentlemen, everytime I even discuss this game, I get nostalgic, self-dating chills. One of the most fun and influential games of all time, and it deserves to make some noise in this tournament. Without Dragon Warrior, we may not have Zelda, which means no Ocarina of Time. We may not have Final Fantasy, which means no Final Fantasy 7.

Support Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest!
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Great game no doubt. I used to go rent old games just to see what they were like, and this happened to be one that stood out to me. I had a very very fun time playing this, and I hope it has a good draw. Only downside is most don't seem to know about this game.
I about to make a run in through the crowd on this one...


You have my full backing. Becuase I fucking LOVE this game. As a child, I spent absolutely COUNTLESS hours playing this. Countless. I always thought it was badass that you started off the game straight up naked. I would always stay like that for a bit, kicking the shit out of things.

"The Goblin Cleaver" is still one of the most badass names for a weapon of all the times. I dont remember TOO much in the way of specifics, and copious amounts of drugs, alchohol, and pain have dulled my senses over the years...but, I DO rememeber that I fucking LOVED this game, and spent crazy times playing it.

Dragon Warrior > eating, sleeping
A note regarding Dragon Warrior.

Dragon Warrior was NEVER released in the UK yet I am backing it. I have played this on emulator, I liked it very much. But ignore the game play, ignore the music, ignore the revolutionary battle sequence that would set the precident for RPG games. Ignore the fact that is impacted so so many games since, ignore that the series itself was so popular that in Japan they declared a national holiday on one of the days of release because they knew so many people would call in sick to play it. Ignore all that and vote it for one reason, and one reason only....


That motherfucking dragon is kick ass on the box!
Fucking bumpage.

Folks, Dragon Warrior (at the time I am writing this) is down 5-3 to a little known PC game called Deus X. Despite being regarded as a terrific game, Deus X is a product of the technology and nihilism of the late 90's. That's all well and good, I am sure it's a great game.

Dragon Warrior is one of the most important games in history. It inspired and helped launch such classics as Final Fantasy. It's regarded as the original console RPG.

Voting for Deus X over Dragon Warrior is akin to voting the Road Dogg over Lou Thesz. That's exactly what it is. You'd want to vote Thesz over Road Dogg, so vote Dragon Warrior over Deus X.


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