Draft Any TNA Wrestler to WWE for WrestleMania?


Dark Match Jobber
Ok I am curious if you could draft any TNA Wrestler to WWE at the very moment, who would it be and why?

Who would you have him feud with in the buildup to the PPV?

How would you like the Feud to transpire?
I see this as fantasy so it'd have to be Sting. Ofcourse having him come in and feud with Undertaker is a dream of many.

Realistically, I'd say AJ Styles should show up and attack Daniel Bryan leading to some outstanding matches starting with mania.
another fantasy thread. Sting is the only guy who has not already wrestled for WWE that could make any impact by having him at Wrestlemania.
Robert Roode is nowhere near as known on a global scale, AJ is too small to matter, Samoa Joe needs to lose a stack of weight before WWE would ever entertain bringing him in for a serioous push. Sting and Sting only, and he would need to be in a MAJOR storyline and feud with either Undertaker or HHH for it to be as good as it possibly can be
Would love Jeff Hardy to come back and reignite his fued with CM Punk

Another is obviously Sting to finally join WWE and fight the Undertaker for the streak
my pick would have to be matt morgan to come and feud with possibly sheamus


Definitely would like to have Sting. Even Jeff Jarrett again, yes I know, the guy never drew a dime for WWE or even WCW for that matter , but still having him show up one day on WWE TV would be one of the biggest FU's you could give to Dixie Carter, lol. I'd book him in a program with CM Punk and/or Jericho. "Ain't I Great" vs "The best in the world" or vs "The best in the world at what I do". Could be classic.
Not going for the guys that WWE made so I wont say Angle Hardy or even Ray for that matter (although bully ray made him self a singles wrestler with TNA)... I would say talent wise plus mic it would have to be Roode or Storm if they were both used right.. Roode could almost do what Ziggler is doing and well Storm he'd have to find him self lol just as long as he wouldnt come in to be the funkasorous's partner hahaha... Sting would be great for one thing but who wants to pay that amount of money for one thing... AJ honestly dont have the talkin ability and with his size he'd just drown in the BIG TIME.. oooooooo wait Gerret Bishoff..... NOT lol j/k
Sting does seem like he would be the BIGGEST draw...
And I guess if WWE were good at their guerilla they could sell the angle...
and leak that that Sting was prepared to sign only if he didn't take the fall...people would still think that Taker would win...but there would be that seed of doubt...

Suprised that no one has mentioned Angle...ok he has been in the WWE...but one would think he would get the best out of Taker for the last dance.
Kurt Angel to fued with Santino.

At this point, Angle is the right answer. Sting is too old and couldn't put on a great match with broken down Undertaker.

Angle could fued with Taker, Punk, whoever really.
Jeff Hardy. It would be awesome to see him come back and feud with CM Punk.
He's showing right now that he has his passion for wrestling back and is in great shape. The Hardy vs Punk feud was only 3 months length and it was awesome. A continuation could be epic plus he could feud Randy Orton, John Cena, The Miz, D-Bryan, Cody Rhodes, etc and elevate new stars.
Other name could be Sting. Because of what he represents and the Sting vs Taker dream match that sadly will never happen.
AJ Styles, Austin Aries, RVD, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, James Storm would also fit very well on WWE if booked rightly
Draft Hogan to WWE to have a street fight with Austin at Mania 28. More of a chance of it happening at Mania 29, if at all.(IMO)
Definitely Kurt Angle. I'm really not a fan of World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, but a good old Angle/Bryan iron man match wrestling exhibition would tear down the house, exactly what you need at Mania!
I'd like to see Kurt back in WWE before he retires but if I had to pick JUST one, I"d go with the flow and have sting vs. taker. I might take massive heat for this (what else is new) but I'd actually have him as a heel go over Taker to end the streak.
i would like to aj styles personally. hes one of the best high flying and technical wrestlers in the world today. a feud between him and cm punk would be great. i know he wouldnt draw as much as sting but stings best days are behind him in all honesty. i think for a long term run aj is the obvious option. i would also like to see the motor city machine guns in wwe someday too because they would really add to the weak tag team division that the wwe has at the moment.
Yeah, I agree Angle would be an awesome choice. Him and Bryan or Punk going at it at Wrestlemania would be awesome. He is already one of the most well know names in wrestling so a build-up wouldnt take much thought.

But another steal would be Samoa Joe. If his debut consisted of him takin names and kicking ass, no nonsense, badassery that he had in ROH/early TNA it would be awesome. Start his WWE career as neither face or heel, much like Kane or even Stone Cold used to be, and let him go. He too could have a great match with Bryan or Punk.
I would love Angle to fight Punk honestly. Angle has stated that he is the best in the world numerous time and has the gold medals to prove it. I would use Jericho elsewhere.
Of the former WWE guys on the roster its Kurt Angle hands down. One of the best performers ever. Great on the mic and one hell of a wrestler. Would love to see him go up against one of the new WWE talents like Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes.

Of the non-WWE guys it'd have to Sting. I know Stings ring quality isn't what it used to be, but, who wouldn't buy WrestleMania to see The Undertaker vs. Sting?
Of course it be sting for me obvious choice number 1 without a doubt!! I used to like samoa joe but he needs to drop like 100 pounds for the E to give him a chance!! AJ styles have him attack Wait for it Rey mysterio!! I think those two guys could put on a awesome match id be curious to see that!!! Morgan vs sheamus two powerhouses going at it!!
I'd take either AJ Styles or Austin Aries. Both are roughly the same age, so if I was pressed to take one (which this thread is about) I'd go with Aries, simply because he has a lot more charisma than AJ. A Double has everything needed to big a huge star in WWE, except for size, but considering WWE's main event scene has gotten smaller and smaller with time, I don't think it'd much of a problem for him. He knows how to work a crowd better than almost everyone, so I'm sure he can overcome that shortcoming.
Hmmm...there are a few that would be interesting and would make the card...listed a few with ranking opponents.

Samoa Joe - make him go on a tear and let him face another superstar who is also on a tear, and let Joe make a huge statement at Wrestlemania
*Mark Henry comes to mind especially since he is on a tear– I am not entirely sure if Mark Henry will best highlight Joe’s abilities.
*Big Show – same problem as Mark Henry
*Swagger – if only he has not been looking so feeble, lately.

Sting – He would need to face an icon
*Undertaker first comes to mind
*If not then Triple H – a good story could be made out of this match-up/

Kurt Angle – Always good to have a little clinic of wrestling
*Undertaker – A nice last dance
*Daniel Bryan
*CM Punk

Jeff Hardy –
*Kane – The new masked Kane could make for good hardcore action.
*Wade Barrett – Let Wade make a statement with a ‘Holy S#*t’ moment.

*Would like to see RVD take Show to his knees
*Ditto with Mark Henry.

Jeff Jarrett
*Triple H –clearly you know why!?
*Alberto Del Rio

Austin Aries –
*CM Punk
*Alberto Del Rio

Kennedy -
*CM Punk (Possibly we can have some great promos)
*Miz (would like to see the chemistry between these 2)

AJ Styles –
*Dolph Ziggler
*CM Punk

Roode –
*Dolph Ziggler

Storm –
*Drew McIntyre

Feel free to tweak as necessary…
well almost everybody is saying sting for the sting vs undertaker match and dont get me wrong id LOVE to see that match but sense everybody is saying it im going to be different and go with either getting austin aries (to face cm punk or daniel bryan for the title at wrestlemania) or bring in the motor city machine guns to face air boom in a ladder match at wrestlemania

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