Doom is a good movie

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King Of The Wasteland
For what it is. A popcorn Sci-Fi action movie.

You had decent character development for the characters, the plot was decent if a bit similar to previous films (Resident Evil) and the action was good. The only thing I can think of is fans of the game didn't like how it didn't follow the game (haven't played a Doom game so I'm going on info I've read) my belief is if it was called something different it might have got a bit more praise.
Meh, I can admit that Doom is a bit of a dark pleasure for me. It really isn't that good of a film but I enjoy almost anything the Rock is in. You're correct, it is a decent popcorn sci-fi flick. It isn't on par with a Resident Evil but it isn't a horrible film either, at least I don't think it is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. The characters are interesting and I really love the first person video game scene near the end. And like I said, I really just enjoyed seeing The Rock in it, nothing more nothing less.

I would never list as an all time favorite or great but it isn't a terrible film. Given the right mood and the right time it can be somewhat fun to watch.
There's only one good part in the whole movie...that first person shooting sequence towards the end of the movie was cool
There were some cool death scenes.
As usual the Rocks role really didn't do much for me...
but also, has cool cover art but that's pretty much it for this movie
I really didn't care for Doom. The action was pretty decent, and I thought The Rock did a good job at playing the hard-ass leader of the group, but other than that, Doom just wasn't that good. As Kissfan and jon already said, the only cool part about this movie was the first person shooting sequence towards the end. I guess if you're a fan of the video game, then you might be able to get into this. I just thought this film looked like something that could've premiered on the Sci-Fi channel.
This could not have premiered on Sci-Fi because it had way too good of a budget for that. Have you seen the effects on Sci-Fi movies?

Anyways, replace the word good with entertaining and you have a decent headline. If you really wanna be a critic and go head to head with Doom that movie is terrible. But if you're just looking to watch something and not care about plot or storyline it's entertaining. It's simple in nature and easy to follow. Yeah, Resident Evil has more of a story and backstory, but I never liked those movies. For movies like this I prefer simple plots like Doom which is why I enjoyed it.
This could not have premiered on Sci-Fi because it had way too good of a budget for that. Have you seen the effects on Sci-Fi movies?

Yes I have. The production values weren't bad, but I wouldn't put this film on the same level as Star Wars(the prequels) or Inception as far as that category goes. The movie it self was just not that good. It had a generic story, and the whole "we're stuck on another planet, and monsters are out to kill us" story has been done so many times. This movie did have nice look to it, but the production values weren't that spectacular. That's where I was trying to go with the Sci-Fi channel comparison.
Yes I have. The production values weren't bad, but I wouldn't put this film on the same level as Star Wars(the prequels) or Inception as far as that category goes. The movie it self was just not that good. It had a generic story, and the whole "we're stuck on another planet, and monsters are out to kill us" story has been done so many times. This movie did have nice look to it, but the production values weren't that spectacular. That's where I was trying to go with the Sci-Fi channel comparison.

Oh by no means was it as big budget as anything close to the Star Wars prequels. I'm not arguing there. And even I said by no means is this a good movie. My only point was that saying it could premiere on Sci-Fi might be going a little far... I mean, the original Star Wars had better effects than movies debuting on Sci-Fi TODAY.
No. Noooo-ho-ho-ho. Awful, awful movie that bore little resemblance to the classic video game and was generally awful in every way outside of The Rock's awesome over-the-top performance and the First-Person-Shooter POV scene at the end. Everything else in between is instantly forgettable C-grade modern horror/sci-fi crap with some awful actors and some shoddy CGI.

Don't get me wrong, I love bad movies, and I do enjoy watching Doom, how can you not for The Rock's fucking awesome WAY over-the-top performance? But looking at the film from an objective critical viewpoint, it's simply not a good film at all.
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