Dolph Ziggler what happened?

Who could McIntyre take on as a "minion"

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Dark Match Jobber
OK so am I the only one that really liked where wwe was going with Dolph Ziggler. WHAT HAPPENED he should have won it in his second match against JOMO. I am a huge JOMO fan however Dolph Ziggler was looking great in the ring but the wwe decided to not let him win it. How ever I have a theory. What if the wwe gives the title to Drew McIntyre. JOMO then gets his rematch on smackdown. However then someone who is insignificant on smackdown comes out just as JOMO was getting a pin and then breaks it getting McIntyre the DQ they then begin beating JOMO down and you will never guess who but Dolph Ziggler comes to save JOMO then at the rumble Dolph gets an opportunity at the title and wins the IC title. Then guess who wins the Rumble none other than JOMO. MY QUESTON QHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON ZIGGLER NOT BEIGN ON SD THE IC TITLE MATCH AT TLC ZIGGLER COMMIN TO JOMO's AID DOLPH WINNING THE TITLE AT RR JOMO WINNING THE RUMBLE AND WHO IF THIS HAPPENS WOULD WWE GIVE TO BE McIntyre's "Minion".
I'd say Finlay (even tho he's a face and even tho Drew has been beating the living crap out of Finlay as of late) I think it would be cool for Finlay to make an unexpected heel turn and align himself with Drew, coming to his aid, in his match against Morrison and becoming his new minion. That would be super sick!:)

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