Dolph "no reaction" Ziggler


Occasional Pre-Show
How many of you saw the crowds reaction to the segment with Ziggler mocking Pat Patterson? You saw it right? Are you sure? What were they saying? Oh yeah nothing. Dolph Ziggler apparently the man with a bright future ahead of him - got very little to no heel reaction from the crowd. I heard a boo or two - but they were probably booing because they wanted to watch a match already.

Is it safe to say Ziggler needs Rey so he can the heat that he wants? or is Ziggler straight out not cut out to get the crowd to hate him. And dont get me wrong - Im not saying he's a terrible wrestler. But we all know someone cant make a career if they cant get the crowd going. Regardless of their ring skills. Honestly it was a good move to shoot a promo between Ziggler & Patterson - too bad the fans weren't behind it or Ziggler at least.
Are you kidding?
Ziggler has almost nothing to do with the shit reaction he got. Ok, he didn't get much heat when he came out. And he got absolutely no heat when he was mocking Pat Patterson.
But the material the Ziggler was given was absolutely awful. Even The Rock wouldn't have been able to make that crap work.
Not to mention most of the people didn't care about Patterson, except when he was talking about Canada or talking in French.
Don't blame Dolph, blame the writers.
I don't know here. Ziggler isn't over as a heel. Morrison isn't over as a face either. It seems to me that I don't see any potential breakout star in the WWE right now. Dibease and Rhodes seem the most likely, maybe Miz or MVP but that is it. Ziggler is missing something and so is Morrison even though they are both solid hands who I could see having Mr. Perfect level careers but being the top star in the company I don't know.
I don't know here. Ziggler isn't over as a heel. Morrison isn't over as a face either.

...Huh? Did you just claim that Morrison isn't over as a face? Do you actually watch the WWE? Because Morrison gets a great reaction every week, and the crowd popped big time when he won the IC title from Rey a week ago.

How can you make that claim?

As for Ziggler, again, I don't know what you guys are on about. Ziggler is clearly one of the better young stars in the WWE right now, and the crowd definitely gives him a reaction each and every week. The problem is that for the last few weeks he's been playing the role of a tweener; heel in the ring, face backstage with Maria. Tweeners never get a fully negative or fully positive reaction, so the results always end up sounding like dead air. Don't mistake that for a lack of reaction.

Ziggler's got a bright future ahead of him.
Hmm, well I was unsure about this, but were they cheering "Shut the fuck up" last night for the segment to move on or was it heat being built on Ziggler?
The problem last night wasn't Ziggler. It was no one cared about Paterson at all. Paterson isn't that big of a name and most likely the fans in Montreal forgot who he even was. They were there to watch matches, not an episode of Raw. If you devoted 10 minutes to Paterson/Ziggler, you could have shortened the tag title match(which was ok at best) a little and let Ziggler/Morrison happen. I'm sure no one in Montreal or watching at home would have objected to a 15-18 minute Morrison/Ziggler match. You can have the Paterson thing before the show opens, have the promo before it and show the attack explaining why they have the match later in the evening.
I do believe I read here on WZ that the reason the Ziggler/JOMO match was scrapped was because the writers couldnt think of a good finish to it...
Hmm, well I was unsure about this, but were they cheering "Shut the fuck up" last night for the segment to move on or was it heat being built on Ziggler?

I get the feeling it was because they wanted to move on, that segment, IMHO made no sense and was pointless for a the same time Patterson is a big name in idk...I personally wanted that segment to lacked direction and served no purpose in my opinion
I didn't see the PPV last night, but I read the review on here. I agree with Blade, and have to say it wasn't really Ziggler's fault. They shouldn't have had him on the PPV.

And the reason they did it was to try to start a feud between him and Morrison. One of the articles on here had said that the WWE writers couldn't come up with a good enough story to use before Breaking Point. I wish there was a match, but I think they made the right move though. I think they'll have a great storyline for the next PPV.

I'm a huge Ziggler fan, but the WWE writing team just dropped the ball on what was supposed to be the start of a storyline feud. Hopefully on Smackdown they can start something a lot better.

As for the no-reaction, yeah, the crowd 1. Wasn't expecting something like that, and 2. It didn't make sense, so they didn't know what to think about it.
I agree that there has not been enough buildup for Morrison/Ziggler yet, but if they can't come up with a finish, I'd like to suggest a one-hour time limit draw. I think they could both pull off a match like that and it would elevate both wrestlers and the IC title to stratospheric heights.
It really did get way to repetitive and drawn out. To be honest, I think it was more of a topical error than anything. I didn't even know Patterson was Canadian. Who really gives a shit. Ziggler making fun of an old guy is not gonna garner too much heat, ripping on Flair for being old would even get good heat. He didn't take a single shot at Canada, or Montreal, or more specifically what has happened in Montreal. if you wanna bring up some real heel heat then keep Patterson in the back and have Ziggler come out solo and talk shit about Montreal, it's worked a million times before and I'm sure it will work again. Have Morrison be the saving grace on the Mic, instead of a random run in. They didn't push any all; that in my opinion was the real failure of this promo.

side note....maybe it is just me but Ziggler and Morrison look a lot alike.
I did like the "Shut the Fuck Up" chant that Dolph got, nice touch by the fans in Montreal.

Like others have said before, all he had to work with was material straight out of a middle school. Something more vicious would have been more appropriate, but then again, can't say anything too offensive so the kids won't get mad.
I don't know what your talking about because i don't know how i came out on T.V but i was at the Bell Center last night and the crowd was really loud during that segment. From where i was sitting, you understand what Ziggler was saying and i was sitting pretty close to the ring so to say that Ziggler is stupid because even throught the segment was just plain lame, by the end of the segment Ziggler, the fan reaction to Ziggler was just plain awesome.
Yes I actually watch WWE at least I have the last couple of months. I watched the match with Morrison vs. Rey and I heard the so called pop but this was a taped smackdown in which noise can be filtered in. From what I can see Morrison is not over at least not main event level over but he is no doubt upper mid-card.
Yes I actually watch WWE at least I have the last couple of months. I watched the match with Morrison vs. Rey and I heard the so called pop but this was a taped smackdown in which noise can be filtered in. From what I can see Morrison is not over at least not main event level over but he is no doubt upper mid-card.

Right. So you've just admitted that Morrison is in fact over as an upper mid-carder. Which is exactly what he is. When did it become a bad thing to be getting upper-midcard sized pops? Where do you think the main eventers come from? Morrison isn't ready yet, but give him a year or two and he likely will be. Morrison gets exactly the reactions he should at this point; he's been a face for about six months, he's getting good reactions from the crowd for turning face so soon.

Ziggler as well is still extremely fresh. It's like some of you guys want instant results right this second. It doesn't work like that, these guys have to work at it. You think guys like Austin or The Rock or Hogan were over from day one? Hell no they weren't.

Give the both of them some time. If they're booked correctly and keep their noses clean, there's no reason the both of them couldn't be World champions in a few years.
Okay see here's the mix up. My orginal post was that the WWE was searching for stars right now. Morrison is not over as a main event level talent right now. I don't know if he ever breaks through to main event level. Right now as I said no doubt he is upper mid-card like a Mr. Perfect was but I question whether he will ever be the main guy in the company?
Morrison will be a main eventer soon. Just give it some time.
As for Ziggler, there's just something about him that just ruins him. I don't know if it's his name or what. But his reactions aren't good. To be honest, I don't think people care about him. It's almost like Kozlov all over again, except with much better matches. I'm not going say he'll never make it but... I don't know.
When Ziggler was 1st introduced to WWE TV, the 1st thing that popped into my head was: Thats the really annoying guy from the Spirit Squad! IN my opinion he was #3 or #4 in line on the Spirit Squad!
I've always wondered, since this day: Why didnt they give the "Ziggler" gig to Kenny Doane? I thought Doane had way more talent then anyone else in the SS! Mean-while Kenny Dykstra gets the pink-slip! It didnt make sense to me then, and it still doesnt. However- I have been impressed by "NICKY!!!" he has done much better then I thought he would, when I 1st saw him as Ziggler. I'd still like to see a return on Doane tho. I figured TNA woulda jumped right on him, being that hes really young. But obviously that never happend.
I didn't get to watch Breaking Point, so I'm not exactly sure what the reaction was. What I will say is that Dolph Ziggler still needs a lot of work on his mic skills. Some people are born speakers, some never learn to talk right, while other just need to work on their mic skills. Dolph Ziggler just needs to be given more time on the mic (but not too much) and I'm sure he'll be fine.

As for the crowd, I'd say a possibility is that Dolph Ziggler isn't very noticable to them. He's been pretty much a staple since his debut to Smackdown, shown on most episodes, winning most matches, but some people might not be very familiar with him. Not everybody gets noticed right away... give it time.

Another factor can be that nobody cared about Pat Patterson. However, that's a discussion better suited at another time.
The only real problem Dolph Ziggler has right now is that, for maybe 2 or 3 weeks, the WWE has had him playing the role of a tweener. A lot of fans aren't sure about how to take him at this point. What that usually means is that you have a lot of dead air because the crowd simply isn't sure about what to do.

Ziggler is someone that's gotten a pretty good heel response whenever he's clearly worked as a heel. I think the segment with Patterson last night was something that was done kind of on a spur of the moment. Something they threw together to take up some more air time and wasn't planned out properly.
Not that i don't disagree about the fact that he got no heat, but they didn't work the situation right. They should have had him attack Patterson to get a good amount of heat. They could have then had Morrison come out for the save and give him a little bit of help, since he doesn't seem to be getting over extremely well either. Both of them are brilliant wrestlers though, they just need some good working to get them over with the crowd. Neither have great mic work, ziggler is pretty good though, it's just my opinion that wwe needs to book segments that get the proper response from the crowd.
How many of you saw the crowds reaction to the segment with Ziggler mocking Pat Patterson? You saw it right? Are you sure? What were they saying? Oh yeah nothing. Dolph Ziggler apparently the man with a bright future ahead of him - got very little to no heel reaction from the crowd. I heard a boo or two - but they were probably booing because they wanted to watch a match already.

Is it safe to say Ziggler needs Rey so he can the heat that he wants? or is Ziggler straight out not cut out to get the crowd to hate him. And dont get me wrong - Im not saying he's a terrible wrestler. But we all know someone cant make a career if they cant get the crowd going. Regardless of their ring skills. Honestly it was a good move to shoot a promo between Ziggler & Patterson - too bad the fans weren't behind it or Ziggler at least.

I was watching the ppv and at one point the crowd sounded like they were saying " Shut the fuck up" clap clap, clap clap clap
But the rest of the time they didn't really have a reaction, but at one point i heard some stfu's
He doesn t need Rey midget on steroid mysterio I pitty all the fans who spent 80$ fucking canadian dollars on a midget on steroids he is no role model for the kids!!
Lastly he mocked Pat Patterson coz Ziggler is the Y2J of USA now he needs to improve the mic skills and since Patty Patterson is an old fart of 85 yo seriously he is gay it's been reported he would peak in mens showers and get it on with the young wrestlers who had talent butt the french frogs we put up with in our city don t realize Patterson is no french fry he is an anglo jewish man from montreal west thats why they didn t understand like CM Punk called the french some name on the screen also lol in the backstage although if Wrestlezone don t seem to support or allow our rant and they expect us not to use profanities or their shitty word SPAM do they realize SPAM means advertising junk mail they are really stupid point it to me where we can vent our frustration or create a thread so we can all fucking swear
He doesn t need Rey midget on steroid mysterio I pitty all the fans who spent 80$ fucking canadian dollars on a midget on steroids he is no role model for the kids!!
Lastly he mocked Pat Patterson coz Ziggler is the Y2J of USA now he needs to improve the mic skills and since Patty Patterson is an old fart of 85 yo seriously he is gay it's been reported he would peak in mens showers and get it on with the young wrestlers who had talent butt the french frogs we put up with in our city don t realize Patterson is no french fry he is an anglo jewish man from montreal west thats why they didn t understand like CM Punk called the french some name on the screen also lol in the backstage although if Wrestlezone don t seem to support or allow our rant and they expect us not to use profanities or their shitty word SPAM do they realize SPAM means advertising junk mail they are really stupid point it to me where we can vent our frustration or create a thread so we can all fucking swear

Holy fuck. This post was amazingly stupid. If I can borrow from Billy Madison somewhat, your post offered no intelligent reasoning and we are all now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.
idc wat no1 says
dolph ziggler
iz 1 of the best on smackdown hands down

cm punk
john morrison
dolph ziggler..
he should be champ..(ic)
and morrison should be going 4 the world title
yy not
cm punk vs undertaker vs john morrison at hell in a cell

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