Dolph Leaving Vickie?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So on RAW when Vickie was cutting a promo talking about how Ziggler is on team Barrett she was interrupted by Zigger himself, then Vickie ended up getting Dolph DQ'd. As of recent weeks Dolph is getting more promo times and he is running with the opportunity that is given to him. I would not be surprised if Dolph leaves Vickie by the Rumble and then has a good showing and eventually turning face.

So my question is do you guys she Dolph splitting from Vickie soon?
Do you guys enjoy Dolphs mic work as well?
Do you think Dolph could work as a confident face?
Dolph has the look, charisma to go a long way in WWE, his pedagree is good as well with a few long championship runs throughout his career and also he had his 20 minutes of being the World Heavyweight Champion so obviously WWE has plans for him step away from Vickie.

My opinion is WWE messed up with Dolph and the Survivor Series. They should of had the guy captain his own team or at least the Vickie/John L squad who were looking to sue Triple H back in early October and allowed Dolph to shine at the biggest Survivor Series of all time, the fact they didn't befuddles me he's the hottest mid card talent (as in over that the crowd want to see get his ass whooped) and WWE have lumbered as the back up plan, I liked how he cut that promo on RAW though, personally I'm hoping WWE take the US belt off of him sooner rather than later and build towards Ziggler/Foley at WrestleMania in a "Hardcore rules" bout to really get Ziggler over kind of like what Foley did for Edge at WrestleMania 22.
I definitely see him dropping Vicki some time soon, tonight was a very big sign that it's coming. I enjoyed Vicki as Dolph's manager and I think it has done good things for him, the best thing being a slow and steady rise that will make him a bonafied superstar and main event mainstay in the future. Now he's sort of coming out of his comfort zone character wise and showing everyone that he most definitely can be a success by himself because he is that damn good and I think that he has been groomed to be a world champion and he will be soon. I think his mic work had been his Achilles heel in the past but he has grown as a superstar in every department and really what sells his mic work is his confidence which he exuded tonight and I really am looking forward to seeing what an independent Dolphin Ziggler is going to do on Raw.
I doubt you are going to see him drop her soon, but i believe it is coming. First if WWE is serious about Ziggler in the main event they need to drop the US title, and you gotta believe Ryder could get the title. I have always enjoyed Ziggler's work in the ring, he is one of the few guys out there who always makes his opponent look like a million bucks, he sells moves perfectly which is a lost art these days. His mic work has improved a lot, but i doubt he would get over as a face.
Ziggler is one of the best in the WWE atm imo. As already stated, he is extremely talented in the ring, sells moves beautifully, and can make the guy he's facing look even better.

I expect him to perform double duty at Survivor Series again as well, as I think Ryder is going to get his match for the US Title.

To the guy above with the Foley comment, I like it. I think that would be the only way I would like to see Foley in a WWE ring again, if he is putting over Dolph.
Though I feel that Ziggler is going to eventually break away from Vickie, I don't think that it needs to be done atleast for a couple of months. The reason being that Ziggler is not quite over with the audience. Surely, he gets a reaction from the crowd, but he still has a long way to go to be a main-eventer and I feel that association with Vickie would help him.

As for his main event push, he is not ready for it yet. Yes, he has potential, but it still needs to be developed. WWE has pushed a lot of guys to championships before they were ready(del Rio, Swagger) and now these guys are stuck in a limbo and barely get reactions.
Dolph could leave Vickie at this point, perhaps after Survivor Series. They teased it once before when Stone Cold confronted him in a backstage segment during a night he guest hosted Raw, but they did not do it. Vickie is helping Swagger now and he needs it more than Ziggler does. He has improved significantly in every single category and is more than capable of main eventing now. They should go ahead and move him up the card to main event status after Survivor Series. He would be someone new to the title scene and being booked as a face is a potential route for him because he will have stood up to Vickie who everyone hates and his in ring skills can speak for themselves.
i think its coming quite soon. its amazing if you think back at his career what he has accomplished from being in the spirit squad to being some annoying charactor where he would say hi my names dolph ziggler. now i can take him more seriously and can see him being pushed to greater heights.
he has given the mid card on raw more meaning and i think once he splits from vickie then i think a couple of months feud with swagger would give him something to do over the us title if he still has it by that point. then from the there i think the skys the limit for ziggler hes a great athlete and i know the comparison has been done before between him and perfect but i can really see some of perfect in ziggler
I definitely see Dolph splitting from Vickie very soon. Honestly at this point he doesn't need her anymore. He's progressed on the mic enough to the point that he doesn't need a mouth piece anymore. He's quite capable of drawing heat for himself now. I've seen many reports that management is very high on his mic and in ring abilities. I'm sure it's only a matter of time that he'll drop the US title possibly with Vickie or Swagger costing him the title. Then he'll most likely turn face and after a short feud with Swagger. He'll move up to the main event level.
Dolph should not i repeat should not turn face its just a character killer he's great at being bad he can split from vicki and not turn face. just like randy orton when he turned face he still did heel like thngs like the dark walk or the way he prepared for the rko it just didnt seem right as a face to do heel thngs so now they try to soften it up. IMO Dolph 7 minute title reign was just to give edge another tally mark for title reigns but i do see dolp wwe champ in2012 and zack Ry us champ
i would love to see them split, but not a face turn. what if jack swagger turns face and brings Vicki with him? not that she'd be a face, just managing jack swagger solo. or ever ziggler and swagger breaking up, and neither turning face, and vicki choosing Jack just because she likes his looks?
I agree with everything you said except for the whole "turning face" thing. I think he'll leave vicky by the rumble as well, Perhaps by mania. I am also incredibly pleased with his mic work and while I do think he would make a very good face, I don't think it's what he should be doing right now or any time soon. He's arguably the best heel on the roster and his heel promos are just getting better and better. If he were to turn face now, it would ruin him. Never fix what isn't broken. :icon_neutral:
Personally I think he needs to be "the heel" before he can become a face, but I actually think he would eventually be a successful face.

I can envision Vicki being in the ring cutting a heelish promo w/ Swagger at her side and Dolph coming out and interrupting her.

Dolph goes off to cut a promo about how he doesn't need Vicki, that he can beat anybody on the roster, that he is going to be a fighting US champion and prove that he is the best US champion ever and a soon to be World Champion.

He says that Vicki costs him matches and gets him DQ'd, and that he'd love to superkick her right now (wait for crowd pop). Then ask the crowd would they like to see Dolph superkick Vicki for once and for all.

BAM, superkicks Swagger, says Vicki is lucky that she's a woman but Swagger not so lucky and leaves.
Turning face.... U Mad Bro ?

Dolph is #HEEL and damn good at it. Yes I think this is the start of Dolph getting rid of Vickie but NO he will not be turning face.
WWE is short of Face and Full of HEEL yes, but Dolph should not be the one to switch.
He'll leave Vickie sooner or later, but Dolph doesn't strike me as strong enough a personality to wing it on his own. I think he needs someone else, to function as a manager, partner or antagonist to complement Dolph's tough-guy persona.

Thing were most interesting when Dolph and Swagger had friction with each other. It seemed as if Vickie was the only factor maintaining an uneasy truce between those two. It was interesting, and I was surprised to see the two guys make peace; it removed an important element from the tag team.

Dolph has the ring skills but isn't that compelling a character. Still, it's obvious WWE is high on him, so he'll go out on his own.....probably soon. Hopefully, Creative can find some "Cody Rhodes-like" programs for Dolph so he doesn't get buried by the stronger personalities of others on the brand.

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