Doing The Elimination Chamber One Night A Year For No Good Reason Is Starting To Hurt


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Picture this SummerSlam world title match:

ADR (c) vs Ziggler vs Orton vs Christian vs RVD vs Big E in an Elimination Chamber

All have a logical reason to be involved in the match. A couple still have no logical place on the SummerSlam card. It could be done in a way which is completely organic, a stark contrast to all EC matches in recent years. And it'd be far more interesting than round ninety-seven of Christian vs Del Rio.

I know, ragging on gimmick PPVs on a message board. How brave of me. Now shut up and think about how awesome that match would be!

I expect some lurker from WWE will take to this idea and make sure it's made official this Monday on Raw. I won't even bitch about them not paying me for my creative services. This one's on the house.
Starting? It's been stinging for a while now.

Anyway this does sound pretty tantalizing, probably would have been more interesting than the separate builds Ziggler/Langston and ADR/Christian are getting and will also give Orton and RVD something to do as they seem to be in slight limbo.
Starting? It's been stinging for a while now.
Sure. But rarely do organic uses for that match occur to me. This one can't stop staring me in the face.

I feel like a WWE forum noob, getting all stipulation cray cray with my fantasy booking ideas. But this one totally makes sense! I swear it!

I know Triple H has an intern watching me, waiting for me to share ideas and opinions that the WWE product can be shaped around. Well there it is: Book this match.
I've just been more annoyed by the fact that it makes winning the Rumble seem pointless and almost stupid to attempt.

This year being an exception seeing as there was only one for the WHC, but still it needs to stop. At the very least move it around the calendar so it's not right after RR.
It wouldn't overshadow the WWE Championship match. The Chamber isn't a massive draw these days and the WHC is a trinket.
Since I hate gimmick events, I'm all for it. But since WWE is a business that likes to hype everything to get more buys and blah blah, I don't see it happen...
Since I hate gimmick events, I'm all for it. But since WWE is a business that likes to hype everything to get more buys and blah blah, I don't see it happen...

Why would the simultaneous culmination of several interwoven storylines be detrimental to buys? I must be missing something.

But this is coming from someone who likes Elimination Chamber as it is, so...
I've always been of the opinion that the best way to entice people is to present your product in a way where these massive events have an organic reason for occurring within the realm of kayfabe.

But then again, what do I know?
I like it as is, too. At least the idea of it anyway. The lack of blood hurts the "Devil's Playground" nonsense. But if the matches were booked to their potential, they could be a last ditch effort to get a title match at Mania if you weren't able to win the Rumble.

Why would the simultaneous culmination of several interwoven storylines be detrimental to buys? I must be missing something.

But this is coming from someone who likes Elimination Chamber as it is, so...

No no no... The concept of Elimination Chamber PPV, the concept of Hell In A Cell PPV, TLC PPV, MITB PPV (Royal Rumble is fine) is to increase buys, it's for Marketing usage so, promoting an event named Hell In A Cell, suggests to the casual viewer that WWE is gonna have oiled up man, fighting inside a cage. As you can see, that can be very well perceived by both hysterical teenage girls or internet marks that want to bash a guy that isn't HIAC material.
Or a 6 pack challenge at Summerslam and a 6 man Hell in a Cell in October. Not sure how we have only seen one since 2000.
No no no... The concept of Elimination Chamber PPV, the concept of Hell In A Cell PPV, TLC PPV, MITB PPV (Royal Rumble is fine) is to increase buys, it's for Marketing usage so, promoting an event named Hell In A Cell, suggests to the casual viewer that WWE is gonna have oiled up man, fighting inside a cage. As you can see, that can be very well perceived by both hysterical teenage girls or internet marks that want to bash a guy that isn't HIAC material.
But these theme PPVs only really exist to accommodate lazy writing. Surely building stories that make people invest in the matches would generate more interest than gimmicks.
Or a 6 pack challenge at Summerslam and a 6 man Hell in a Cell in October. Still think that we should have seen more than one of these matches.

EC was made specifically so we don't have another 6 man HIAC or 6 man FFA.

I'd be fine with the latter though, mostly because instead of a EC where five guys must take the fall it most likely would be Christian taking a loss keeping the other guys looking strong.
I'd be fine with the latter though, mostly because instead of a EC where five guys must take the fall it most likely would be Christian taking a loss keeping the other guys looking strong.
Wins and losses don't matter.

I want an Elimination Chamber, dammit!
Wins and losses don't matter.

I want an Elimination Chamber, dammit!

Don't tell me you'd complain if the match were a regular 6 man brawl with Christian rightfully being pinned by any of the other five who I think would be logical champions.

I'd actually like it to be EC match too though, I'm just being a bit more realistic.
That 6 man HIAC was kind of weak. How can you have a match with Rock, Austin, Triple H, Taker, Rikishi, and Angle and not have the greatest Cell match of all time?
Don't tell me you'd complain if the match were a regular 6 man brawl with Christian rightfully being pinned by any of the other five who I think would be logical champions.
Well sure. But that wouldn't be because I think there's nothing to complain about. It'd be because I find complaining consistently and passionately to be exhausting.
Don't let WWE see that, if they knew the likes of you were too lazy to complain they could get away with a lot more than we hold them accountable for.
When the fuck was that EC where Punk got eliminated and then the stupid GM chimed in, and then he beat Orton?

Thems were the good ole days.
That was two years ago. And that was hilarious. Okay, maybe not hilarious. But certainly worthy of a smirk.

It was like watching ninety minutes of Aziz Ansari stand-up.

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