Does WWE have a date for the Network International launch?

Rich the UK WWE Fan 2k14

Pre-Show Stalwart

I am fed up of Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler promoting the WWE Network every 30 seconds on RAW, which is currently exclusive to North America, so when are they releasing the Network to International customers? Specifically the UK?

According to the FAQ on they said "Late 2014", does anyone have anything more specific?

I want to watch old episodes of WCW and the original ECW.
Nothing yet.

I figure there's two reasons; first of all, ironing out any issues in the Network and making sure that it's stable and prepared for high demand. Inevitably the US launch of the Network has come with problems, and if they'd gone for a more optimistic worldwide launch those issues would have only been worse. Secondly, I guess WWE needs to figure something out with each of there international broadcasters/PPV carriers, such as Sky. 'By late 2014/early 2015' could well be a conservative estimate - we won't necessarily be waiting until the fourth quarter of the year - but at the moment there's no other information.

Like you though, I'm getting impatient. Just think of it this way: the longer we're made to wait, the more content will be loaded onto the Network, so the wait should be worth it!
Unfortunately WWE never gave us a date, I only hope its in 2014 rather than delaying it to 2015. Does anyone know weather or not it is going to be available in Ireland, WWE hasnt said anything about Ireland when they announced there International broadcasting
just taking an educated guess it wont be til after Survivor Series the last of the big 4 PPV's that way the US market will be tested considerably and system requirements to handle that part will be more finalised.

Would expect it at the latest to be just in time for Royal Rumble next year.

and those other ways are not necessarily illegal, there should be no region restrictions in the first place unless its for a classification reason, there whole region coding is purely for only wanting strictly US citizens to have the best possible service without other countries lagging the service, but its a moot point anyway even if you did go by the other means there's no guarentee you'd be able to watch anything with any decent quality anyway, gaming is one thing you can handle ping but watching a movie in HD on a shitty bandwidthed wifi streaming for in some cases the other side of the world is gonna be unwatchable, gotta wait til there are local servers.
Nothing yet.

I figure there's two reasons; first of all, ironing out any issues in the Network and making sure that it's stable and prepared for high demand. Inevitably the US launch of the Network has come with problems, and if they'd gone for a more optimistic worldwide launch those issues would have only been worse. Secondly, I guess WWE needs to figure something out with each of there international broadcasters/PPV carriers, such as Sky. 'By late 2014/early 2015' could well be a conservative estimate - we won't necessarily be waiting until the fourth quarter of the year - but at the moment there's no other information.

Like you though, I'm getting impatient. Just think of it this way: the longer we're made to wait, the more content will be loaded onto the Network, so the wait should be worth it!

The only extra content that would be added is this years schedule of programming which i'm assuming you'd be watching on cable already other then the exclusive to WWE network pre-post shows that atleast in Australia they've already shown exerts from the newest "exclusive to the network" pre-show for Smackdown that airs today and we saw it yesterday during Smackdown, all other past content is already meant to be fully available + shows that are televised off demand. the vast majority of which you could find on youtube or other avenues anyway and watch them without lag.
The only extra content that would be added is this years schedule of programming which i'm assuming you'd be watching on cable already other then the exclusive to WWE network pre-post shows that atleast in Australia they've already shown exerts from the newest "exclusive to the network" pre-show for Smackdown that airs today and we saw it yesterday during Smackdown, all other past content is already meant to be fully available + shows that are televised off demand. the vast majority of which you could find on youtube or other avenues anyway and watch them without lag.

There's also the Network exclusive programming, if that's something that takes your fancy, and (maybe) larger Raw and Smackdown libraries.
It also depends on Sky, I wouldnt be surprised if they try to block it somehow, as a lot off ppl like myself only subscribed to Sky Sports to watch WWE twice a week.

Also, im hoping by the end of this year full next day replays of Raw & SD will come to the network & if they do, then if Sky dont block the network launch over here, that'll be another reason for me to get the WWE network.

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