Does wrestling really need long term tag teams?


I didnt see another thread like this, and if there is I am really sorry blah blah blah etc.

I was watching iMPACT! the other day, and the Dudley's were out giving it their usual schtick "greatest tag team ever" and all that, and while Knobbs is nearly giving himself a heart attack I thought about the state of tag teams at the moment. I think it's fair to say that The Road Warriors they are not.

Basically, there are no full time tag teams anymore, most of them are just heading towards the inevitable split to be followed up by whats most likely going to be a shit singles career, thus making the tag division seem a bit pointless. But sometimes, on the off chance, something better could come of it.

So there are two sides, on the one side, singles competition has benefitted in some cases, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Edge, to a lesser extent Christian, Jeff Hardy, to a much lesser extent Matt Hardy, have all started in teams that, in theory never needed to be split up, but a risk was taken and it worked.

On the other hand, you've got, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Primo, Charlie Haas and fuck only knows how many other failed singles stars that were in decent tag teams that could've or still could be helping the division. But then, is the tag division really worth the time and effort? Or is it best used as another way of finding the next Main Event Star? Maybe some kind of balance can be created, and some wrestlers will just have to accept the fact that they are tag team for life, while others go on to WrestleMania.

Fuck me, that could be the longest post I've ever made, mostly waffle I bet, for those that cant be bothered to read all that basically, are long term tag teams worth the time and effort? Or do WWE have the right idea?
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I get your point about the long term tag thing.I think that if WWE or TNA see a Future Main Event star,that is in a tag why the hell not give him a go and try he in singles comp.Sometimes it can fuck up,but thats wrestling not everything works or goes to plan,not just speaking of tag teams wrestling alone.Tag teams are really now just to see if the guys have what it takes,Think of Morrison(no Nitro)who got a chance in a tag team and look at him now,in the World title picture.

Miz who was doing nothing until him and Morrison hooked up.Now he's Awesome(sorry had to do it)He's the United states champion and going strong.

So tag teams don't have to go forever and ever,just till the wrestler gets over with the crowd or feels like singles is the way to go.Think if Shawn hadn't left whats his name,oh yeah that fucked him up,badly.
I think that the tag division is a great place to stick people that you don't know what to do with. I think HBK is a good example of this. I know he wanted to put guys over, most likely to atone for a career of being a douche, but at what point does putting guys over start to ruin a legacy? Bringing back DX and giving them the belts was certainly good for HBK. His fued with Jericho was awesome, but Jericho wound up a world champion and HBK wound up getting his wife punched in the face. So, instead of having him lose week after week, you give him the tag titles, make him relevant, and then feed him to HHH. Losing to HHH does not hurt a legacy.

A few long term teams are never bad. A mixture of thrown together teams composed of guys with nothing to do combined with a few established teams can be good. If the established team goes over the two singles stars, it makes them look like legit tag team guys in that teamwork and chemistry are highlighted. If the throw together team win, it helps them in that they beat an established, real team. Everyone wins, and most importantly, the division wins. It is easier for a tag feud to make everyone look good, even in defeat.
I was watching iMPACT! the other day, and the Dudley's were out giving it their usual schtick "greatest tag team ever" and all that, and while Knobbs is nearly giving himself a heart attack I thought about the state of tag teams at the moment. I think it's fair to say that The Road Warriors they are not.

I totally agree with you there. I thought to myself while watching iMPACT last night, is this all they have for 3D now? Their accomplishments in tag team wrestling only go further to suggest that Ray and D-von are both awful as singles wrestlers. No body really cares how many tag titles they have won because these days, the tag titles are lower than mid-card titles.

I think that the tag division is a great place to stick people that you don't know what to do with. I think HBK is a good example of this. I know he wanted to put guys over, most likely to atone for a career of being a douche, but at what point does putting guys over start to ruin a legacy? Bringing back DX and giving them the belts was certainly good for HBK. His fued with Jericho was awesome, but Jericho wound up a world champion and HBK wound up getting his wife punched in the face. So, instead of having him lose week after week, you give him the tag titles, make him relevant, and then feed him to HHH. Losing to HHH does not hurt a legacy.

A few long term teams are never bad. A mixture of thrown together teams composed of guys with nothing to do combined with a few established teams can be good. If the established team goes over the two singles stars, it makes them look like legit tag team guys in that teamwork and chemistry are highlighted. If the throw together team win, it helps them in that they beat an established, real team. Everyone wins, and most importantly, the division wins. It is easier for a tag feud to make everyone look good, even in defeat.

I also totally agree with this. I think the degradation of tag team wrestling is a fault that lies purely with the WWE. Having a tag team title for Raw and Smackdown was a pretty dumb move to begin with an the best thing they could have donw was to unify it. Having DX win the tag titles and have legitimate feuds with Legacy/JeriShow have helped to elivate the tag team titles, however it's pretty obvious that the titles are going to be used as a prop for a DX split further down the line. And then what?

At least with TNA, for the most part, their tag team division consists of genuine teams... Beer Money, Team 3D, MCMG, Generation Me, British Invasion etc... and I imagine the straps are currently sitting with Hernandez & Morgan to elevate them as a legitimate bigtime players.

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