Does wrestling need a union and how effective would it be?

This is a complicated topic. A union in professional wrestling.

Let's skip over the fact that this idea is virtually impossible as almost all promotions treat their wrestlers as independent contractors. And the closest thing to a union in wrestling is the Global Professional Wrestling Alliance in Japan which works to the extent is was intended to.

This is about whether or not wrestling NEEDS a union, how effective it would be, who should be the leaders, and what topics should be its main focus.,

In my opinion, yes wrestling would be greatly benefited by having at least a North American union, but it would live without it.

The leaders should be respected wrestlers from within the business. Guys like Bruno Sammartino, Mick Foley, Bret Hart, even guys like Lance Storm and Chris Jericho. They need to be big time players who other wrestlers would actually listen to and would force promotions to listen to.

The main focuses of the Union should be health insurance and most importantly possible retirement pensions. Since promotions treat their wrestlers as "independent contractors", they do not receive health insurance by the companies themselves. When a wrestler gets injured, they pay for it. This may not sound like much to guys who get payed a good living, but add up how much a wrestlers gets injured in their career and how much medical expenses can be, and it is a lot of money. Plus many wrestlers have trouble getting medical insurance since their job is pretty hazardous and injuries are expected.

The next topic is pretty big in my eyes, Retirement funds. If a wrestlers gets a decent amount a year from their pension they would be less likely to continue to wrestle into their later ages ala Flair, Hogan. This would create less risk for the older wrestlers and open up more spots for younger guys because the older guys would be more willing to retire.

I don't know, it was just a thought I've been having. If WWE and TNA allowed this to happen, it would create a better environment for their workers and could possibly save lives in the long run.

So what do you think?
Does wrestling need a union, would it be effective, and how do you think it should be run if there was to be one?
Just for the fact alone that wrestlers are considered "independent contractors" they wouldn't be able to form a union.

If a wrestler gets injured doesn't the WWE already pay the medical expenses for any treatment they need or operations? Also they will pay for any treatment program that a wrestler wants or needs to attend.

These guys go into this business knowing that they will get banged up and possibly injured. It hasn't stopped any of them from doing it has it?

Some of the main event guys are paid pretty well in the WWE, it's not Vince's fault if they piss away the money. I don't think TNA pays it's guys as well as the WWE does, but you don't see a lot of them leaving because of it.

I don't know how a union would work, but until Vince changes the "independent contractor" bullshit then there is no chance of them getting one anytime soon.
Absolutely not. Neither company (WWE and TNA) can afford some side company telling them how to run their business, especially during rough times like this. If a union can say, start badgering the higher-ups of either company for pushes, we're going to have clusterfucks of wrestlers being pushed when they can't draw.

The top wrestlers have problems keeping viewers as it is. We don't need goddamn Carlito calling the wrestler's union because he feels he should be used differently.
I'm not sure about unions, but I definitely question the independent contractor status wrestlers are given. Given the health problems wrestlers invariably have when they retire, I think some sort of pension (or at least a department that offers the wrestlers some sort of financial planning advice) should be in order. But, alas, since they're independent contractors, wrestlers are pretty much liable for everything (it's just too bad that this risk isn't reflected in a pay premium).
I don't think that wrestling needs a union. It wouldn't be effective because then others would be telling WWE or TNA how they should be run. That would have a very negative effect on the product. The promoters are in their position for a reason and THEY should be in charge of how their organizations are run, not unions. That aside, I can't think of a reason why one would even be needed. Wrestlers go into the business knowing (for the most part) what they are getting into.

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