Does Velvet/Tara Open the Door for Chris Sabin?

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan
We know now that Velvet is officially the number one contender for the Knockout's title. We also know that as long as Jesse is hanging around on the outside no opponent of Tara is going to get a fair chance in a match.

My thinking would be that having Tara go over Velvet with the aid of Jesse's interference is an open door to bring Chris Sabin back.

I haven't seen any concrete updates, but by looking at the timetable, unless there was some sort of major set back in his rehab Sabin should be healthy enough to get back in the ring at any point.

Having Sabin return to have the back of his real life girlfriend against TNA's "Hollywood power couple" seems like logical booking. It would also be good for Jesse because he would get a rub from working with an over and established company mainstay like Sabin. And Sabin would be capable of carrying the kid in a match and making him look like a million bucks even though he's barely worth a couple of Andrew Jackson's.

Does anyone else see the impending confrontation between Tara and Velvet as a likely vehicle to bring Sabin back into the fold??
Fuck I don't care how they do it, I just want Chris Sabin back on Impact.

The guy's cool in the ring and isn't bad on the mic. A fued with him and Velvet vs Tara and Jesse wouldn't be terrible I guess (they've done worse). It would allow him to ease himself back into the ring from his injury while giving him some tv time. Who knows maybe Jesse and Sabin have a fued over the Television title while Tara and Velvet fued over the Knockouts belt.
Yeah I think this would be a great way to get Sabin on tv. Actually, anyway would be a great way to get him back on tv. If Jesse is going to be a main stay in TNa, which it looks like he is, then working with Sabin would be a good thing for him. Lets hope Sabin stays healty this time and stick around for a bit.
While this feud (if it becomes that) is a possibility of Sabin coming back, I'll play devil's advocate and say he probably won't. My reasoning being that it's a rarity that TNA puts a lot of backing into most of the KO feuds. Granted, the Mickie vs Tara feud a couple years ago was well done, and it finished properly with a steel cage match to settle it. Same could be said for Mickie vs Madison. Yet I never really see much being settled in anything that Velvet is a part of. For example, after see won the KO title, in her only title defense to my knowledge, she quickly lost it to Gail Kim, and she never quite bounced back. And there was never really an ending to her ongoing issues with Karen Jarrett at the time. Something else to consider: there could be the possibility that Velvet and Sabin aren't together anymore. I don't follow wrestler's personal lives nor do I care to, but in a black and white scenario Velvet came back while Sabin is still gone. I wouldn't mind seeing Sabin return to TNA myself, even if it means being paired with Velvet in a prospective intergender feud. But I'm also viewing the pros and cons as well.
I guess it is possible but I doubt it. Sabin is no longer with the company and do we know if he and velvet are still together? Why didn't they do it with Mickie/Magnus? They are a couple and both with the company.
I guess it is possible but I doubt it. Sabin is no longer with the company and do we know if he and velvet are still together? Why didn't they do it with Mickie/Magnus? They are a couple and both with the company.

Sabin was/is injured. Shelley was the half of MCMG that left, and apparently dropped off the facets the planet.

As for dating Velvet, all I've got is: good on ya Sabin!!!!
shelley is goin to work on the wwe network if and wen that starts up...sabin is still wit velvet but i doubt he will make him comeback wit her
Chris Sabin sucks anyways. So him returning would mean absolutely nothing.

Since this post is basically troll level spam, I will give you a chance to redeem it.

Please for my morbid curiosity and/or amusement...

Tell us WHY you are of the opinion that Chris Sabin "sucks".

I can't wait to hear this.
unfortunately i havent watched impact when he was still on, but what ive seen of him in old x-division videos was really good.
i want him back, but i dont want tna to do it this way, because it would probably involve the KO tag titles to be converted to mixed tag belts, and we really dont need those belts. or the KO tag titles for that matter.
Well unfortunately for the threadstarter, Sabin and Velvet are no longer together. In fact, Velvet was rumored to be dating Mason Ryan from WWE so who knows. Velvet being back in TNA could actually discourage Sabin from wanting to work there assuming they had a nasty breakup (IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THEY'RE NOT TOGETHER) being that Sabin is recovering from an injury while Velvet is out dating someone else.
Well unfortunately for the threadstarter, Sabin and Velvet are no longer together. In fact, Velvet was rumored to be dating Mason Ryan from WWE so who knows. Velvet being back in TNA could actually discourage Sabin from wanting to work there assuming they had a nasty breakup (IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THEY'RE NOT TOGETHER) being that Sabin is recovering from an injury while Velvet is out dating someone else.

I remember when Velvet resigned with the company, seeing an article with her talking about Sabin's imminent return to the company as well. That piece gave every indication that they were still together.

As of now though I can't find that article, or anything else for that matter, that would confirm one way or another the state of their relationship. I do know they were taking bookings for appearances and/or signings together during the summer, but that is admittedly a while back.

No searches for a relationship between Velvet and Mason Ryan turned anything up either, that is definitely the first I've heard of that rumor, which seems quite unlikely.

Typically with these things, if there isn't alot of smoke about it, there is no fire. The two have been dating for nearly three years(since not long after she broke up with shane helms), if they had ended their relationship I believe that it would pretty common knowledge amongst people who follow the sport. I remember it being very well known when her and Helms split. So I until someone can show a tweet or something concrete from one or the other, I'd say it is safe to assume they are still dating.
Velvet needs to be paired up with Sabin and just let him loose by being himself. They can easily be the Edge & Lita of TNA if booked right.
I just want to see Sabin with the X-Division title. He was always one of my favorites. Pairing him up with anybody just doesn't hold a lot of interest to me really.
Sabin had injured his other knee in mid june of 2012...he was forecast to be off until june or july of this year. lt remains to be seen if he will be back early
Sabin had injured his other knee in mid june of 2012...he was forecast to be off until june or july of this year. lt remains to be seen if he will be back early

You're right on when he was injured, but you're off on the recovery timeline. When Sabin had the surgery they estimated he would be able to return to the ring in 6-8 months. It has been seven now, which puts him in the range to be returning anytime between now and Lockdown.

It seems that after the current UK tour, which gives him an extra month, Sabin should be ready to return to TV when they get back to the Impact Zone. It just remains to be seen whether or not creative has a plan for him.

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