Does TNA value iMPACT more than their Pay Per View's?


Dark Match Winner
This is really baffling me, tna has had some awesome impacts this year which are edge of your seat moments, which leaves you wanting more the next weeks with shocks, great wrestling mixed in, in my opinion it is more exciting to watch than wwe raw.


tna's ppv's have really been shit the buildup for there ppv's have been awful(with the exception of lock down), going in to genesis on the last impact three days before the genesis there was only one match announced(angle vs styles), that is awful.

then there was against all odds, the tna world title match with samoa joe vs aj styles, who are pretty much the tna's john cena and orton, had a weak buildup, with the match not even going on last, on the ppv.

Sacrifice has been weak as well, destination x, the buildup for abyss vs aj was about hogan giving abyss a ring, and abyss slowly becoming a hulk hogan clone than the match, which has resulted in 3 dissapointing ppv's(AAO, SACRIFICE, DESTINATION X,), one awful ppv(gensesis), and only one good ppv in lockdown.

Meanwhile tna impact has a more big time feel to it than there ppv's and usually delivers, unlik the ppv's, most of tna's best matches this year, have come from there impact show's than there ppv's, here a a few examples:

tna impact best matches

angle vs styles

beer money vs jeff/rvd

3 way x division title, kazarian vs daniels vs doug williams,
jeff jarett vs mr anderson,

aj styles vs jeff hardy

generation me vs mcmg

tna ppv best matches

generation me vs mcmg ultimate x, destination x

mr anderson vs kurt angle, lockdown

desmond wolfe vs the pope genesis

samoa joe vs aj styles against all odds

rvd vs aj styles tna world title sacrifice

you see what i mean, if the impact show's are better show's why do we have to pay for an event that is not gonna be better than the one we watch for free?,

which is why i have come to the conclusion.........................


This is off to a bad start so far. Let's stay on the topic of the thread, which is whether TNA values iMPACT more than their PPV's.

The answer is yes, IMO. Because ratings and revenue are more important to them than their PPV's at this point. Without the revenue from their iMPACT tapings, they can't afford to even promote or run a PPV. So TNA will focus on their most talented wrestlers and showcase them to a bigger potential audience. It makes sense in hindsight, but what TNA should be doing is building instead of showcasing. It's not an exhibition. It's building feuds and making stories that people want to follow week by week.

SO yes, at this point, TNA values their iMPACT tapings more than their PPV's...until they end up with enough money to support PPV's on a regular basis and then they'll shift the focus to having a bigger payoff with PPV buyrates.
If I recall. During the Rise and Fall of WCW, they were discussing Goldberg vs. Hogan, and how they announced it 4 days prior. Jim Ross made a great comment on it. It was a waste of a good pay-per-view. It quickly when to Jericho or the Big Show if I recall. One of them said, Bischoff was more concerned about the ratings then pay-per-views.

Bischoff is more concern about great consecutive ratings, then PPV. I mean he was going to have the Goldberg and Nash rematch on TV. Him and Hogan have had Angle vs. Styles on TV. RVD and Hardy on TV, RVD and Styles on TV. He has different style of promoting. He would rather have 4 great TV shows for the month and decent pay-per-view. If you look at WCW's final years, they had free pay-per-view matches all the time.

So the answer is yes. If they can get in the 2.0s they believe they gained a standing in the alternative wrestling competition.
TNA does need to put on better pay per views and build them up better on Impact. I know that not every pay per view is going to be great they should be but there not. The same goes for WWE not all pay per views are great.

On one hand I think TNA should save the really good matches for pay per view. To keep people wanting to pay to watch them. On the other hand I see why they have pay per view quality matches on Impact. Because they're trying to get ratings and people interested in they're product.

Recently they haven't had as many of those pay per view quality matches like the ones you mentioned on Impact. The last couple weeks or so the main event has only been 5 or 10 minutes long.

So in a way I do think they value Impact more because that's whats going to bring in more fans. In the long run when they become more established and have a bigger fan base. They will focus on pay per views more.
I understand what you mean... They have really done a bad job in getting people to want to watch the PPVs... I am loyal and always buy them, but I have been feeling really let down with them... Only good thing about the PPVs is longer matches and Anderson versus Angle was awesome...

They don't do anything to further the storylines on PPV because they figure more people watch Impact than order the PPVs which is true... But, if they stick to this formula than nobody will want to order the shows...

I wish they would have more gimmick matches... like the X Division dome match or ladder matches... Make the show worth mt 35 fucking bucks...

I really miss the X Division and with Williams as champ, I don't see it coming back to life any time soon...
Well it goes liek this TNA can have Aj vs RVD or Joe vs Angle on Impact mainly because Joe or Aj are not liked on a mainstream level like HBK or Taker. Aj vs RVD is just like Kofi vs RVD. While a good match RVD is the only real mainstream talent. Lets face it the economy is bad. PPV's are stupid anyway.

If TNA really wants to draw in fans and be ahead of the game. Give us free PPV's one sunday a night on Spike tv. It can still be lockdown and destination x but just on spike and for free. That would be awesome. Lets face it the only sports we pay for are UFC and Boxing and they are a real sport. Most of the time with TNA or WWE we can pretty much know who will win the majority of the matches anyway before it even starts. Its getting pretty stupid to pay 30 to 50 bucks to watch to guys putting on a ballet in the ring.

I mean I watch football all year and the playoffs nor the superbowl is something i have to pay for.

I get having a monthly show to build up to but really think about it your paying to see a sport that isnt exactly a sport at all. The winner are decided before hand which takes the competition out of it and the moves are faked which takes the fun out.

I pay for UFC they are real and have real fights. I like wrestlings but its a glorified soap. I never order a PPV the only one i have ever ordered was ECW one night stand both times because it was a special event. Other than that what is the reasoning behind it? Seems like a scam for the really stupid fan of wwe or tna

So yes TNA does care more about impact but they should. More people watch the show than order the ppv's
I'm not sure that they thing of Impact as being more important than PPVs, I just don't think they realise how easy it is to put on a decent PPV.

Keep things as simple as possible, have good matches on Impact using those and promos to build up to a PPV, then use said PPV for the big pay off. WWE have been doing this for years, with great success. Week 1, have a match, week 2, use a promo, week 3, another match, usually a tag match, to keep PPV opponents apart, week 4, heel attacks during match to gain upper hand for the PPV

There is nothing wrong with having great matches on free tv, because that is what makes us want to watch the PPVs.

I think the reason that TNA PPVs look weak is because the programme itself is so random and unorganised. They don't do a good enough job of building fueds, or even creating decent storylines. If they concentrated more on doing this then the fueds could culminate at the PPVs.

Yes they do. Think about this for a minute.

AJ vs. RVD - Biggest match in the company outside of AJ vs. Hardy. First aired on Impact.

AJ vs. Hardy - Biggest match in the company period. First aired on Impact.

Hogan's first American match in years - Still a legit draw. Aired on Impact.

On PPV we get matches like Pope vs. AJ and Lethal Lockdown. They're big, but they don't have that aura about them. They feel like lower level main event matches. While I'll stay out of the whole argument of what they're wasting on TV etc, it's pretty clear they're putting Impact ahead of PPV at the moment as the big PPV matches pale in comparison to the big Impact matches.
I think TNA is trying to both grow the ratings and PPV buys but are going about it different ways. What do they value more? TV obviously at the moment because that is their bigger moneymaker. This is why they are putting a heavier emphasis on getting ratings by almost any means necessary. However, the way they are using the in-ring product on TV vs PPV is pretty striking to me. Many have complained because we were spoiled not all that long ago when TNA would wrestle great matches constantly on impact and now they often take it down a notch and keep it shorter. Yet, on PPVs IMO they still showcase the superior in-ring abilities. So short term they try and build ratings with name recognition and storylines while long term people eventually come to expect some strong matches on PPV.
Yes because TNA Wrestlemaina has RVD vs Sting in a single match when it should be king of the Mountain match so yeah TNA vaules there Impacts more than there PPV
It's such a shame TNA is giving away so many matches for free. TNA can seriously become successful fast, a la UFC, if they made the right changes at the right time.... again, a la UFC.

TNA has an All-Star roster which WWE can't even match. But there's a lot of truth to the idea that in current times, "Entertainment" comes before "Sports." If there's no build to a dream match, then why care?? Billing Ric Flair as coming out of retirement since WrestleMania on an iMPACT for free without a LOGICAL and MEANINGFUL reason is insulting to Flair, the fans who actually pay to watch any TNA event, and the talking sasquashes who write the stuff for TNA. I think a match like Sting vs. RVD or Sting vs. Jeff Hardy (or better, Sting vs. RVD vs. Hardy, which could've been a play on the 90's "Wrestling Wars") could've been promoted for MONTHS with a strong build and great storyline. Drag that on for a while, air commercials whenever and wherever you can, and put that on a PPV. (Since this isn't the thread for that kind of fantasy talk, I'll just leave it at that.)

THAT'S how ratings go up. Not by surprisingly putting matches between RVD and Jeff Hardy AND RVD and AJ Styles on the same night for free! BOTH matches should've been on PPV. It totally reminded me of the night Goldberg won the World Title from Hogan. Do the "people in the back" really have no idea why WCW failed?? Do they really not learn from past mistakes??

It's not ironic nor coincidence that TNA has actually moved backwards in the ratings department since Hogan and gang took over. And didn't they bring in RVD, Mr. Anderson, Hardy, Flair, etc.????

I think TNA has things completely backwards...
I pretty much agree with The Lariat. What TNA does now makes sense on paper - I mean, they're trying to compete with the WWE so that they can make some good PPV money in the future, so everything they seem to be doing they feel is going to benefit them in the long run. So they put on holy-shit matches, matches they can sell on PPVs, all this good stuff for free on TV up against WWE which is based around building up and advertising for PPVs.

The problem with this in the short-run is that... well, for one, it's not working. The January 4th show was a prime example of this... it was a PPV-quality show, on TV, but so much shit happened at once, and I became burnt out by the end of the show. Yeah, they had some great matches and some great shockers and swerves, but it seems to me that the entire concept of TNA is based around shockers and holy shit moments, mixed with PPV-quality matches, which people can quickly get burnt out from, or you risk losing ideas.

Say AJ Styles and RVD feuds. Great. If you put them in a match every week, a PPV isn't going to matter, and there's going to be no real climax to their feud. I mean, what else are they going to do besides have another match?
I've thought that since day one, the PPV's are nothing more than a overhyped Impact and most of the time Impact tapings leading upto the PPV's are more entertaining than the matches they are building upto, and that has never changed and doesn't look likely to change any time soon. I hope otherwise, i so want to really get into TNA but can't justify paying for the PPV's when everytime i've taken the plunge they are shit.

OK yes i know WWE suffers the same alot of the times, the WWE formula in general, lets say for the sake that Orton didn't get injured, i could see this as how the next PPV would be lead up, between Cena vs Sheamus vs Orton vs Edge Fatl fourway for the title.

Week 1 Sheamus confronts Cena, Edge comes out spouting he won and wants in, then Orton comes out and wants in aswell, OK PPV match set.
Week 2 Cena battles Edge (non title), Orton takes on Sheamus
Week 3 Cena vs Orton (non title), Edge vs Sheamus
Week 4 Tag Team Cena/Orton vs Edge and Sheamus
PPV Fatal fourway

now that forumla works with 2 matches aswell have all four fight one or another and end in a tag match then at the PPV you have 2 matches

TNA's forumla
Week 1 Kenedy confront's Angle
Week 2 Angle vs Kennedy
Week 3 Angle vs Kennedy or either vs someone else and the other interferes
Week 4 Angle vs Kennedy for bragging rights
PPV Angle vs Kennedy in a Cage Match :)

Both turn out the same, you pretty much know b4 the matches are set who the next opponent will be for a given superstar, but who they are facing in between needs to be mixed up.
Problem with that is in this everything has to happen yesterday world, done are the days they can drag a lead up out over several PPV's, now you have 4 weeks to build up a PPV match then start more or less afresh the night after.

Lastly TNA need to sell tickets and get more bums in seats by moving out of the Impact Zone for PPV's, even if it's small arenas it has to be better then the same couple hundred people who get in cause it's free (if that is the case). Take a chance, you get burned oh well you learn. Eric Bischoff took a chance moving WCW out of the dump it was in to take up big arena's and it payed off for years b4 it all went downhill fast.

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